We recently received some photographs from a reader who complains of black worms emerging from her skin. She said these worms have been causing itching for months. When she rubs Vaseline on her skin the worms come to the surface, but they burrow back in right after. She mentioned that she has been taking Reece’s Pinworm Medication, but she isn’t sure that it is helping. The first photo is a snapshot from the video she shared. it shows a tiny black worm-like organism emerging from the skin above her upper lip:
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
We are confused about a few details of our reader’s situation. From what we have heard from our reader, it seems as though her worm issues are skin-related. We have come to this conclusion because of the actual worm-like organism physically on her skin in the photo above and the itchiness she mentioned. We are confused about why she is taking pinworm medication. Pinworms are intestinal parasites that can cause itchiness, but the itchiness is usually in the anal area. Also, while pinworms can “emerge from the skin” they don’t come out of the pores of someone’s face as these creatures are. We aren’t sure if she is dealing with pinworms in addition to these black worms on her skin. Unfortunately, even if we were better informed about this situation, we still wouldn’t be of much help to our reader. We can’t offer assistance for a few reasons. The first and foremost being that we are not licensed medical professionals and are therefore not legally able to provide medical advice. Legality aside, we don’t feel comfortable analyzing symptoms and speculating on anyone’s health since we don’t have the experience or knowledge to safely to do so. Therefore, we think it would be best for our reader to visit a doctor about these black worms.
Our reader didn’t mention if she had already met with a doctor about these worms, but if she hasn’t then she might consider visiting a specialist rather than a general doctor. Travel infectious disease doctors are often more familiar with strange cases such as this one. To find one of these specialists our reader can do an Internet search for “travel infectious disease specialist [her location or nearest big city.]”
In conclusion, one of our readers wrote to us about some black worms that emerge from her skin and make her itchy. We recommend that she see a doctor who will be able to diagnose and treat her much more effectively and safely than we could even attempt to. We hope she finds herself back in good health soon!
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
My issues started in January.i was getting bit and felt crawling sensations. Unsure of what I had I was treated for scabies more times than I can count then worms after seeing hair like fibers on skin that would cause hives, itch and edema wherever they were located on my skin. They would emerge when alcohol or benzoyl peroxide was applied or even Vaseline rubbed on. Sometimes they look like odd fizz balls due to scratching . They are black and some are a translucent white color. Sometimes if I would get a painful area , intense itch or swelling I would ivermectin in real well and these little black dots would come to the surface . It sure if larva or egg or what but those ones can be quite painful.
Went to the ER because I ended up with them on my mouth and nose and my throat started swelling shut . They told me to go see a dermatologist. I went to dermatologist showed him pictures , videos etc. He did a skin punch on one area… not multiple areas and not a scrap. It came back as dermititis. Our healthcare system is absolutely clueless when it comes to parasites . I’ve been healthcare for 30 years and I was treated like I was crazy so I can only imagine how people with no medical background are treated .
I treat myself with oral ivermectin and fenben daily. It has reduced the number of issues I have but no eliminated it .Cleaning is constant, I throw away clothes instead of washing , I change my bed linens every day and months later they are still present . It is an ongoing battle that I will win.
Once you realize what they are you become very aware of them not only in your own home but everywhere. I see them in public bathrooms all the time and I wonder how many people are walking around with these worms on their skin and having skin issues that Dermatologist diagnose religiously as “ contact dermatitis.”
Very important … if you have skin issues and are itchy do not scratch open. A staph infection will kill you. I know this but still did it and ended up with horrible wounds on my legs which I’m sure is why I have had the issue as long as I have . I also lost a ton of hair, had ringing in my ears, and could feel a vibration on a certain part of my body anytime I would mess with an area that had eggs in/on it . It seems they communicate.
Now I know this all sounds insane but I do not take any drugs , I am mentally sound, college educated and have an extensive medical background. Anyone that tells you that you are crazy is close minded and naive to think that these things do not exist . Don’t wait for healthcare “ professionals “ to cure you. You must be your own advocate . There have been times I just sat and cried . It has almost ruined life as I know it but again.. I am winning slowly but I think it takes a long long time and you must be very consistent. Reddit has some good advice ( and some very bad advice.) Medical journals out there have information on studies they have done . Detox your colon and liver , stay away from sweets . Daily showers( I take two a day )
Keep skin and hair dry. Don’t go to bed with wet hair. Don’t apply lotion. Dry the suckers out .
