Brown Larva with Ridges Inching Across Floor is a Black Soldier Fly Larva

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“It is currently the start of winter and I noticed one morning that there is a larva- or caterpillar-like creature on my floor”, states this reader about the creature pictured below. “The larva is brown, has a small white dot where I assume the head is, and the butt is flat-ish.”

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“It’s fat and, when stretched out, is about a full inch”, she continues in her description of the creature. “There are ridges on the side of its body and it moves like it is “inching”, as in I don’t think it has feet, but I’m not particularly interested in touching it. Currently it keeps moving in circles. Any information you could provide would help greatly!” She adds that she lives in Washington State and that a second snow storm has hit her area.

Firstly, we want to thank our reader for the excellent photos she gave us, as well as the context, as the combination of the two really gives us the best chance at identifying the creature. Secondly, we think that the creature she found is a black soldier fly larva (BSFL).

BSFL are completely harmless to humans and pets, and their presence in a home can be accidental, or it can indicate that there is some spilled food somewhere that has been left to go bad. In any case, they do not typically infest homes, but when they do, it is important to keep any source of food away from them, which is, for lack of a better word, food.

As in, the food we eat. BSFL feed on decomposing organic matter, and when in a home, the first thing they will go for is the kitchen to find any spoiled or discarded bits of food. As such, it is a good idea to keep food products stored in containers, rather than in their original packaging, as this will keep bugs out.

Additionally, we want to point out that BSFL have an excellent reputation as an edible insect. They can be cooked in almost every way and are full of protein and other good nutrients. So, if our reader finds more BSFL and needs a snack… No, we are joking, but it is always good to know that, even upon accidental consumption, BSFL will not pass on disease or pathogens.

To conclude, the “brown” “larva” with “ridges” that our reader found is a black soldier fly larva. They are completely harmless, and are actually edible, so she needs not worry for her health and safety. We hope this article proves insightful and helpful, and we wish her the very best.

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Brown Larva with Ridges Inching Across Floor is a Black Soldier Fly Larva
Article Name
Brown Larva with Ridges Inching Across Floor is a Black Soldier Fly Larva
"It is currently the start of winter and I noticed one morning that there is a larva- or caterpillar-like creature on my floor", states this reader about the creature pictured below. "The larva is brown, has a small white dot where I assume the head is, and the butt is flat-ish."

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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