Woman Suffers Pain and Skin Damage from Parasitic Infestation

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EXCITING UPDATE! We have recently come across a new medical provider who actually believes what is going on, and has said they are happy to work with anybody experiencing these symptoms, including remotely. Please see their information by going to our resource page here and looking for “Lighthouse Complex Care”. We are not affiliated with them, and we do not receive compensation or anything else from them, we just have been impressed with how caring they are.

A woman contacted us who has been suffering from a parasite infestation. According to our reader, and the photographs provided, the parasites resemble toilet paper, and have been noticed to exit our reader’s body after taking a shower or bath.

Due to the photographs being graphic and exhibiting the reader themselves, we are not able to share them online. However, the photo we did attach appears to be of the same organism, but was sent in from another reader. This one does not include the reader, so we are using it for the sake of the first reader’s privacy. In this new photograph, we can see a two pink and yellow masses, one bigger than the other. The bigger one, which is more yellow in color, seems to be curled up on itself, and both organisms seem to be attached to this white, flat matter which is what resembles toilet paper.

Furthermore, although we could not provide the actual photographs our first reader sent in, we can still provide some context on them. The original photographs exhibited the parasites themselves, as well as the damage they caused our unfortunate reader’s body. Along with these photographs, our reader provided a great deal of context, which we are grateful for. However, before we get into any of that, it is paramount that we address the fact that we will not be able to provide an identification of the parasites. This is because we are not medical professionals, and to give an identification of a parasite would be equivalent to providing a diagnosis.

It is our opinion that our reader needs to seek medical help immediately. We would advise seeking out both an infectious disease specialist and a travel disease doctor so that our reader can double her chances of finding a doctor that would suit her needs and that could provide the proper treatment required. In order to find these medical professionals, our reader can simply do a search on the internet for ‘infectious disease specialist (name of her city, or closest big city)’ and ‘travel disease doctor (name of her city, or closest big city)’. Additionally, if our reader is able to bring samples of the parasites to these physicians, then that would most definitely aid the doctors in identifying the parasites.

Now, we still think it would be important for us to share some of the context provided by our reader in the case that any of our other readers are suffering a similar problem. Naturally, regardless what parasite one has, our advice would always be the same, which would be to consult a medical professional. Once something concerns one’s health, it is vital one gets to a physician immediately. You cannot put a price tag on someone’s health or life. Lastly, before we get into the story of our reader, we want to preface by warning our other readers that even the descriptions may be somewhat graphic.

While our reader is not sure how the larger of the parasites exit her body, she says that the smaller exit through ‘little slits’ in her skin on her feet, which are left wet with several marks. She also reports that the parasites, which she later refers to as ‘worms’, are in her toes, fingers, ‘eyes, face, mouth, teeth, arms, legs, belly, etc.’ She can feel and see the movement of the creatures as they ‘travel’ under her skin. Furthermore, she has found ’round wounds that won’t completely heal’ that ‘have a parasite in the center’, and has also experienced skin discoloration. Our reader was severely bitten by midges weeks prior to sending her query to us, but is not sure if they would have transferred the parasites or not. We can confirm that midges are able to transfer parasites, but obviously, just as our reader is not sure, we cannot be sure that this is the case either. Lastly, she adds that her friends have refused to drive her to the doctor as they believe that the parasites actually are just toilet paper, meanwhile our reader continues to suffer from pain and ‘unsightly skin damage.’

To conclude, we cannot stress enough how important it is that our reader consults an infectious disease physician and a travel disease doctor. We hope that she is able to make contact with capable physicians and get a proper diagnosis and treatment soon. If any of our other readers have recommendations for physicians specializing in parasitic infestations, please leave their names and contact information in the comments below. It would be much appreciated.