Use bug spray on yourself when outside . Keep screens on windows and doors . Have your yard sprayed and bath your animals regularly in sulfur shampoo. You will win the war .. don’t give up… you’re not crazy .
In have been dealing with these things for years. my cousin came and stayed with me because she was itching so much and thought it was something in her house. I ended up getting them so they are contagious. I guess it is some kind of parasite . I bought a hand held digital microscope and I could see them. At first they were black dots. There were also orange looking things and other organism looking things on my skin as well . They become long worms and they can wrap up and look like a ball of hair or thread. Now i have them under control more by using either 20 volume hair color developer (peroxide) It takes about 10 mins for them to immerge from the skin with the peroxide but dont leave it on more than 25 mins. or you can use oil on the area. If you are itching all over get some mineral oil (baby oil ) and load up your body with it. Leave it on for hours if possible and it will smother them and bring them to the surface..(I get a garbage bag and put it on the furniture so not to get oil all over). I have found these are the best ways to rid your skin of them at least for a while. I have been dealing with this for 9 years. I also take 30 mins baths in mule team borax with episome salt and I bought a steam sauna to clean my skin. I got no help from any doctor so I have had to figure this out on my own. I am a cosmetologist and have seen a lot of skin disorders, but this is beyond anything I have seen.
I am going insane I have black little worms coming out of my skin that looks like hair and my bottom is itching and now when I wipe they are all over tissue .. I don’t know what to do been to ER 3 times they look at me like I’m stupid… please anyone have any idea of medicine that can afford that will get rid of these things please it’s been 4 mths now ..
Hi ! I’ve been dealing w the same issues as all of you have been, it’s terrifying! I noticed we all have one commonality (beside the black worm) we’ve been outside in the dirt. My issue started on a scar from a recent surgery on my ankle. All healed up, Went out to do some yard work n my scar started itching, paid it no mind, healing skin often itches, so I scratched it, went to bed and it didn’t really bother me again for about 2 weeks, when the incision site and started itching like I’ve never felt ! I’m an herbalist, I treat skin, mostly, and I have a huge herbal selection, tinctures, clays, zeolite, u name it I tried it. nothing I did worked, or if it did it stopped helping in a day or two..I even used black walnut and cloves tincture on lesions and moth! Ive never experienced that before, there are herbs that kill parasites on contact, black walnut kills anything parasitic.. I decided a zeolite bath w boron mite help, after which the bottom of the tub was covered w those little black specks, like ya’ll talking about. I finally broke down and
I called the surgeon, he looked at it, asked it it hurt, or itched, no pain just insane itching then He sent me home with antibiotics and itch salve. Didn’t do anything. Went back to another doctor who said it was chiggers n would clear up in a week or two. That was less than a month ago now, and it’s spread up one leg onto my torso, my breasts and my back, oMg! They look like eczema, ooze like eczema, itch like eczema but up close u see the middle looks like a nest w the complete ring around the spot. I, have however, figured out how to stop the itch, and get the bugs out. First it tested my pH, it’s all about the pH n i realized that I was to acidic, so I’ve been drinking at least 10 oz of water w a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar n honey. Stopped the itch immediately! You have to sip on it whenever u itch, so carry it w u everywhere. If vinegar worked internally then White vinegar mite work on the sores, so I sprayed the spots w vinegar and they burn like heck but the itch stops and after I took a bath in it, more black stuff came out, but not as much as at first. Now they’re mutating into worm like black things I can see under my skin! Completely freaked out I went dor the serious stuff, n Like I said, I have an extensive herbarium , including raw penicillin. I realize they are moving upwards, toward my heart and my brain..if they get to my brain I don’t know but I was desperate to get rid of them..so I diluted the penicillin in distilled water, applied it directly onto the sores w a cotton ball and omg the worms died on contact, but the eggs are hard to get too so I’ve been using hydrocortisone 1% all around the sores cuz they literally try to run away ! I don’t know what we’re dealing w here but I’m convinced it came from chemtrails, makes sense if we’ve all spent any time outside. They spray continuously n the stuff the spray is deadly! If herbs can cure it, u know it’s man made. God Bless us in the future and I hope my advice offers some type of respite from this nasty crap!
I’m allergic to penicillin ?
