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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms Segmented Worms Annelida

Pile of Hundreds of Worms in Crevice are Red Worms

“I was blowing debris by the front door and I blew some pink stuff I thought was fungus from one crack, then when I was about to blow more of it from the other side of the porch, I noticed they were moving”, writes this reader in her submission regarding the mass of red worms pictured below. “There were hundreds of these worms in piles. If they are earth worms, which we do have around here, I will leave them be since they are good for the soil, despite the fact that I am very grossed out by this strange phenomenon and I would prefer they not be on our porch. If they are something invasive or going to turn into bugs, I would like to eradicate them. We have a lot of frogs and toads around so maybe they will take care of it for me tonight. I live in the Central Florida area. Thanks in advance.”

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Posted in Black Soldier Fly Larvae - BSFL Composting Worms Parasite Worms

Segmented, Gray Creature Found on Bathroom Floor is a Black Soldier Fly Larva

“I found this on my bathroom floor!” states this reader about the gray, segmented creature pictured below. “Pretty large! I live in Anderson, California.”

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Posted in Black Soldier Fly Larvae - BSFL Composting Worms Interesting Worms

Segmented, Black Worm-like Creature Found in Basement is a Black Soldier Fly Larva

“Found this in my basement and I’m freaked out”, states this reader about the segmented, black worm-like creature pictured below. “Would anyone know what this could be? Thank you!”

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Posted in Black Soldier Fly Larvae - BSFL Composting Worms Worms Generally

Brown Larva with Ridges Inching Across Floor is a Black Soldier Fly Larva

“It is currently the start of winter and I noticed one morning that there is a larva- or caterpillar-like creature on my floor”, states this reader about the creature pictured below. “The larva is brown, has a small white dot where I assume the head is, and the butt is flat-ish.”

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Posted in Black Soldier Fly Larvae - BSFL Composting Worms Worms Facts

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Found in RV

“I found black soldier flies and larvae in my home,” states this reader in her submission. These critters were found in her bathroom, kitchen and on her bed, and our reader asks that we tell her how to get rid of them.

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Posted in Composting Worms Garden Worms Grub Worms

Waxy, White Larva Found in the Bottom of a Vermicompost Bin is a Wireworm

“What is this?” asks this reader about the white, segmented creature she found in the very bottom of her Vermicompost bin. She thinks it may be some kind of beetle larva, but nonetheless wants our help identifying it.

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Posted in Composting Worms Worms Found in the House Worms Generally

Dozens of White Larvae Falling From Ceiling Fan are House Fly Larvae

Several dozen larvae have been falling from this reader’s bathroom ceiling fan over a span of several days. The larvae appear to be white, have no legs, and, in the words of our reader, “one end” of the larvae “is flat and the other has a tapered pointy end.”

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Posted in Composting Worms Garden Worms Grub Worms

White Larvae in Virginia Garden Composting Worms or Pests?

Worms of approximately 1/2-inch long were found in a large mass in the moist mulch of this reader’s garden in Earlyville, Virginia. The worms in question are a clear white color, with dark markings along their bodies, and a bulbous brown mass on either end of their bodies.

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Posted in Black Soldier Fly Larvae - BSFL Composting Worms Gross Worms

Maggots and BSFL Found Near Bin and Litterbox

A puzzling case of separate clusters of worms of different species was discovered by this woman and her caretakers in the UK. The first cluster of worms was found behind “the bin/cat food/litter,” and were deemed to be maggots, while the second cluster of unidentified worms, which were also found in the same place, were dark brown in color, and segmented.

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Posted in Caterpillars Composting Worms Interesting Worms Parasite Worms Tomato Worm

Want to Get Rid of Them? Just Make Them Uncomfortable.

We received a rather brief inquiry from a reader, with no accompanying picture. The question is: “How do you get…

earthworm in dirt
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Posted in Composting Worms Fishing Worms Red Worms Tiger Worm Worm Castings

Types of Fishing Worms

Red worms are quite easy to use as bait as they can survive a wide range of temperatures ranging from 38 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Once on the hook, the red worm becomes quite active.

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Posted in Composting Worms Tiger Worm Worm Castings

African Nightcrawlers

When the African nightcrawler eats organic matter such as leaves and grass, the worms’ excrememt, called “castings,” becomes a powerful fertilizer that can be used by gardeners and farmers to help manage crops.

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Posted in Composting Worms Red Worms Worm Castings

Flow Through Vermiculture Bin

Continuous flow designs enable the user to remove finished material from the system without having to remove the vermicompost and separate it from the worms.

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Posted in Composting Worms Earthworms Meal Worms

Mealy Worms

The mealy worm is the larva of the mealworm beetle, which is a species of the darkling beetle. Because of their high protein content, mealy worms are mostly used as a food source, but they can also be used for composting.