Tag: Carpet Beetles
Carpet Beetles and Cream-colored Worms Invade Linen Closet
“I found these larva-like creatures in the bottom of my linen closet, where I found beetles coming from an enclosed space where it is difficult to get to clean”, writes Jeanna in her submission regarding the black, speckled beetle pictured below. “These beetles have brown larva, so I know it’s not their larvae. Besides, one of these worms is much longer than the others, leading me to believe they are not larvae at all but perhaps worms or some other creature. They are tiny. I couldn’t see them with my naked eye; they just looked like dust balls. But when I took a picture with my phone camera and magnified it, these worm-like creatures appeared. They are cream-colored, with a black spot on one end that seems to be a head or eyes. There are different lengths of them here. I found more of them in other locations in my house, in varying humidity levels: at the base of the toilet, behind my sofa, on the baseboard of the hallway, on the rug in my bedroom, behind the washing machine, etc. What do you think they are?”
White Worm Sticking Out of Carpet is a Clothes Moth Larva
A woman in Texas has been finding all sorts of critters across her home, including the white, worm-like creature pictured below. Her story is as follows: “Since mid-July, I have dealt with the repercussions of forgetting to leave my A/C on during the day time, and coming home two or three times to see that my thermostat read 90°F or higher. Here is one of the many bugs I’ve come across after. I’m assuming some eggs hatched in the midst of the extreme heat. This particular one I found in my carpet, burrowed upside-down where I can see the butt sticking out from the carpet. Along with others that are along my baseboards, and black, cocoon-type things the size of rice. There have been moths and flies, as well as carpet beetles that are tiny. And long, oval-shaped, brown-with-light-brown patches all around my house (we live outside of town in west Texas, where the dirt blows and the heat/rain brings all the bugs inside). Can you tell me what kind of larvae these are? They’re literally everywhere.”
Bugs and Fluff Scattered Around Bedroom are the Products of a Carpet Beetle Invasion
“Could you please help me ID these two creatures?” asks “Becky Bee the Buggaphobic” from Eugene Oregon. “One was hanging from an electronic near my bed, and that is swinging back-and-forth in the short video that I’ve attached to this message. The other picture is of a circular glob of spider egg-like material that was also near my bed. However, it was just sitting, dangling like the brown mass, and sort of avoiding light perhaps, under some papers near my bed. I am not sure if the two masses are related nor am I sure what the white worm-like casing is that is pictured — heck maybe different stages of life and same species? The brown circular-shaped mass on the blue paper below was what dangled from the electronic device in the video.”
Can Carpet Beetle Larvae Live On a Human Host?
“Can carpet beetle larvae live on a human host?” asks this reader in his submission. He has had problems with sores on his head, ears, face and neck, which last approximately three months.
Black, Shiny Worms Weaving In Between Couch Cushions are Black Carpet Beetle Larvae
“I have found these black, shiny worms […] weaving in and out of my couch under the cushions in the creases” says this reader about an unphotographed critter that has been causing her trouble. She asks if we can help identify them for her.
Glossy Black, Segmented Creature is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A glossy, black worm-like creature was found by this reader in his friend’s room. He says there are a lot of them and asks that we tell him what it is.
Bristly, Black and Brown Larvae in Bassinet are Carpet Beetle Larvae
Worms were found by this reader in her infant’s bassinet, and she wonders what they could be. The worms appear to have segmented bodies, with long bristles extending from the entirety of their bodies. One of them is black in color, and the other brown.
Striped, Brown, Worm-like Creature Found in Dryer Lint is a Carpet Beetle Larva
Two live, small, brown worm-like creatures were found crawling on the blanket of this reader. She thinks they may be carpet beetle larvae and asks for our thoughts on the matter.
Carpet Beetle Larva Discovered Inside a Pill Box
A small, striped worm-like creature was found inside the pill box of this reader, who has identified the creature as a carpet beetle larva. She wonders if the carpet beetle larva may have some how come from inside her vitamin and if that is at all possible.
Ovate, Brown Worm on Shirt Sleeve is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A worm was found on the shirt sleeve of this reader who wonders if we could help determine what it might be. Although the photograph is quite blurry, we can still discern the worm’s ovate shape and light brown color.
Red & Brown Bug on Comforter is a Carpet Beetle Larva
This reader wonders if the creature she found wandering on her white comforter is a carpet beetle larva. The creature in question appears to be a brownish-red color, with stripes and a long tail that spans the length of its body.
Brown & Tan-Striped Bugs are Carpet Beetle Larvae
Two photographs of some kind of creature were sent in by this woman who wonders what they might be. The creatures in question appear to be brown and tan-striped, sport multiple pairs of forelegs, and are somewhat oval in shape.
Extremely Tiny, Larva-Looking Worm on Mattress is a Carpet Beetle Larva
After finding a ‘single, extremely tiny, larva-looking worm’ in the ‘cracks’ of her mattress, this reader wonders if this is a flea or not. She is already in the process of treating her cat for fleas, but has not seen a single adult flea in over a month, and so wonders if she will need to treat her house again for fleas. She adds that she never actually saw any fleas around her house, but only on her cat.
Mother Finds Carpet Beetle Larva on Son’s Mattress Protector
A concerned mother wrote to us about a creature she found on her son’s mattress protector in the laundry room. Although the photograph provided is quite blurry, we can tell that the creature in question appears to be oval in shape, and is brown and tan in color, though not much more can be ascertained.
Bristly Worm with Twin Tails is a Black Carpet Beetle Larva
A small, black worm was found by this reader, who wonders if we can help identify its species. The worm in questions appears to be black in color, bristly, and possessing two especially long bristles, which could either be tails, antennae, or simply bristles!
Brown-Striped Worm Found in Sofa is a Carpet Beetle Larva
The son of this reader found ‘tiny brown-striped worms’ in the sofa, and his mother contacted us, wondering what they might be.
Bristly Worms on Bed are Carpet Beetle Larvae
A reader wrote to us recently about a “worm/bug” he has been finding on his bed sheets for several days in a row. Upon zooming in on one of the photos our reader sent in, the creature in question appears to be ovate in shape, black and white in color (though given the image’s quality this is uncertain), and has bristles surrounding its body.
Bug Found on Daughter’s Sheets is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A father in Arizona found a “bug” in his daughter’s sheets, and wonders if we can identify it for him. The creature in question appears to be minuscule in size, ovate in shape, and striped in brown and tan colors.
Tan & Yellow-Striped Bug in NYC Apartment is a Carpet Beetle Larva
A woman recently contacted us with the following image of a bug she estimates to be about 1/4-inch or smaller. She found this creature on her couch, and from the picture we can see it is brown and tan striped in color, with a darker brown head at one of its ends.
Black and Gray-Striped Bug is Indeed a Carpet Beetle Larva
A reader recently sent in this image of a creature, asking us to confirm whether or not it is a carpet beetle larva. The creature in question appears black and gray-striped, with a black head, and a double-pronged tail. In comparison to the fibers of the material this worm was found on, we can presume that this worm is tiny in size.