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Woman Suffers Pain and Skin Damage from Parasitic Infestation
Article Name
Woman Suffers Pain and Skin Damage from Parasitic Infestation
A woman contacted us who has been suffering from a parasite infestation. According to our reader, and the photographs provided, the parasites resemble toilet paper, and have been noticed to exit our reader's body after taking a shower or bath.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

22 thoughts on “Woman Suffers Pain and Skin Damage from Parasitic Infestation

  1. I have had the same thing for four years but found a site online that described a course of medication to take to get rid of these things. I have not had anything like the described toilet paper parasites but i have small white parasites and larger ones that live in my skin. Dont go to the ER, they arent trained or educated for parasites and unless you have a huge hookworm infection or one that can be seen from far away, they want even give you the time of day! I am not going to go into all that i have went through but it has been alot and i will end by saying in past year my legs have began to swell and weep and i have went to vein specialists and had numerous tests done and i should not have edemia or anything making my legs swell. I believe the ones that are in my blood have started blocking my lymph nodes and veins.

    Now with the course of meds. Look up curezone.org and look up ivermectin and albendazole protocol and follow it completely. I did the one for strongyloidiasis and morgellans. it has worked very well but im still on the protocol. just follow the instructions and take what medication is described and follow everything else as well. the doxycicline is also a must. it kills the bacteria that the parasites have a symbiotic relationship with and helps them survive or do whatever. point is that medicine kills that bacteria that protects them from being killed by our immune system and parasite medication. Good luck.

  2. hi. hope people are still following this.. i am a nurse. i work in a large 500+ bed hospital.. i have been an RN for 28 years and i’m suffering all the same ailments and i’m seeing so much of the same things in SOOO many of my patients.. i do believe covid or the vaccines have caused a lot of this.. i have spent insane amounts of time trying to figure out what we are suffering from .. parasites are high on my list.. the black spots. the weird marks on skin.. the toilet paper/wipes after patients void and move their bowels.. the itchy.. the bites.. the weird white particles coming out of my feet.. i see shapes/outlines of worm shapes all over the hospital and being as short staffed as we are.. no one is properly cleaning the rooms in between patients and nurses cutting corners with hygiene because we just don’t have the time or manpower..some of the nurses i work with are all exhibiting the same symptoms but most are not as obsessive as i am.. this is killing me .. my spirit is broken. my family/friends outside of medical field refuses to even look or listen anymore. i have never felt so alone. i’m scared to go to doctors and get a reputation with the doc i work side by side with.. this is so scary and sooo far reaching.. almost all of the patients transferred from the icu to my med/surge step down floor are showing all the symptoms.. worm like shapes coming out of feeding tubes. catheters. trachea bed sores.. AND all of the nurses including myself that did NOT get covid are having the worst symptoms.. i haven’t had peace of mind in 2 years.. i’ve tried everything and it gets better for a minute.. like remarkably better then comes back with a vengeance .. i’m taking more benadryl than any human should just to function and i keep myself completely covered while at work as i’m scared to death to knowingly pass this along… but there’s a bunch of nurses that i see symptoms on and they refuse to even discuss this so they just keep spreading this insanity … so i think i finally have nerve to email a well respected infectious disease doctor at my hospital who i really think will at the very least allow me to plead my case… i’m truly horrified that this has gone too far in my community and how would we ever come back to anything resembling normal… i’m just terrified for us…i’m so grateful for all about worms and for all of you sharing this and giving some new suggestions to try. thank you and i will update after i reach out to the infectious doc. peace to all

    1. Finally I have another human who can SEE the symptoms ON people, and also sees the shapes everywhere. This is me and I think it is finally overtaking me. Been living with all the “symptoms” for 7 years ..Crippling Fatigue, hair loss, swollen calves and feet, biting, itching, teeth loss, sores, joint swelling and pain, muscle cyst. My 53 yo Husband was feeling this under his skin and all thru his body. He knew something was alive and eating away at him. Nobody believed him. He picked at his skin day and night . 100s of sores, scabs and sores. After his mind was effected, he became bed ridden weighing 62 pounds.He spent one year of laying in bed picking until he eventually picked and dug his whole knee away, got blood poison and died. He kept telling everybody to look at what he would pick out, he say see they are alive. After he died 6 years ago my symptoms started and I’ve suffered silently and alone. I know nobody will understand. But it’s now taking a toll. I’m infested with something, mainly in my mouth, nose and rectum. Or these are just it’s exit point. I feel them move in my blood and see them everywhere ..especially in pictures. And always on others. I see big ones on their face or attached to their clothes especially in pictures. I see them getting sick or having all the same symptoms but nobody ever believes me. I’m 55 yo and can’t work now…extreme fatigue and mood anger and depression. I live alone and have no income or money coming in. I don’t know how I make it ..just sale something or get charity help to pay bills. I haven’t been to a doctor in years cause I know they won’t help. They won’t know. Please contact me RN. I will be on your side if you will be on mine so that someone will listen and help us. fr************@gm***.com

