“Found this in my basement and I’m freaked out”, states this reader about the segmented, black worm-like creature pictured below. “Would anyone know what this could be? Thank you!”
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“I have never seen this before, either in my house or outside”, he continues. We can assure our reader that this organism is nothing to be freaked out about. To us, this looks like a black soldier fly larva. Commonly abbreviated to BSFL, black soldier fly larvae are the immature forms of the black soldier fly, which is a common species of fly that is known for its ability to break down organic matter at an incredibly efficient pace, and for producing larvae which can do the same.
The larvae of the black soldier fly are known as the prime example of an edible insect. They are full of protein and other nutrients, and farming them is far less environmentally wasteful than cattle farming, for example. Similarly, they can be eaten in any form: raw, fried, boiled and baked, without the risk of contracting diseases or pathogens.
BSFL feed on decomposing matter, so our reader should make sure that there is no littered organic debris that might be rotting somewhere in his home. This will prevent more BSFL, as well as other types of creatures, from being attracted to his home. Plus, it is generally a good idea to keep one’s basement as warm and dry as possible, as basements tend to attract worms and worm-like creatures, since they are typically damp and cool.
Since our reader only found the one critter, we assume it wandered in through an open window or door, or that it came in on someone’s shoes or clothes. We suggest that he simply move this BSFL outside. Of course, if he finds more larvae, he should move those out too, and if it seems they may be infesting the place, then he is welcome to contact us again for further advice.
To conclude, we think that the black creature our reader found in his basement is a black soldier fly larva. They are completely harmless to humans and pets, so much so that they can be eaten! We hope this article helps quell our reader’s anxieties about the discovery of this creature, and we wish him the very best.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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I just found almost the SAME thing in my basement, but mine is open and has holes in it and twice the size!