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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Family in New Zealand Dealing with Parasites Reaches Out for Help

“Hello we are based in New Zealand and have had problems with a type of parasite, but we don’t know what it is”, states this reader about the black, spiky organisms pictured below. “We have already gone to medical professionals. We are deemed crazy yet have got multiple photos and samples.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Woman with Worm in Her Head Seeks Help After Delusional Parasitosis Diagnosis

“What is this worm in my head and where can I get blood work done?” asks this reader in her submission. “Doctors have me as delusional parasites. You can see it’s a worm. It has been two years. Thank you.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Reader Wonders How Someone Who Requires the Use of the Baker Act Can Get Rid of a “Clear Worm”

“How does someone get rid of this clear worm? If they have gone to the hospital and got Baker Acted?” asks this reader in her query. Though she provides no photographs or more context than this, we will do our best to guide our reader toward the help the person in need requires.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Reader Wonders What Types of Parasites They are Dealing With

“What kind of parasite is this?” is all this reader asks in their submission regarding the various organisms pictured below. The creatures range in color and shape: some white and some black, and most of them worm-like in shape with the exception of one that looks more ovate.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Man Worries the Spots on His Body May Be Caused by Something Under His Skin

“Can it get on or in a man’s blood and skin? Because I have […] different spots on my body.” asks this man in his one-line query. No photos or more context accompany his question, but we will do our best to help our reader with his issue.

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Posted in Hook Worms Parasite Worms Worms in Humans

This Woman Wonders Where She, Her Dog and her Family Can Receive Medical Attention for Potential Hookworms

“Where can I get help?” is the first thing this woman writes in her submission, posing the question that many face when they are concerned about parasite-related health concerns. This reader in particular is concerned about a “hookworm” that “came out of [her] dog” which has spread to her and her family members.

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Posted in Worms Found in the House Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Translucent Creatures, Black Markings and Snakes Terrorize This Reader Who Desperately Seeks Help

“I keep getting attacked at night by something” states this reader in his lengthy query about the creatures that have been bothering him since “August of 2020”. Our reader is concerned about his health and is currently not getting any medical treatment that is helping his issue.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Red Sesame Seed-like Objects Found in Stool by Woman Seeking Answers

“I have had these weird things in my stool for a long time now”, states this reader in the submission she sent us. “They look like red sesame seeds but they are definitely not something I ate.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Woman Battling Organisms for Three Years Wonders if They Are Bugs or Fungi

“Is this a bug or fungus?” asks this reader in Phoenix, Arizona who has been dealing with what she believes to be some type of organism. The organism in question is in her eyes, ears, nose, skin and hair follicles.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Woman Wonders if Translucent Organism on Finger is a Fluke

“Is this a fluke?” asks this reader in Morriston, Florida, referring to the translucent, yellow-green organism pictured below. She states that the organism was “difficult to get off my finger and when I did he left a stain.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Reddish Brown, Iridescent Organisms Plague Mother and Her Children; Where They Can Go For Help

“What are these translucent [organisms]?” asks this reader, who is concerned for herself and her kids. The organisms in question are “sometimes reddish brown with a green iridescent shine” and are coming out of our reader’s scalp.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Black Dot-like Organism Found in Couch, Hair and Nails; Where This Woman Can Go For Help

“These are in my couch and I’ve had them get on me,” begins this reader in her query to us. Her issue concerns organisms which “start out” as “clear circles with a black dot in the center”, which are causing symptoms and concern.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Organisms of Various Appearances Plague Woman in Search of Help

“These are everywhere: face, head, inside,” states this reader in her submission to us. “What should I do?” she asks about the organisms pictured below, which vary in appearance from long, brown pieces of matter, to ovate, green-gray objects.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Woman Believes White Worms are Causing Her to Lose Her Hearing

“I swear white worms get under my nails in my skin,” states this reader in her submission to us. She describes a frightful situation for herself, and asks for “any suggestions”: “I need medication or something to get this out of me.”

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

“Weird, Sticky Bug-like Things” Among Other Organisms That Plague This Woman In Search of Help

“My body had bites that itched” begins this reader in her submission about the “living bug or parasite” that is causing her problems. She does not ask any direct questions, but we will do our best to guide her down the path to medical advice and help.

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Posted in Worms Found in the House Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Organisms in Trailer Sting This Woman Who Seeks Advice

“I’ve got something in my trailer” states this reader in her query about the organisms pictured below. Our reader is concerned for her health and safety, and asks what she can do to get rid of the creatures.

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Posted in Hammerhead Worm Parasite Worms Round Worms

Woman Worried for Her Health Believes Home is Infested with Bed Bugs, Hammerhead Worms and Roundworms

“I keep finding what looks to be small worms” states this reader, who is worried about the organisms in the photos below. In her submission, our reader brings up bed bugs, flatworms, and roundworms, so we will address all of these in this article.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

Worms That Sting Like Razors Plagues Woman in Ohio Who Seeks Help

“Has anyone experienced this worm or bug […] stinging like a razor?” asks this woman in Dayton, Ohio who is looking for any help she can get. She has experienced multiple symptoms because of what she believes to be bugs that are hatching in and on her body.

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Posted in Parasite Worms Worms Generally Worms in Humans

Wiggling Worms Infest this Woman’s Hair, Destroying it in the Process: Where She Can Seek Help

“Horsehair worms are in my hair destroying it,” starts this reader in her submission to us. She shares her story regarding the creatures that have been in her hair and stomach, and states that she “can’t deal much longer.”

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Found in the House Worms in Humans

A Battle with Mold and Parasites has This Reader Examining Carpet Beetle Larvae Under a Microscope

This reader shares “microscopic pictures” of “carpet beetle larvae that came out of the skin of [her] foot.” In addition to this, she suffers from a parasitic infection from living with “multiple types of mold.”