Tag: white larvae
White Worms on Roller Blinds are Insect Larvae
“Can you identify these larvae or worms?” asks Lisa in her submission regarding the white, worm-like creature pictured below. “They were laid on my roller blinds. I’ve been experiencing bites and I’m trying to find the source. Thank you kindly for your time.” Firstly, we must point out that, due to the picture being somewhat blurry, we will not be able to identify the worm with 100% certainty or accuracy. All we can go on from the picture is the worm’s coloration and general shape: no other identifying information is visible, unfortunately. Secondly, we will also not be able to identify the worm based on the fact that Lisa has been experiencing bites, and any suggestions we make as to the identify of the worm will ignore this piece of context.
Plump White Worm in Compost Pile is a Rose Chafer Grub
“I found several of these in my Tucson, AZ compost pile and in my raised bed garden”, writes Dave about the white, worm-like creature pictured below. “Stretched out, it’s a plump two-inches long. It has translucent, grey-white skin (curiously dirt doesn’t stick to the skin) and a dark inner mass at the tail end. It looks similar to the wood boring beetle larvae posted earlier. My question is, should I worry about this critter eating my plants or destroying their roots. Thanks for maintaining your site.” Well, firstly, we want to thank David for submitting to our site! It is because we get submissions like these that we are able to keep it running. Secondly, we want to thank him for the absolutely excellent photo he sent in.
White Worm Crawling on Bed Could be a Housefly Larva
“This worm was found crawling on my bed”, writes this reader in his submission regarding the whitish, worm-like organism with a dark head pictured below. “I just wanna know if it’s harmful.” Our reader does not provide more context, which in this case would have been helpful. First off, we will say that we think this is an insect larva: the segmentation and body shape indicate this. That said, this critter fits the generic descriptions of hundreds of insect larvae, and narrowing it down to one without more context would be extremely difficult. For example, it’s always helpful to know if our readers have also spotted insects around their home, and what kinds, as well as if the creatures seem to be eating something: has our reader found any holes in his bed sheets? Likewise, how big is the larva?
White Larvae on Sink and Carpet are Housefly Larvae
“Please see the larva, it’s near the sink and carpet”, writes Ravi about the cream white, worm-like creature pictured below. “We used to put our carpet outside in the sun for a couple of days. I have a couple of pictures. If you can identify this and let me know what precautions I should take.” Now, a cream white exterior and darkly-colored head is about the most generic physical appearance of a larva: so many species of moths, beetles, flies, and other insects have larvae that look like this. However, given the squared-off rear and tiny, black streak near its head, we think this most resembles a housefly larva, otherwise known as a maggot.
Thin, White Worm Found By Man with Pet Rabbit is a Stiletto Fly Larva
“I found this worm on the hardwood floor in the living room”, states this reader in her submission regarding the white worm-like creature pictured below. “It’s just under an inch in length. Very thin. One end appears to have a darker end (possibly the eyes/head). I recently got a rabbit. Thought maybe it was a pinworm/threadworm but haven’t seen anything like this before. The rabbit’s cage was clean with no signs of worms.” Now, a thin, white larva with a brown head is about as generic of a description of a worm-like creature as you can get, but nonetheless we have identified this as a stiletto fly larva.
Red-headed, Translucent Worm Found in Bug Enclosure is a Casemaking Clothes Moth Caterpillar
“I would love to know what these are and if they are harmful to my other specimens”, states this reader in her submission regarding the semi-transparent, yellow, worm-like creature with a red head pictured below. It is a bit difficult to spot among all the dark objects in the photo, but in the center you can see the clear worm-like critter making its way between these objects.”
Cluster of Tiny Clear-white Worms are Pine Catkin Sawfly Larvae
“This morning I went outside to find one of her dog toys absolutely covered in these tiny worms/maggots,” states this reader in her submission. The worms she is referring to appear to be an off-white color, with semi-transparent skin and segmented bodies.
Man Baffled After Finding Maggot-like Worms on His Toothbrush
“Are these maggots?” asks this reader about the worm-like organisms he found on his toothbrush. The creatures appear to be very small, with thin, white, nondescript bodies that appear to be legless.
Man Runs Out of Ways to Try to Eliminate Infestation of Indianmeal Moth Larvae
“Can you please identify whatever it is that these things are?” asks this reader about whatever unphotographed “things” he is referring to in his query. He was told by an exterminator that the “things” are Indian meal moth larvae, but nothing he does seems to help in getting rid of them.
Semi-transparent, Off-white Worm is Either a Pantry Moth Larva or Webbing Clothes Moth Larva
“What kind of worm is this? Please let me know,” asks this reader in his submission. The worm our reader is referring to is an off-white, semi-transparent color, with a dark brown, bulbous head and a tubular body.
White Grub-like Critter in Toilet is a Clothes Moth Larva
“I found this in my toilet… what is it and did it come out of me?” asks this reader, who has sent in pictures, as well as a video of the organism mentioned in his query. This organism appears to be short in length, white in color, and has a darkly-colored head.
Worm Found on Puppy’s Paw is a Beetle Larva/Grub
“Can you help me identify this worm found on my puppy’s paw after going outside?” this reader asks of this white, larva-looking critter crawling around on the floor in a video she sent in with her query. Her puppy recently had a tapeworm and so our reader is understandably “freaking out”.
Webbing Clothes Moth Larvae Found Between Clothing in Basement
“Please help!” this reader exclaims about the white, larva-looking creature pictured below. “I found these between my clothes that were in the basement” he states, before asking us what he should do about his situation.
Creepy Maggots Found in Bathroom Could Be Housefly or Drain Fly Larvae
“Every once in a while I’ll find a maggot or 3 on the floor in the bathroom” says this reader. She asks us if we can tell her what to do, how to get rid of said maggots, and what might be causing them to appear.
Off-White Larvae Roaming Kitchen are Pantry Moth Larvae
“We found these larvae on our kitchen floor,” says this reader, who asks if we can help identify said larvae. The larvae are an off-white color, with segmented bodies and a black dot where we assume their heads are.
How to Identify the Species of a Generic, White Larva
Small, white worm-like creatures were found by this reader in his Washington home. The worms were found next to his dog, who was lying on a chair, and the worms moved by “contracting and stretching its body.”
Reader Finds Multiple Pink and White Worms in Multiple Locations
Small, white or pink worms have been found in a multitude of places by this reader in College Place, Washington. These locations include various spots in her home, inside herself, and in her dog. Our reader is understandably concerned and asks for our help in identifying these worms.
Wax Worms Infest this Man’s Living Room After a Bee Swarm
A man who experienced a bee swarm inside the brick wall of his house later discovers worms in his living room. According to our reader, the worms are small, maggot-like worms, and they seem to be coming from under the “plates” of the living room, which we assume refers to the floor of the room.
Clear Worm in Rug is a Clothes Moth Larva
A clear, white worm was found in this woman’s rug in Vegreville, Alberta, and she asks that we identify it.
Parasites or Harmless Larvae? These Small White Worms Invade this Man’s Home
A man found small white worms in every piece of wood in his house and hopes that we can help identify what they are. The image sent in below is difficult to make sense of; there appears to be a smear of white in the center against the green background (which we assume is supposed to be the worm) as well as rings of white surrounding it on all sides.