Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist

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“I have had a scalp and hair problem for a bit now” begins this reader in her submission concerning the “pod-like things” she has been finding in her hair. Our reader asks for our advice on the issue, and wonders if she should consult a specialist.

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This problem started when our reader tried to pop what she assumed to be a blackhead. What made this blackhead different was that it “seemed to move” and our reader “couldn’t get it”. Since then, the blackhead, “or mound”, has grown in size. At first, it was the size of a dime, then it grew to a quarter, and lastly to a fifty-cent coin. As a result, our reader’s scalp has felt very dry and her hair has become “crispy” and “crunchy”. She specifies that she found the pod-like organisms “behind those crumbled hair clusters”. Likewise, she reports that her hair does not feel like her own; when she brushes it out, it either resembles “synthetic” “bluish-black” hair, which “stands erect on its own”, or it is a transparent white color. The only time her scalp and hair feel normal is after she wrings out her hair and it stops feeling “feeling squishy or shooting out water droplets”.

Now, our reader reports being told to consult a dermatologist, but because of the ongoing pandemic, she has not done so. Regardless, we agree with our reader that she should see a specialist. However, instead of seeing a dermatologist, we instead recommend consulting a medical parasitologist, which is a physician who specializes in parasitic infections. We are not saying that this is definitely a parasite, but since our reader thinks her issue may be related to the presence of an organism, then a parasitologist is the best person to go to. Having said that, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following: 1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory. 2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”. 3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com. To conclude, we definitely think our reader should consult a specialist, and particularly a parasite specialist, as they will be able to diagnose and treat her problem. We hope this article answered her question, and we wish her the very best!

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Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist
Article Name
Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist
"I have had a scalp and hair problem for a bit now" begins this reader in her submission concerning the "pod-like things" she has been finding in her hair. Our reader asks for our advice on the issue, and wonders if she should consult a specialist.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

4 thoughts on “Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist

  1. Hi everyone, let me start by saying that I am not a medical professional and I am just sharing information I have researched myself and believe to be correct. I don’t believe any of you are crazy and I have been researching this for several months. The ” hair strands” that feel like Easter egg grass and will stand independently move towards light, heat, and even your face because of the moisture in your eyes and mouth are in my opinion, worm’s that have positioned themselves next to the root shaft of your hair. If you pull one out in tact and put it in the sink or toilet with room temperature water you will see that within a few minutes it will look like a black and white ” barber pole worm”. It will swim and move about like a snake. If you put it in very hot water then the black part of the ” possible worm” will actually come out and be what looks like tiny black mites which I personally believe is dermadex mite’s. The worm like parasite will then be flat, clear and feel like a rubber band. From the articles I have read these were unknowingly brought into the U.S. a few year’s ago but I don’t know this information to be factual so you can research them and draw your own conclusions. I believe that lice medicine, mite medication, hair bleach, and alcohol will not kill them and to get the water hot enough to do it would harm your scalp so I would of course recommend that you do your own research, see a medical professional, join a parisitic diseases group online and what I would try is cutting my hair very short, using shampoo with tar, strong tea tree or sulfur in it and then taking coconut oil and mixing in tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and just a little bit of lemongrass oil and it doesn’t take much of these oils so don’t overdo it and harm your scalp. Then cover your head with a shower cap every night and remove it and comb through it with a very fine tooth comb in the shower every morning and don’t remove the shower cap until your in the shower so that if indeed the research is correct they won’t start falling out whether intentionally or because they are dead and land where they can infect someone else. You can buy a pkg of thin disposable shower caps for less than 5.00 and if you get the coconut oil in the food section of the big box stores it’s alot cheaper than in the health and beauty sections. You can beat this but it takes time and a strict daily regimen. Good luck and God Bless!!

  2. Telling what the worm is would not be a diagnosis, it would be worm identification. That is what you do. So if an earthworm decided to crawl up my nose and live in there, when you call it what it is, that does not mean you said I have earthwormup thenosotis. It means that is an earthworm. Then I can go to the doctor and have it evicted. Please help people by giving their worms a name if you know it. It’s not a diagnosis, but at least they will know they aren’t making it up in their head(BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT DELUSIONAL)!!! Thank you.

  3. I have tangled balls of hair UNDER my scalp that have hard pods in them that a large whitish clearish yellowish worm will come out of if disturbed. There are also taller grey/clear ones, and lot s of tiny white ones that I think are strongyloides; because they straighten and stand up and have a sheath around them when they come out of my mouth. They are eating my teeth from the inside out. They go through the lymphatic channels. I have hookworms and ascaris too. I had a treatment that reduced my immune system and bird mites attacked me and now I’m in hell. What I want to know is why you worm experts are hearing the same complaints over and over from all around the world, and you can’t figure out what that little white worm is that is plaguing so many people who are being tortured and then called delusional? Why aren’t you investigating it so as to answer this question? Because so many hundreds of thousands of people have this now, you are going to have it too if somebody doesn’t throw that diagnosis out the window and find out what this is. There has to be an answer, and I think it’s time to stop the suffering of millions since Eckbom was too lazy to do it way back then.. This site is a waste of time until this issue gets figured out.. it is hell and it’s definitely contagious, so best get on this problem before it’s worse than COVID. They won’t let any of us get ivermectin either. Can you imagine a parasite pandemic? We are right on the brink of one, so….if you need help, that is all I live for. Don’t you dare share this email for making my plight a public spectacle or for profit because nothing works since we can’t identify it. I’d appreciate it.

  4. I’m dealing with this now. I believe it is a horse hair worm. I used to have hair down to my mid back. Never had short hair. Now it’s above my ears. I had to chop it off. It tangled and matted so bad just over night. I did oil treatments. Everything. Nothing. Had to chop it off. But that’s the least of my worries. I have this mess on every surface of my body. In my ears. In my nose. My eyes. And believe it or not. My tonsils. No doctors have cared enough to run the tests or even take a dam hair sample and look under a microscope. I’ve been to about 10 different places. Been treated like shit. And I’m pretty sure I’m on the run at the moment from the “mental health” hall at the local hospital. This has gone on for 6 months. And yet have I gotten the help I need. And now my 9 year old has it. I’m pissed. I’m sad. I’m confused. It’s miserable and I feel awful for her. I have parasite specialist appt tomorrow but I don’t have high hopes cus nobody has cared for this long. But i will get answers. Hope you figured it out. If so plz let me know.

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