I would love to know how any of you got rid of these things or if you did. I have the same problem these pictures show exactly what I have been finding and it’s not just in my skin. It’s in my eyes and my lungs and in my intestines for sure. I’ve been treated with anti parasite medications for the last 6 months and still don’t have a relief I really wish I could figure out what to do with this make it go away because it’s driving me crazy honestly. Did have a doctor diagnosed me with delusional parasitosis but how can I be delusional when I have them right here in front of me and everybody can see them including I can take videos and they’re there I mean I’m not imagining things. I’m really scared
OMG. I thought I was alone. I’m laying here writing this at 2:30am and it itches like the crazy they say I am. I’m trying not to scratch. Itches generally center on the small, dry, rashy, bumps which will then open up to a small hole within which there’s a clear, sorta slimy liquid and in the pinhead sized area, I swear there’s an almost microscopic swarm of pale worms. They are embedded in the skin below, it seems to me that maybe the larval growth causes the skin bump, and the itching perhaps from their efforts to exit tight quarters? Squeezing, scratching, picking… I’ve stopped myself a thousand times, but thousands Moe times I’ve succumbed. Only to find myself enlarging these holes. Digging out this plethora of near invisible parasitical invaders, and the spongy yet grainy skin they are in causes staff all the time, scarring, and boy, do they spread! Right now, I’m watching several of weird subcutaneous bumps and black shadows move about on my arms, flicking off the occasional spontaneous appearance of a tiny black supposedly delusional fly or a sort of dinky black chip that turns into a smudge of sooty substance if one touches it, denying collection for any kind of testing. More delusions? The flies are barely larger than a flea, and neither leave any mark on my skin from their egress, and cause no pain, really, but the bugs do sometimes get stuck and itch a bit coming out. These are so delicate that any touch renders them squashed to a teensy dot of black unidentifiable mush. Has anyone heard of such a thing? Help! At first I thought it was scabies… Apparently good old Quell isn’t manufactured anymore. However, the first doctor I saw at Urgent Care agreed with my self diagnosis and cooperatively prescribed a teeny-weeny tube of pyrithrin ointment about half the size of my pinky finger… This just pissed the bugs off. The second doctor (I saw twice) was at my PCP clinic, and seemed almost angry at me for insisting that these are bug infestations… Eczema, she said. I’ve never had those kind of skin rashes, I’ve SEEN the damn bugs, but she said I was delusional, and shouldn’t look for answers online because doing so gave laypeoples such as myself illusions of diagnostic doctorhood(I paraphrase). She was on exchange from China, it was the beginning of the COVID crisis, she’d never heard of Quell, but did help me by giving me staff medication for the many deep wounds that had developed on my legs and forearms. In 2 weeks I was back again- my legs and arms still covered with deep wounds, as well as rash symptoms tunneling from the bugs, and their egg hatching structures( which is the only way I can think of to describe the fibrous things that seem to go down into muscle tissue…I’ve no idea how far) On this occasion I literally used the words “please, I’m BEGGING you-give me some Quell!” Twice. The very young nurse looked at me quizzically and asked”What’s Quell?” The very young doctor glance up from her clipboard and said, “Oh, I’ve heard of it .. I think they stopped making that stuff years ago.” Last time I needed any was in1987 when my daughter brought headline home from school. Then yet another nurse looked at me from where they all stood grouped by a open door 7 feet away and said”I see no problem with the excma diagnoses, you have to stop picking at it and don’t do meth and it will heal.(I don’t do meth, I was floored) I see here you are a bi- polar. Do you have the phone number to your mental healthcare provider? They might be able to help with delusional parasitosis, and treatment referall” Humiliating to say the least.
I have had the very same thing for over 10 (TEN) years ever since I took chemo for colon cancer. It has been hell, painful, with jabbing pain when wanting out of my skin. After seeing over 7doctors I was told I have Fungal/yeast skin infection because chemo distorted my immune system, after trying everything, the doctor gave me a fungal oral medicine which has been working great, I am surprised how much white fungal and small black parasites are coming out of my skin. ThePll black parasites under microscope looks like morgellons and black insects of some kind,which jump. I ho bype this helps someone, this is a hard road to walk. If you would like any other info please post to this site.
Look on fb for mite groups and morgellon groups, (even tho we know it’s not them) there’s ppl on there just like us who are going through these weird symptoms. Just know your not alone and your not crazy.
