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I have plaster bag worms,it seems I’m allergic to them. I’ve been battling 5 yrs now,spent a fortune on different companies to spray, I eventually got to speak to a infectious disease expert at the hospital,was asked to take samples in, I did, they lost them and sent a letter to the doctor saying I was probably mad.
I sent them off and paid private to have them tested,obviously they didn’t bother as came bk, millipede, which they are not. I’ve researched bugs for 5 years and finally have identified them as these case bearing/plaster bugs , the lack of help Is disgusting, I’m now trying to find out what kills them. I have hardly any furnishings or clothes, had hair cut. They’ve wrecked my house and my mental health is rock bottom,I’ was told by mental health they would do a deep clean in June to give me a fresh start as I have ankilosing spondylitis severely damaged spine,I’ve still heard nothing. Can’t eat sleep or function properly. So if anyone knows how to get rid it would b a big help before they find me hanging. Thankyou loads.
Sorry for the typos my eyes are ruined from this ever so real feeling delusion.
Why do doctor’s lean towards the “delusional parasitosis ” diagnosis of which requires no scientific evidence or mb methodology to label a patient? The mere mention of parasites in a healthcare es8is enough to get dismissed. This is inflicting so much harm on people that are desperate for help. Also why do other experts refuse to just call the worm a worm if it came out or off of a human? Is a worm not still a worm if it came from a human?
I totally understand and agree with what you just stated. Immediately dismissed. Asked if my Psych drugs were being taken regularly. I had a horrible scalp infection 6 months. If I’m delusional well, one just fell into my eye. On my cornea. The eye I just finished having 7 surgeries on for a detached Retina. I cry everyday. I feel worse physically have daily headaches and it takes at least 3 hours a day just fixing their mess on my head and contaminating my home. It’s hell
i live in florida and keep finding small brown skinny worms they die and dry out quickly what can they be
I found small black inchworm-like worms dangling from a web they made in my kitchen . I saw one at first, then a few more appeared a few hrs later. What are they & why are they in my kitchen & how did they get there?? Any help please would be greatly appreciated .
I had a dead two inch worm next to a potted palm in my bedroom. I’m afraid there are more in the soil. What can I do to get rid of them?
I had a dead two inch worm next to a potted palm in my bedroom. I’m afraid there are more in the soil. What can I do to get rid of them?