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    8 thoughts on “Topics

    1. I have plaster bag worms,it seems I’m allergic to them. I’ve been battling 5 yrs now,spent a fortune on different companies to spray, I eventually got to speak to a infectious disease expert at the hospital,was asked to take samples in, I did, they lost them and sent a letter to the doctor saying I was probably mad.
      I sent them off and paid private to have them tested,obviously they didn’t bother as came bk, millipede, which they are not. I’ve researched bugs for 5 years and finally have identified them as these case bearing/plaster bugs , the lack of help Is disgusting, I’m now trying to find out what kills them. I have hardly any furnishings or clothes, had hair cut. They’ve wrecked my house and my mental health is rock bottom,I’ was told by mental health they would do a deep clean in June to give me a fresh start as I have ankilosing spondylitis severely damaged spine,I’ve still heard nothing. Can’t eat sleep or function properly. So if anyone knows how to get rid it would b a big help before they find me hanging. Thankyou loads.

    2. Why do doctor’s lean towards the “delusional parasitosis ” diagnosis of which requires no scientific evidence or mb methodology to label a patient? The mere mention of parasites in a healthcare es8is enough to get dismissed. This is inflicting so much harm on people that are desperate for help. Also why do other experts refuse to just call the worm a worm if it came out or off of a human? Is a worm not still a worm if it came from a human?

      1. I totally understand and agree with what you just stated. Immediately dismissed. Asked if my Psych drugs were being taken regularly. I had a horrible scalp infection 6 months. If I’m delusional well, one just fell into my eye. On my cornea. The eye I just finished having 7 surgeries on for a detached Retina. I cry everyday. I feel worse physically have daily headaches and it takes at least 3 hours a day just fixing their mess on my head and contaminating my home. It’s hell

    3. I found small black inchworm-like worms dangling from a web they made in my kitchen . I saw one at first, then a few more appeared a few hrs later. What are they & why are they in my kitchen & how did they get there?? Any help please would be greatly appreciated .

    4. I had a dead two inch worm next to a potted palm in my bedroom. I’m afraid there are more in the soil. What can I do to get rid of them?

    5. I had a dead two inch worm next to a potted palm in my bedroom. I’m afraid there are more in the soil. What can I do to get rid of them?

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