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Posted in Gross Worms Parasite Worms Worms in Humans

Woman with Crunchy Hair and Pod-like Organisms Living on Scalp Should Indeed Consult a Specialist

“I have had a scalp and hair problem for a bit now” begins this reader in her submission concerning the “pod-like things” she has been finding in her hair. Our reader asks for our advice on the issue, and wonders if she should consult a specialist.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Lint-like, White Matter Found by Woman Who May Need Medical Advice

“What are these?” is all this woman asks in her submission to us. She sends in multiple pictures, of which we have included only a few, of what appears to be white, lint- and hair-like matter all around what we assume to be her home.