Cookie and Privacy Policies and GDPR Compliance
Cookie Policy
This site uses cookies, which are small text files that are placed on your machine for things such as user verification. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. You can find this info here:
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All About Worms No-Nonsense Straight-Forward Plain English Privacy Policy
All About Worms is published by ISIPP Publishing, the publishing division of ISIPP – the Institute for Social Internet Public Policy.
As such, we are not only committed to best practices and to protecting your privacy, but we are part of an organization that helps to set privacy policy, and regularly warns our readers about threats to your online privacy and security.
Other than the cookies to which you consent in order to verify who you are (such as when you leave a comment), and the IP address from which you visit the site, in order to block malicious actors, none of your personal information is collected by All About Worms other than information that you personally submit to us, such as contacting us by email, leaving a comment, or signing up for our newsletter. We never add your email address or other private information to any mailing list or database without your direct, personal permission, and we never share your email address or any other of your personal information with anybody else, and never will (the only exception is if we are required to by law).
GDPR and Right to be Forgotten
All About Worms has self-certified with the Institute for Social Internet Public Policy as being GDPR compliant. This includes not only the above notices, but enabling your right to be forgotten and to have any data we have related to you deleted. To request that we delete any personal information that we may have about you, if any, please email here:
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