Thin White Worms Floating in the Air Infest Woman’s Home

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“My home is infested inside and out with thin white worms that appear to be accompanied by or some stage of a thin black worm”, writes Shari in her submission regarding the worm pictured below. “They scatter through the air with the slightest disturbance. I tried spraying them down with bleach attached to water hoses, but they just end up floating in the air and landing on me. Pest control has been no help in identifying. I live in Sarasota, Florida. My house is old, built in 1959 and had a major plumbing issue. Cast iron pipes broke underground and the entire plumbing clogged up. It was so bad water was coming out of the vent pipe on the roof. I’m wondering if this worm issue is related to the plumbing. Especially since the pipes broke underground.”

To start with, we want to thank Shari for the excellent amount of context, as it was always helpful to us when trying to identify a given worm. That said, the photo and video are unfortunately not as helpful, as the photo is quite blurry, and it is not clear to us what we are seeing in the video, other than a close up of someone’s arm and a floor. Given Shari’s description of the worm, we would say they could be horsehair worms: a species of parasitic worm that infects insects (not humans or pets!). They develop inside their insectile hosts and burst forth when the insect nears a body of water. That said, horsehair worms do not congregate in large groups and infest homes. The only time they are free-roaming is when they are trying to find a mate. On top of that, they are not so light that they “scatter through the air with the slightest disturbance.” So, with that said, we do not think these are horsehair worms.

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We have never heard of worms that act like the ones Shari found, so we cannot give an accurate identification of them. What we recommend doing is contacting her council about the plumbing issue and the discovery of the worms, as they may very well be related. It is not unheard of for worms to enter people’s homes through the drains when there is a leak underground. That is actually how a lot of earthworms end up in people’s toilets, though these are clearly not earthworms. On top of that, we encourage Shari to take some of the worms to her local county extension office, as someone will be able to physically examine them there, and will have a better chance than us to provide a confident identification. She could likewise bring samples to the entomology department at a university.

If Shari is concerned about how the worms might affect her health, we recommend consulting a medical parasitologist, as they specialize in diagnosing and treating medical issues caused by organisms. To find a medical parasitologist or other health care provider who can actually help, Shari can do one or more of the following:
– Visit our parasite care resources page here:

– Search for a medical parasitologist in Sarasota using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:

– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Sarasota, Florida” or “tropical medicine specialist Sarasota, Florida”.

To conclude, we do not know what these worms are that Shari found, as we cannot tell what physical characteristics they possess other than their body shape and color from the photo, and we cannot think of any worm-like organisms that are so light that they can float through the air. If any of our other readers do think of any worm-like organisms that fit Shari’s description, they are welcome to share their ideas in the comments section below. Otherwise, we hope that we have still been able to help Shari to some degree, and we wish her the very best.

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Thin White Worms Floating in the Air Infest Woman's Home
Article Name
Thin White Worms Floating in the Air Infest Woman's Home
"My home is infested inside and out with thin white worms that appear to be accompanied by or some stage of a thin black worm", writes Shari in her submission regarding the worm pictured below. "They scatter through the air with the slightest disturbance. I tried spraying them down with bleach attached to water hoses, but they just end up floating in the air and landing on me. Pest control has been no help in identifying. I live in Sarasota, Florida. My house is old, built in 1959 and had a major plumbing issue. Cast iron pipes broke underground and the entire plumbing clogged up. It was so bad water was coming out of the vent pipe on the roof. I’m wondering if this worm issue is related to the plumbing. Especially since the pipes broke underground."

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

16 thoughts on “Thin White Worms Floating in the Air Infest Woman’s Home

  1. That’s it. I’ve been dealing with this since the start of summer. I don’t know what the hell is going on but I went to my local hospital and had a doctor call me. Absolutely crazy and call children’s services on me. I’m not f****** crazy And I’m absolutely beside myself. I did have my PCP call in a. Permathon cream but it didn’t help. After I noticed my son’s diaper appeared to have these small, whatever in them, I’ve decided it was time to go to the ER. We were all experiencing muscle aches and I was finding all of these half black half white hairs around the house. Some were orange and then these white tentacle looking creatures, You can barely see them but they absolutely seem to be attracted to water. I would find things floating on top of my coffee machine or in the sink. And tons of these little white or black dots. I actually taped a bunch of them down to my desk. The problem had got better for a couple months and now they’ve come back with a vengeance. I assumed it had something to do with mites since humidity seems to make them go nuts. I believe they might be onto something with the Beatles since we’ve had a problem with beetles earlier this year. I’ve had an exterminator out and they were useless. I’m not sure where to go from here but I’m getting increasingly concerned for my health and for the health of my children. There’s a local infectious disease doctor. I’m going to make a phone call too

  2. What everyone is seeing and dealing with as far as moving clear white or black hair like worms, are MORGELLONS. I am positive about this because there is a patent for it. Synthetic biology morgellons patent #
    US 20030141189
    Self replicating materials operating system inside nano machines patent #
    Dangerous sequencing of RNA and DNA from these things.
    So the next time one of you goes to the doctor and he’s telling you you’re suffering from a delusional illness you show him these patent numbers after you’ve already looked them up and can see for yourselves what they are! We’re living in crazy times folks but remember we’re all in this together!

  3. You’re not wrong. I’ve been dealing with this for about 3 years now I have hundreds of videos and pictures thousands and there’s actually a woman on YouTube that has a blog she was actually diagnosed with human horse hair nematode. And they are everywhere I see him at the grocery store I see him in restaurants on counters on tables in bathrooms public and private. I don’t know if they’re supposed to keep it from us or if the doctors are just that ignorant. I believe it’s a lot of it is coming from our water sources….

