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Morgellons Worm (Morgellons Disease)

Morgellons worm – or Morgellons disease – is a misunderstood disease that, while very real to the Morgellons sufferer, is rarely recognized as a parasitic affliction by members of the medical community.

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Tiny, C-Shaped, White Worms Invade Every Corner of This Man’s Life

“What I have found, I have discovered in every grocery store, in every food product”, writes Matthew in his submission, which does not include any photographs. In such instances we do want to make clear to our readers that any identifications we make will inherently be less accurate, as it is only based on what our reader has told us. “I asked a local butcher, and his response was: ‘What can we do?’. What I am talking about are tiny C-shaped nematodes about 1 mm wide and 2-3 mm long. They are clearish white, and move slowly. But what is interesting is that inside each little “C” is a lint-like worm that is a zig-zag shape, and capable of floating. The lint worms are incredibly thin, and seem to burrow into pieces of hair, clothing fibers, etc. And they gather and wind around each other as well as burrowing into our skin. But they grow. Often leaving worm-trails in the beard skin of men. So, my question is: How is no one noticing these things? Because they are everywhere. I’ve found them in tree leaves, and grass, but mostly just floating through the air. I am positive that they are what’s behind Morgellons. Except it is not rare. They are everywhere and in everything!”

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Woman Battling Morgellons Disease and a Number of Parasites Checks in for an Update

In a follow up to a previous article we wrote on a woman facing infections of various parasites, the same woman writes to us again to update us on her condition and diagnosis. Along with her update, she proves several more images that she hopes “can help someone.”

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“Help! Black Worms Under My Skin”

We recently received this message from one of our readers, “I have black worms under my skin. They appear to be dead. I think they come from these migrating dark spots on my skin.”

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“What Are These Bugs in My Skin?”

We recently received a long message from one of our readers. She explained that about 6 months ago her vacuum blew up, blowing mites, diatomaceous clay, and fine dust into her home.

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Posted in Interesting Worms Morgellons Disease Worms Found in the House

“Tiny Black Thing”: Worm or Something Else?

One of our readers has been dealing with some sort of infestation for months, but she hasn’t been able to find any bugs or worms. She does find “tiny black things” and has been cleaning, doing laundry, and vacuuming nonstop trying to get rid of them.

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Posted in Morgellons Disease

Reader With Morgellons Disease Seeks Comfort

Today we respond to a reader who has been diagnosed with Morgellons Disease, and has been finding worm-like organisms on his body.

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Black Worms Emerge From Skin And Cause Itching

One of our readers wrote to us about some black worms that emerge from her skin and make her itchy. We recommend that she see a doctor who will be able to diagnose and treat her much more effectively and safely than we could even attempt to. We hope she finds herself back in good health soon!

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Posted in Gross Worms Morgellons Disease Parasite Worms

Mother and Daughter May Have Symptoms of Morgellons Disease

We received a rather heart-breakingly desperate letter from a mother who is worried about herself and her 2-year-old daughter. They live in Walker County, AL and she is convinced that they are both infested by worms or another parasite. The symptoms she lists include:

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Reader with Worms Emerging from Skin Needs Immediate Medical Attention

A reader wrote to us in an understandable frenzy because she has white worms (or worm-like things) coming out of her skin. She included the following picture:

worm perhaps mucus
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Fearful Mom Wants to Identify Worm or Parasite

One of our readers, a mother of four with many pets, sent us a series of photographs of specimens found…

Morgellons Disease Conference
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Morgellons Disease Conference

The Morgellons Disease Conference, which is also called the Medical-Scientific Conference of Morgellons Disease, is an annual event that started seven years ago. The focus of the conference, which is put on by The Charles E. Holman Morgellons Disease Foundation, is of course Morgellons disease, an ailment that is characterized by a number of cutaneous symptoms (i.e., symptoms that affect the skin). People who suffer from Morgellons report stinging, biting, and crawling sensations on their skin, and some say they feel as if (and believe that) there are worms (or something like worms) underneath their skin. The annual Morgellons Disease Conference presents the latest research concerning the ailment, and specifically aims to inform healthcare providers of new developments in the field.

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Parasites that Cause Skin and Scalp Itching: Morgellons Disease?

We received a very distressing email from a reader recently who is suffering from some sort of parasitic infection, or what is believed to be a parasitic infection. The parasite is complicated. It is decribed as white with a “hard ribbed outer shell,” and it can curl up or lie flat. It is under the skin of the reader, but it can break through, and it causes a lot of itching and discomfort. “Tangles of very small worms” are also somehow related to the parasite’s life cycle, but it is not clear how. (Are the thin, small worms somehow part of the parasite or are they a separate parasite? Or perhaps they are they actually the parasite itself at some stage in its life cycle?) While we are by no means qualified to render a diagnosis (and so we aren’t), our reader’s description brings to mind that of Morgellons disease, a very strange ailment that the medical community regards as a “delusional infestation,” even though the afflicted swear the disease is physical and not mental.

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Morgellons, more fully known as Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome, is a bizarre condition characterized by various symptoms that affect the skin (called “cutaneous symptoms”). People suffering from Morgellons report biting, stinging, and crawling sensations underneath their skin (or on their skin). These symptoms can feel like thin worms crawling underneath one’s skin. People with Morgellons disease also report black threads or fibers on their skin, as well as on materials like clothing. Those afflicted with Morgellons sometimes experience additional skin problems, like rashes or sores. Although real to the afflicted individuals, Morgellons is regarded by the medical community as a delusional infestation. Despite extensive studies, those suffering from Morgellons were found to have no pathogenic infestations, and researchers believe that the symptoms of Morgellons are delusions. People suffering from Morgellons disease are therefore believed to be suffering from psychological problems or other common skin diseases, according to the medical community. Just the same, Morgellons isn’t perfectly understood, and some even remain convinced that the disease is not strictly psychological.

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Posted in Interesting Worms Morgellons Disease Parasite Worms

Squirming Underneath the Skin: Could it be Morgellons?

In addition to a squirming underneath the skin or a feeling that thin worms are crawling underneath the skin, individuals with Morgellons Disease report black threadlike materials on the skin or black specks or materials on the clothing.

Morgellons on skin
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Posted in Morgellons Disease Pinworm Ringworm Worms in Humans

Do Worms Attack the Skin at Night?

There are several conditions that are commonly called “skin worms” including ring worm and Morgellons disease.

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Worms Underneath the Skin? (Morgellons Disease)

To date, more than 13,000 families have reported that they suffer from Morgellons Disease.

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Tropical Parasites Worms

In fact, parasitic worms currently infect more than 250 million people worldwide and some are more serious than others. Some of the most serious parasitic worms are tropical parasites/worms.

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Human Worms

While not fatal, human worms can be quite disgusting and they can wreak havoc on the human body from the skin to the intestines to the respiratory system. Human worms (parasites) are not uncommon either. In fact, it is believed that at any given time the human body may be infected with dozens of different types of parasites. Some are microscopic while others are visible to the naked eye. Some types of worms can be found most often in animals, for example, the bloodworm typically infects horses, and others may affect humans more often.

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Morgellons Worm Symptoms

Morgellons, or “fiber disease” is an affliction rarely acknowledged by the medical community, but with a host of symptoms. The appearance of fibers in skin lesions is a predominant affliction of Morgellons.