Resources to Get Help with Parasites or Worms in Humans

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If you are concerned about parasites or worms in humans, such as worms in human poop or coming out of people’s skin, we put this resource together for you. You see, All About Worms is, first and foremost, about garden worms and other creepy crawlies you find outdoors or around the house. But lots of people end up here because they are dealing with internal parasites or ‘worms’.

Although we are not medical professionals, here at All About Worms we understand how frustrating it can be trying to get your issue with human parasites diagnosed and treated or, heck, even believed. If you have joined us because you are dealing with an issue with internal parasites, you have probably been dismissed, or worse, by the doctors you have seen, whether in the emergency room, or your primary care provider.

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Unfortunately, unless they specialize in the subject, most doctors don’t have the knowledge to diagnose, let alone, treat you. It’s important that you understand that All About Worms cannot diagnose you for parasites either – we are not medical professionals; but we can point you in the right direction, including to medical professionals and testing labs where you can get the help you need!

Before we get to the other resources, we highly recommend that you read and bookmark this resource from Mt. Sinai about roundworms, which are among the most common of parasites to affect people.

Here are the resources.

Resources for Dealing with Symptoms of Parasites or Worms in Humans

NEW! Lighthouse Complex Care

Lighthouse Complex Care is a specialized medical provide providing services for complex care. As a result, they are very familiar with issues of parasites in people! They have indicated that they are happy to work with people experiencing these issues, including remotely (in fact they are set up specifically for telehealth in 14 states in addition to their in-person clinics). They want folks to know that for people dealing with parasites “we will be looking for, among other things, diet and particularly fatty acid digestion when parasites are an issue, as it turns out that undigested fats make a lipid protective layer over parasite biofilms when fats are an issue. So we have to resolve digestion and intestinal inflammation before or concurrently to really get rid of the parasites.”

You can contact Lighthouse Complex Care here. You will see your choice of Colorado or Delaware, it doesn’t matter which state you select (unless you are actually in Colorado or Delaware, in which case select that one).

Ask an Expert

The Extension Foundation is a cooperative system in which the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and over 100 universities and their research departments participate, and they offer a free “ask an expert” service, through which you can ask an agricultural expert for help in identifying a worm or parasite, and even upload pictures. According to their site, “Questions are answered by Cooperative Extension, University staff and volunteers from across the United States.” You can ask your question here.

A Free Service that Lets You Submit a Picture of a Parasite for Identification

ParasiteID is a new service that allows you to take an image of your parasite’s eggs in your stool using this inexpensive disposable smartphone microscope. You then upload the image to their site, where they will compare it to all of the images that they have on file in order to identify the parasite. ParasiteID explains “Upload a microscopy image of a stool sample to get an immediate prediction about the parasite egg(s) present in the sample. According to our evaluation, this classifier is over 99% accurate.”

You can purchase the Foldscope disposable smartphone microscope here on Amazon.

You can see a video of exactly how to use the disposable microscope to capture the image to upload to ParasiteID here.

You can register for ParasiteID to upload your images here.

Online Forums for People Dealing with Parasites

[NOTE: We are not affiliated with and do not participate in the following forums. We cannot vouch for them.] This forum website says “This support community will teach you all the required skills needed to fight a parasite infection and help you develop a plan to live a healthy life again. We help you acquire knowledge and polish your skills through open dialogue, shared experiences and formal training.”

The Parasite Removal Information and Support Facebook group

The Human Parasites Support Network Facebook group (this Facebook group is affiliated with and a feeder group for the Parasite Forum website above)

Laboratories Where You Can Get Tested for Parasites


The following laboratories don’t require a doctor’s order for you to get tested, you can order the test yourself.



Other Medical Providers with a Reputation for Helping People Who are Dealing with Parasites


Even though it may not feel like it right now, there are doctors out there who know about parasites that infect humans, and who can help you. Here are some of those doctors, as well as how to find other such doctors in your area:

Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at, 480-767-2522

In addition to “Dr. Amin’s broad zoological experience and research history in Africa, the middle East, Asia, and the Americas”, Dr. Amin has identified a medical basis for the symptoms of what up until now has been called Morgellan’s; Dr. Amin calls this syndrome Neuro-cutaneous Syndrome (NCS), and it is due to toxins leached over a period of time into the body, primarily from dental work. Many of NCS’s symptoms mimic that of a parasitic infection, including feeling of crawling under the skin, open sores (causing those afflicted to be accused by doctors unfamiliar with the syndrome of “using drugs”), thread-like things coming from the skin, and more. You can read more about this specifically here.

Searchable Directory of Clinicians at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene:
This searchable directory includes physicians who specialize in both tropical and infectious disease medicine, the intersection of which includes parasitology.

Last, but not least, try searching for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”

One of our readers submitted this comment about a site called which they say helped them: “Look up and look up ivermectin and albendazole protocol and follow it completely. I did the one for strongyloidiasis and morgellans. it has worked very well but I’m still on the protocol. Just follow the instructions and take what medication is described and follow everything else as well. The doxycicline is also a must. It kills the bacteria that the parasites have a symbiotic relationship with and helps them survive or do whatever. Point is that medicine kills that bacteria that protects them from being killed by our immune system and parasite medication. Good luck.”

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