Man Worries About the Flies He Thinks are Breeding Inside Him: Medical Consultation is Advised

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“I think small black flies are breeding in me” starts this reader in his submission concerning the small, gray-black organisms photographed on his bathtub ledge. He asks what these are, and specifically if they are larvae or pieces of grass.

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This issue has been going on for two years, so we understand our reader’s concern about parasites. Seeing as he is concerned about his health, we cannot provide any concrete answers in this article. This is because we are not medical professionals, and thus we cannot provide any identifications which could be used as medical advice or a diagnosis. That said, it seems as though our reader is not entirely sure whether or not these are actually breeding in him, seeing as he also thinks they could be pieces of grass. From what we can see in the first photo above, there does seem to be pieces of grass scattered among the organisms, and the organisms in the second photo below do really look like flies. Regardless, our reader should still take all of this with a grain of salt and should instead consult the advice of a medical professional for a definite answer on whether or not these organisms are indeed breeding inside his body.

With that said, what we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following: 1) Search for a medical parasitologist in his area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: 2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”. 3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at In conclusion, we are not qualified to identify the creatures our reader is concerned about, given his suspicion that they may be parasitic. Nonetheless, we hope that the pointers we gave in this article are helpful, and that our reader is able to have his issue diagnosed and treated soon!

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Man Worries About the Flies He Thinks are Breeding Inside Him: Medical Consultation is Advised
Article Name
Man Worries About the Flies He Thinks are Breeding Inside Him: Medical Consultation is Advised
"I think small black flies are breeding in me" starts this reader in his submission concerning the small, gray-black organisms photographed on his bathtub ledge. He asks what these are, and specifically if they are larvae or pieces of grass.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

1 thought on “Man Worries About the Flies He Thinks are Breeding Inside Him: Medical Consultation is Advised

  1. I produce a couple fully formed flies out of a sore that will form on my back much like a pimple but bigger, firmer and doesn’t go away till they come out. My husband removed the first one
    I wrote a comment on here regarding the qtip worm. I didn’t edit I’m very sorry. I will this one.
    I ingested fly larvae somehow and I had ruined my immune system with Prilosec and taking antibiotics and steroids for decades for rosacea, which the hook worm ended almost overnight, after twelve years of the worst case.
    I had a small spot on the top of my head slough open after bleaching my hair and I had what I thought were maggots but I’m 99% sure they were snail family. They had the stringy things for a mouth, the word escapes me now. But I have seen a in lot of things that come out of a sleeve like body from my nose and gums. Occasionally somewhere else but it was every day for a couple years. I really wonder how we survive with loads like this. Right bite my belly is very expanded and I just went through a larvae cycle, I know I have tons of maggots. I have pood in a sterilized jar and closed the lid tightly and I produce a hat y full of maggots. I wish someone would help me. I don’t feel them, but I watch my abdomen with I and I have always been into working out, my body. I’m a makeup and jewelry girl. I think I have beautiful classic taste and I carry myself well…,….. That’s who I have to keep reminding myself of. I know that I have had fasciola gigsntica, I have one if the actual thungs. And I have had the thing that migrates to your bladder and then to your lymph nodes around your ankles and dies. My ankles blew up on me in fifteen minutes, many times the norm, I had all the round circles of the suction cup things too. I must sound like a wanna be or some story teller but Unfortunately every word is the sad disgusting truth. I feel cursed. Im scared to death that these maggots are going to devour me. I think my defenses keep them at Bay but who knows, so I get the guy. It’s an effed up feeling and I’ve had a large flyin my poo! I swear if there were a reason that scientist needed to study this they would have a treasure trove with me.

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