Tag: parasitologist
Strange Infestation Occurs Under the Skin of Man: Medical Consultation is Advised
“I have a very strange infestation under my skin,” states this reader concerning the “black, worm-like creatures” he details in his submission. He includes no pictures with his query, but he does give plenty of context, and asks that we give him ideas for how to get rid of this infestation.
Moth Infestation Spawns Concerns Over Parasites
“We seem to have an infestation of moths and what we’re thinking might be larvae,” states this reader in her submission regarding the array of photos below. Our reader wonders if the appearance of this moth and its larvae could be connected to parasites “in some way.”
Worms Crawl Through This Woman’s Skin and Lay Eggs in Her: Medical Consultation is Advised
“What kind of work will do its best to crawl in the skin and leave you with eggs coming out of your skin?” asks this reader in her submission. When she blows her nose, “egg-like things” come forth, and she is understandably “scared” for herself.
Red Larva is Indeed a Bloodworm, Though Concerns About Parasites are Raised
“Is this a bloodworm or a parasite?” asks this reader in his submission regarding the creature photographed below. The critter in question appears to be a bright red color, with a thin, segmented body that is seemingly quite bendy.
Tiny White “Parasites” Plague Man: Where He Can Seek Medical Advice
“For about two years now, I’ve been covered in what appears to be different parasites,” states this reader in his submission concerning the “tiny white things” that “crawl all over” his skin. Our reader does not ask any specific questions, but we will do our best to help him with his situation nonetheless.
Woman and Family Plagued By White Larvae Should Seek Medical Advice
“I’ve been dealing with this issue for 4 years now” starts this reader from Chesapeake in her submission. She and her family have been putting up with with larvae coming from their hair and bodies, and our reader asks for our help.
Man Suspects Parasites After Getting Lumps on his Back; Where to Go for Help
“Are there instances where a worm can be big enough for you to feel them traveling through your body?” this reader asks in relation to a medical issue he has been suffering from. After discovering “several lumps all over [his] back”, our reader is concerned that he is experiencing an “infestation” and asks that we help him.
Purplish-brown Worm-like Creature Found in Toilet Could Be a Black Cutworm
“I found this worm/larva in the toilet bowl on top of one of my bowel movements,” says this reader about the purplish, brown creature in the photo below. He has no idea if the creature came from him or if it was already in the toilet, and he asks if we can identify it for him.
Tadpole-looking Organism Falls Off Man’s Face: Medical Consultation is Encouraged
“This tadpole-looking thing fell off my face while washing it”, says this reader about the oddly-shaped, black object in the photo below. “I think there were more but I only salvaged one to take a photo of. What is it?”
An Array of Organisms Discovered in Stool: Where to Go for Help
A reader from Portugal writes to us after finding the organisms pictured below in her stool. The organisms vary in size and color, some being black/dark brown with segmentation along their ‘backs’, while others are a beige brown with a smoother body.
Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist
“I have had a scalp and hair problem for a bit now” begins this reader in her submission concerning the “pod-like things” she has been finding in her hair. Our reader asks for our advice on the issue, and wonders if she should consult a specialist.
Man Worries About the Flies He Thinks are Breeding Inside Him: Medical Consultation is Advised
“I think small black flies are breeding in me” starts this reader in his submission concerning the small, gray-black organisms photographed on his bathtub ledge. He asks what these are, and specifically if they are larvae or pieces of grass.
Dark Brown Worm Found in Toilet May Be a Drain Fly Larva, Though Concerns About Parasites are Raised
“What are these worms and should we be worried?” asks this reader, who is worried that the worms are inside her and the people who have used the toilet. The creature, who was found “swimming in [her] toilet”, seems to be a dark-brown color, with a brighter, yellowish tail/head (though it is difficult to tell).
Man with GI Issues Worries About Parasites; Where He Can Find Help
“I coughed this up” states this reader in his submission concerning the glossy-white organism pictured below. He worries that he suffers from a parasite after his dog also had a worm, and hopes that we can help him with his issue.
Hair Worms Apparently Feeding On Man Justify a Visit to an Infectious Disease Physician
“Need help” begins our reader in her query to us about her husband, who has “something like hair worms that host his hairs and use his skin to reach out and feed off him.” In what sounds like a dire situation, our reader reaches out to us for any assistance that we can provide.