“I’m always seeing these things like thread, on just about anything and everything, all throughout my house, and some seem to be colored”, writes Brian in his submission regarding the thin, worm-like organism pictured below. “I was given this microscope for my birthday. As curious as I am, I’m always looking through it (can’t say ‘through it’ cause, as you see, it is on a screen. And I think the instructions say it magnetizes between 50 to 1,000x. I mean, it can bring a piece of lint from the dryer to about the size you see here. Now that I know they are all over the house, I’m curious about what they are. Seeing your web page got me thinking about worms now. So, I’m wondering if it’s possible that you can tell me what they might be? Thank You.”
To begin with, we commend Brian’s curiosity and for wanting to investigate the microscopic organisms around his home. Unfortunately, microscopic organisms are not our area of expertise, so we will not be able to tell him what they are with any degree of certainty. There are certainly worms and worm-like species that are microscopic, or verge on being microscopic, such as the threadworm: a parasite that looks very much like the ones Brian found (at least in terms of their general shape) that infest the intestines of mammals. We are by no means saying that these are threadworms; just as we are not experts on microscopic organisms, nor are we experts on parasites. In fact, only a medical professional is qualified and legally able to identify parasitic organisms, or any organisms that negatively affect the health of humans and pets.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
Luckily, Brian does not seem to be concerned for his health in relation to the discovery of these worms, and there is not necessarily any reason to be. Microscopic organisms surround us at all times: they are everywhere! Everyone has surely heard a million times now about the mites that live in our eyelashes, or the bacteria that live on almost every surface, for better or for worse. Of course, Brian still wishes to know what these organisms are, so our best advice is to reach out to people who specialize in studying microscopic organisms. He might want to try the microbiology department at a nearby university, or the entomology department. We also think it is worth noting that Brian only started thinking that these could be worms once he stumbled on our website, and does not state that the organisms were moving or anything of the sort. We are not saying that we do not believe Brian that these could be organisms, but we ask him if it is possible that these are not organisms at all, but just pieces of threat and lint in his house, and if by looking at our website, he found a correlation that maybe was not there? It’s always worth considering all the possibilities!
To conclude, we do not know what it is Brian found in his home, as we are not experts on microorganisms. We hope nonetheless that something here was helpful to Brian, and we wish him the very best. We also want to issue him a little word of caution: if you look at a lot of things under a microscope, they’re gonna look somewhat frightening, so be curious at your own risk!
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
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Thank God I’m not going crazy, I too have had this going on for almost 2 years now. My clothes,house and truck are now also filled with these microscopic worms. My hair has gone from below my waist line to above my shoulders, thinning and balding. I’ve tried everything from lice shampoo to vinegar even using fungal wash meant for the body and nothing works. I’ve done Honey and vinegar scrubs to rubbing alcohol and peroxide. Nothing helps. I feel the movement on my scalp and face yet under microscopic they are found all over my body. They float in the air and seem to have attached to my two cats now. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on medicine, oils, cleaning products and nothing has worked. I have lost my job,family and friends due to being afraid of passing these microscopic thread like worms to anyone else.
I’ve been called crazy ? and dillusional and told its just dust particals, I cannot even tell you the countless hours I’ve spent crying ? as well as searching the web after taking thousands of pictures and videos. Please if anyone has any suggestions or regimen that has gotten rid of this please share.
Thank God I’m not going crazy, I too have had this going on for almost 2 years now. My clothes,house and truck are now also filled with these microscopic worms. My hair has gone from below my waist line to above my shoulders, thinning and balding. I’ve tried everything from lice shampoo to vinegar even using fungal wash meant for the body and nothing works. I’ve done Honey and vinegar scrubs to rubbing alcohol and peroxide. Nothing helps. I feel the movement on my scalp and face yet under microscopic they are found all over my body. They float in the air and seem to have attached to my two cats now. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on medicine, oils, cleaning products and nothing has worked. I have lost my job,family and friends due to being afraid of passing these microscopic thread like worms to anyone else.
I’ve been called crazy ? and dillusional and told its just dust particals, I cannot even tell you the countless hours I’ve spent crying ? as well as searching the web after taking thousands of pictures and videos. Please if anyone has any suggestions or regimen that has gotten rid of this please share.
Have you found any in your hair?
It seems that my hair is “fried” at the ends and something is in my hair strands twisting hairs around each other which creates a knot…I’ve been dealing with this “parasite” worms issue since 2018…it started in my nose and then my skin on my forearms and legs mostly my upper thighs and now my neck and shoulder area and
my hair..I’ve had to cut my hair from the middle of my back to above my shoulders. It started falling out in clumps and looks like it’s overprocessed from lightening it…when I put the hair lightening product on my hair I can feel the “worms” moving around because the peroxide kills them…but they become active again maybe when their eggs hatch…I don’t know…I have a microscope and this entire problem has engrossed me…I can’t even begin to count the hours that I have spent looking through the microscope at EVERYTHING that comes off m body…I’m so tired and secretive about this issue because my family and friends think I’m crazy or just “imagining” these “worms”…but until my last breath I will not stop until I prove that I’m not crazy …I know that there’s microscopic worms in my hairstrands or follicle and it moves my hair strands CONSTANTLY…
You too??!
I AM SO HAPPY to have found this website!
I use a few different flashlights and a light bulb. Just put flashlight directly on your skin. (You have to experiment with different flashlights to find the light spectrum that kills them best. )
After approximately 15 seconds you will feel the crackle of them dying in the light shining tight on your skin. Their defensive line comes in droves to fight it, but they die instantly. You can feel it, buzzing, bubbling. You will be shocked on how infested we are. It’s a numbers game. Constantly fight them to keep their population numbers as low as possible.
My dog and I have had them for years. I stopped talking about ‘The Hairs’ long ago because no one believed me. It monopolizes my day.
Please reach out
(It’s data only, no calls.)
Text 484.501.1692
Is best, or
I am having a same problem with the worm like things.
On my carpet and I vacuum over them and they just swirl and get bigger. It’s funny because I also have these tiny little v shaped things everywhere in my clothing, slippers and even my bedding.
I’m even get bites all over my body.
Can anyone identify either of these things?
What do you mean when you say v shaped objects? I feel like i’m seeing the same things in my house. Everything I see is shaped into a V and the tiny thread like strings/worm move in a creepy way and are found everywhere in my home.
Hi,I have been dealing with these things!all over everything!!I thought I was losing my mind!by v shaped
,what about triangles?and stuck or lowercase “l”s?