Reddish Brown, Iridescent Organisms Plague Mother and Her Children; Where They Can Go For Help

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“What are these translucent [organisms]?” asks this reader, who is concerned for herself and her kids. The organisms in question are “sometimes reddish brown with a green iridescent shine” and are coming out of our reader’s scalp.

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In addition to discovering the organisms on her own head, she reports seeing the same creatures in her children’s hair, eyes and ears. She can “literally feel them moving” and has seen them “all over” her curtains, as well as inside her vents “(that are directly below the curtains)”.

Our reader wants “to know exactly what [she is] dealing with” and she wants these things out of her house and life. Additionally, she states that the organisms “appear to look like hair at some point” and are likely “some sort of insect larvae or something. Please tell me what they are.”

Unfortunately, we will not be able to tell our reader what these organisms are. This is because her situation is clearly medical in nature, and as we are not medical professionals, we are neither qualified nor capable of giving medical advice. Likewise, we are not qualified to suggest any treatments or medications. Instead, we will do what we can do, which is refer our reader to some resources she can utilize to get the professional medical help she may need.

To be more specific, we recommend that she consult an infectious disease physician. These doctors specialize in diagnosing all sorts of creatures that come from or plague the body and cause health issues, and we think this is exactly the type of person she should consult with to get the answers to her questions.

What we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:

1) Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at
To conclude, we are not qualified to give our reader the help she wants, but we hope that with the resources listed above, our reader will soon get the answers she wants and the treatment she and her children may require. We wish her and her children the very best, and hope that they feel better soon!

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Reddish Brown, Iridescent Organisms Plague Mother and Her Children; Where They Can Go For Help
Article Name
Reddish Brown, Iridescent Organisms Plague Mother and Her Children; Where They Can Go For Help
"What are these translucent [organisms]?" asks this reader, who is concerned for herself and her kids. The organisms in question are "sometimes reddish brown with a green iridescent shine" and are coming out of our reader's scalp.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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