  4. It’s been five years for us here. In Northern Ontario Canada. The hairs that fall from the ceiling, the black thread like looking worms that clog the dryer vent, and the weird wriggling things that we excrete from our bodies. We’re all so sick and nobody is going to help us. Doctors are useless. The gas lighting is so hard to live with.

  5. I’ve had these for at least six years now. They’ve been “quiet “ for some months now but came back ready to party a couple days ago.
    You will go forum to forum and see SO many others saying the exact same thing, yet there is still zero explanation. You’ll be obsessed by it;,take hundreds of videos and pictures. Most likely you’ll be labeled “crazy, “
    and probably feel that you are.
    Here’s to hoping that one day it will come to light!
    I also personally disagree with folks believing horsehair worm only infects insects and not humans however, I do hope that I am wrong.

    1. You’re not wrong. I’ve been dealing with this for about 3 years now I have hundreds of videos and pictures thousands and there’s actually a woman on YouTube that has a blog she was actually diagnosed with human horse hair nematode. And they are everywhere I see him at the grocery store I see him in restaurants on counters on tables in bathrooms public and private. I don’t know if they’re supposed to keep it from us or if the doctors are just that ignorant. I believe it’s a lot of it is coming from our water sources….

      1. In my house we call them squirms. I agree that human horsehair could definitely be a thing parasites and the microscopic world are about as discovered and explores as the depths of the ocean and the far reaches of outer space. These drs really lack imagination. Especially with globalization idk why they insist on pretending Americans don’t get parasites just the rest of the world .

    2. This is the problem…. The government is hiding this….. so many dr who are caring drs have their hands tied to help if they try or even talk about yes them knowing exactly what it is….. the go up against retaliation which will only hurt their practice or license.
      They CANT help it’s not that they have no clue what this is surly they know but when it comes down to surval your never going to get any help. I’ve had this for 9 years and my life goals and achievements have been robbed of me choosing to do the best I wanted to be in my life. I woke up in day and it’s been nothing but a living burning hell and n my y life was never the same …. Still fighting this still no help
      Trust you me we are not crazy ! Like you said tooooooo many people are reporting the same issues not just 3 % alllllllot if people …. It a dr office , pharmacy, health insurance co partner teamwork money making business. I’ve never in my life experienced such ignorance!
      This is what I am doing at 2:00 am on a Friday night …. Researching Morgallons
      If that’s not desperately begging for human help than I have no idea what to fricken call it … perhaps RIDICULOUS perhaps SELfiSH !!!!
      Now that is what I call delusional !!

  6. I have them also and when you take video sometimes it distorts the video, also they go through solid mass i set up different containers in an area where i saw them most, they are not normal they travel through glass, plastic, etc… i have set up water in glass containers and catch them daily, this started around 2 weeks ago

    1. Wow… I literally thought I was imagining the video thing. I wanted to ask have you in your experience noticed them seem to have some kind of magnetic qualities where they seem to be able to utilize some weird magnetism to attract items together when they are present on both. As well when trapped in a ziplock bag they appear to make the bag puff up as if filled with air. I have been dealing with this for about 3 to 4 years now and still have not come up with a definitive answer. The best article I have read so far is the one on this site from the user Heidi which identifies them as biting midges. In my own research I began to lean towards fungus gnats and fungus gnat larvae. One thing thst was of concern is that i also seem to have these webs from which they fall. In my reserach there was an indication that this could be relafed to fungus gnats and a I do seen to find the hair/worm like ones which tend to throw me off and down the path of strongyloides. Howeve there are many weird and peculiar things that occur with this organism and I am hoping that as we continue to keep speaking put about this eventually this becomes a known issue that is researched and we finally get some concrete answers.

    2. I am so upset at the number of people that have issues, but are refused help. I hope you, and everyone else find medical care that will eliminate this.
      Ps, do you have any video of this? This is terrifying. Thanks, and prayers.

    1. U r exactly right…I’ve had same thing to for maybe 4 yrs n believe u me I’ve done a lot of my own ” research”, u know these so called docs want to make us think we r maniacs..fact is they have had nooo training really n parasites etc UNLESS they r specialists. Now n case the umm..medical field R THE DUMB ONES ? Well let’s c…hmmm…HASNT ANY UNKNOWN SICKNESS . DISEASE..etc been unknown ? Untillll sumbody like me..u..her..r him…studied..researched..until FINALLY it was diagnosed n figured out by SUMBODY? SOOO they can drop their lil diagnoses of ppl r crazy..when we can show them the PROOF. What r they scared of ? What they best b scared of is WHAT R THEY GONA DO WHEN IT INFECTS THEM ? Huh ? R they GONA say then’s just ur imagination u lil ol maniac ! Lolol…u can bet alot of medical field HAS to have it too…n lord lord..I hope they don’t mind the insults they dished if sum researcher out there wants to make a name for themselves n become famous n in medical books etc as b n the one who discovered this unknown thing..before one of us rookies do..n we about have I think..they best get on it before they r shamed for one of us delusional crazy ppl tht would b funny..they could never live it bout this..I bet u schooled researchers CANT figure it out..I bet u may not b smart enuff.. OBVIOUSLY none tht docs. N U docs better hope we let u know how to cure it too lol jk on tht..maybe

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