The static/fuzzy sensations,
Microscopic black worms,
The crawling from your feet up to your head then the stuff that gets flicked from your head, the crawling sensations, the buzzing/fuzzy feeling and white stuff that looks like dry skin – ALL REAL! sheshell04 Twitter
Omg ….. yes!!! Have you found out what it is!? I’m going crazy over here! And now it’s happening to my kids! So I know I’m not hallucinating!
its mold usually aspergillosis
Carpet beetles! I had the same thing and it’s madness getting diagnosed.
mee too, ive got specimens of all different parasitic organisms thats mysteriously entered my body only god knows how. with little to NONE information on these secretive critters. i’ve had strange feelings since about start 2019 end of 2018 with a whole range of different sometimes temporary side effects if i do something to upset the infections in my body. some may look like little hairs but im pretty sure hair doesn’t move and act like a live organism under a microscope does it? and if a 23 year old uneducated person of my stature can find these organisms and document them. why cant the medical industry. bad things can happen for some information that gets shared on these cancerous critters, i have a funny feeling if you’ve ever heard of something called biological engerneering then you probably know a tiny bit about this esoteric pain in the ass at hand. i’ve boiled it town to a biologicaly engineers parasite that targers specific races/genes to do either harm and essentially keep them quiet via making someone braindead with the holes eaten in their brains or put them 6 foot under with more sinister microscopic weapons or for the benifit for the host human to bush the boudrys of our genetic make ups for near next to superhuman abilitys. these genetically modified parasites and there life cycles are able to be altered/modified with essentially binary code to effectively influence your minds and decision making abilitys for the benifit of fraternal brotherhoods ect. dont you sometimes think things that are weird random coincadences are too coincidencly weird to be a coincadence?
to stop these itchy cunts i find abscabial lotion for body lice/mites has a fresh newish kind of feel and effect on the skin that lasts sometimes a week or two. after the bearing the unpleasant near tear worthy burn of a few thousand epidermal layers of your skin with the unpleasant lotion. It brings a foreign objects and infections of the skin to the surface and out of the pores but without very strict hygiene and sucseffully not agitating the affected areas during treament, exfoliation after washing lotions off and do it every day consistently(read directions) your efforts are essentially ineffective as i feel they grow back in strength and unfortunatly immunity to the treatment each time you use it so make it worth it. also try making your own coconut/ sodium bicarbonate body/face scrubs.
I personally know someone thats used steel wool and bleech top to toe in a baby pool outside.(litterally he was covered in blood from his mother desperately scrubbing at his skin). only way i know this for certain is because someone that was present during the ordeal filmed it without people noticing and a few of us brothers seen the video before our local police investigated the situation and charged and seized all videos of that nature from my local underground networks.
but thats fairly extreme but essentially it worked and I personally am yet to resort the to scuffed up skin and the bleach blonde albino hair personally but if the time comes and i feel like thats a option i need to take ill act accordingly. but i personally know someone who has been through this ordeal and ever since the weird shit happened to my “mate” ive known 18 years of the 23 years i’ve been here. he has never been the same. it’s been id say 2 -3 years and he is still (i mean least offence possible ray) weird and unusual towards EVERYONE.
to my knowledge there is no known 100% effective cure but there is ways to effectively manage their problems. and if your ever unsure make sure you document and try get visual evidence even specimen’s of exactly what’s your worried about to show the medical professionals you see. otherwise you’ll probably find yourself in a mental ward with a so called “psychosis or some chemically caused illnesses due to unbalanced levels of serotonin which leads to bipolar or what ever fucking label they want to put you behind gaslight people into near believing the deception and lies their fed to keep the order.
if you want more answers drink some apple cider vinegar and find the people who made these things (still searching) and ask them nicely to retrieve there parasitic brethren from my entity and jog on bud and i know this may seem a bit out there and you may speculate on some of my theories go ahead because their only theories not supported factual theories. in my head after two years of self teaching about every single subject talked about i come to these conculsions. trust me i’ve explored every other avenue of throught around this subject and this is the only half plausible theory that i can evaluate from these chain of events. sorry about the punctuation but i dont give a fuck really, no cunt pays me for writing this essay(i could write pages about these subjects but i treid to keep it brief as possible.) goodluck
My wife an I have the same problem with these black worms. I’ve been to the emergency room 11 times am to the doctor 10 times an the doctor referred me to infectious disease doctor who would except us. Can’t wait till the itchiness stops been a year now
How did it go every thing y’all been saying on this page is all me I’m curious what they did for u because my appointment there next week
I have the exact same problem. I work outside. Started 6 months ago. And its scary