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Posted in Bag Worms Garden Worms

Bag Worms

Bag worms can be a real garden pest if not kept under control. The good news is that it is possible to keep bag worms under control with just a bit of diligence.

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Posted in Bag Worms Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Found in the House

Moth Larvae Infestation in Closet and Garage

Our reader is dealing with clothes moths and case bearing moths, and their larvae. Clothes moths and case bearing moths are actually both types of clothes moths, and both are found in North America.

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Posted in Bag Worms

“Bugs on the Bushes” Could Be Bagworms

A reader sent us a photo of some curious creatures that her friend found in the bushes. Based on the photograph, we think these might be bagworms

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Posted in Bag Worms Pest Worms

Bag Worm Treatments

To make matters worse, if pesticide residue is present on surrounding foliage, the mature larvae may pupate early. This means, some of the most effective control measures often involve chemicals. Chemical control of bagworms should last around two weeks.

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Posted in Army Worms Bag Worms Interesting Worms

Worms in Trees

There are so many different types of worms that love to hang out in trees that it’s tough to keep track. Just a few of the different types of worms in trees include bagworms, Catawba worms, apple tree worms, Christmas tree worms, army worms, and catalpa tree worms.

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Posted in Bag Worms Earthworms Interesting Worms Worm Castings

“Sand Case” Carrying Worm?

Worms called gastrotrichs have bodies covered with tiny tubes that secrete a cement. The cement tubes make it appear as though the worm is carrying a case filled with sand!

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Posted in Bag Worms Interesting Worms

Bag Worm

Because the bag worm goes unnoticed until it is mature, it is tough to control. If there happens to be pesticide residue on surrounding foliage, the mature larvae may pupate early. The bag worm has few known predators and even fewer known parasites, so some of the most effective control measures often involve chemicals.

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Posted in Bag Worms Interesting Worms

Bag Worms

Bag worms are interesting creatures. They grow on the inside of little bags that can be found hidden inside the…

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Posted in Bag Worms Garden Worms Interesting Worms

Bagworms and Bark

The bagworm larva prefer red cedar and arborvitae above all as well as apple, birch, black locust, cypress, elm, juniper, oak, pine, poplar, spruce, and sycamore. The bagworm occurs mostly from New England to Nebraska and south through the state of Texas.

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Posted in Bag Worms Pest Worms

Natural Controls for Webworms, Tent Caterpillars, and Bagworms

Many individuals choose natural methods for the control of webworms, tent caterpillars and bagworms. Each worm species requires different tactics and home remedies are not always successful.

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Posted in Bag Worms Garden Worms Pest Worms

Tree Pests: Bagworms, Tentworms, and Webworms

Bagworms, tentworms, and webworms feed on tree leaves and can create varying levels of damage. Evergreens and deciduous trees are all at risk from infestations by these unsightly worms.