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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Worms Generally

Bright Yellow/Green Worm Found on Cat’s Food Bowl is Indeed a Caterpillar

“I was cleaning my room and found this particular caterpillar (I think) on my cat’s food bowl”, writes this reader about the yellow creature below. Our reader asks that we tell him if his cat has worms or if it is possible that the organism came in from the outdoors.

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Posted in Cabbage Worm Caterpillars Garden Worms

Green Worm Found on Broccoli is a Cabbage Worm

A green worm was found on this reader’s broccoli, and was unfortunately hurt when dropped onto the cutting board. Our saddened reader put the “poor little guy” outside in the shade, hoping that it would recover, and asks that we help her identify the critter.

big green caterpillar
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Posted in Caterpillars

Big Green Caterpillars with Body Segments in the Yard

A reader recently wrote to us about a big green caterpillar with distinct body segments, body segments that make the caterpillar look like the Michelin Man, to give our reader’s comparison. He included an excellent picture of the caterpillar he found in his yard with his email, which contained a number of terse, difficult-to-decipher bits of information. From what we can gather, the reader is wondering what the big green caterpillar is, and he is also wondering if it is responsible for some of the lawn problems he has been experiencing. So, we are tasked with identifying the caterpillar and investigating whether this type of caterpillar can do damage to your yard.

Posted in Pest Worms

Green Caterpillars in the Garden

A little while back a reader sent us a photo of a green caterpillar in his garden. He’s found several of the green caterpillars as of late, and he was seeking more information about them. The reader has already done some research and indicated that he thought he found “tomato worms” (based on other information, we can confidently assume he meant “tomato hornworms”, which are actually caterpillars), in large part because the creatures were on his tomato plant. He was most puzzled about the webs they seemed to be spinning for themselves, and he also wondered if the “worms,” once enmeshed in a web, had died. What are these green caterpillars, if they even are caterpillars, and what’s the deal with the webs they are creating?

Posted in Caterpillars

Green, Brown Caterpillars with “Eyes”

We received a question from a reader about a very strange-looking creature she found on her driveway. Although we aren’t completely certain, it looks like a caterpillar; in any event, it looks more like a caterpillar than any other creature, and besides that, we’re pretty sure it’s a caterpillar anyway, to be as convoluted about our relative certainty as possible. The caterpillar is brown and green – more precisely, it is a mix of brown and green, which almost makes the caterpillar look like it is covered in moss. The caterpillar also has two large “eyes” (in fact, they are eyespots, which are faux eyes), and near these “eyes” is a yellow line or stripe that appears to wrap around the creature. The reader was quite alarmed by her find, writing to us “WHAT IS THIS?!?!,” and also urgently asking “Can someone HELP”? (Emphasis not added.) The reader also thought she found a caterpillar, but then became uncertain when she examined what she had found up close. What is this brown, green caterpillar she found (if indeed it is caterpillar)?

Posted in Interesting Worms

Black and Green Worms (or Caterpillars)

The reach of All About Worms is international – just ask our reader from Saudi Arabia, who recently wrote in with an extraordinary tale of worms (or possibly – nay, probably – caterpillars) that he found about 120 kilometers (75 miles) west of Riyadh, the capital of and largest city in Saudi Arabia. The (likely) caterpillars he found were primarily green (multiple shades of green, in fact), but they were also black with a brown (and somewhat red) stripe that runs down the length of their bodies. The reader also reports that the “worms” have some type of horn on their body, although it is somewhat hard to see in the picture he sent (see below). He was wondering what he had found, and if they are poisonous.