  3. Check the turbidity or your water.
    Take papaya seed extract pills daily.
    Keep your house, hairbrushes, bed, linens and body clean.
    Dust often wearing gloves
    Eat raw pumpkin seeds
    Don’t leave dirty Kleenex lying around and always sweep floors daily.
    Change vacuum bags and empty canisters outdoors, away from home and pets, wearing a mask while doing so.
    Don’t rewear clothes without cleaning them first.
    Clean dryer lint filter (without touching it with bare hands) after each wash.
    Put your hair up at night when you sleep.
    Avoid sugars and take vitamins daily!! B12 and D3, turmeric, B6 are all important.
    Decrease alcohol consumption.
    Keep home dry with dry-humidifier.
    Test soil and check well water.
    Change filters in house unit often.
    Vacuum vents.
    Keep animals healthy and clean!!
    Avoid greasy or oily substances in hair and skin for a while, no matter what you are told by a doctor.
    Mine is finally going away after 5 years of pure hell. Nobody believed me, although I have been covered in sores and losing skin elasticity, have blurry eyesight, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, sudden bladder control issues (!!), numbness/weakness in arm and leg, dizziness, extreme fatigue, swelling of face and forehead, loss of appetite but very thirsty, lumps on my fingers and toes at night, CONSTANT ITCHING and much more. Treated for scabies, Ivermectin made me feel I was dying! Scared me so much. Didn’t help. Tried every RX topical. Shampoos. Gabapentin.
    Prayed. Experienced hormonal changes and in turn, emotional and mental status fluctuations not normal to me before this.
    Saw white “dust” in car, house, etc. Felt “biting” sensation when in certain cabinets in home.
    I finally moved, threw out a ton of stuff, dry cleaned and washed like crazy what I kept, wiped stuff down with Lysol wipes, stopped using well water and kept my skin dry for a while but upped water consumption a lot.
    I think my well water combined with other factors caused a chain reaction of parasitism which included carper beetles and clothes moths.
    There is hope, I promise. This almost took my life.
    I haven’t worn dresses or shorts or short sleeves in years, but it’s healing!! It’s almost totally gone, doing what I just outlined.
    Diet and vitamins are important.
    Stay as calm as you can, too. That’s part of it. My autonomic nervous system was being affected somehow.
    You CAN beat this!
    I don’t think it’s contagious but something affects more than one person in households ar times. I could be wrong about that part but don’t think so.
    God bless you all. Please hang on!!

  4. So crazy to see this and to know other’s are experiencing. This started with me after being sick in hospital and treated for COVID with Remdesevir. I believe this was the start of some parasitic hyperinfection that was dormant prior to getting so sick. I call these things the squirmies. They are everywhere! However, I do believe what we are experiencing is multiple issues which compound the situation and make us feel worse. I was treated for scabies with Ivermectin. It helped but did not make it all go away. I noticed my house was getting extremely dusty, no matter how much I cleaned. And the dust would just go away magically and for a while with Neem oil mixed with dawn soap and water spray, or other essential oils. Neem helps my skin feel better. I slather it on after showers and put it on my feet prior to putting socks in. It basically made my feet infestation go away, if not just minor. I put it in my hair too, since that was attacking me at night (no….I am not crazy!!). I am close to figuring this out, after replacing my water heater which had horsehair worms infested all around it. I believe I had an accidental ingestion of horsehair, which do eventually come out of you. But they were attracted to me due to, what I am now almost positive of, rat mites infecting my house and who chose me to be their new host. I just rid my side yard of a rat nest. And I have trees with branches right over my roof that I need to trim back. They migrate once the rat (or bird) goes away. They can live in patio cushions, so many things, and wait months for a new host and a new meal. They will multiply quickly if you do not keep up with laundry, cleaning, constant vacuuming, etc. My dogs have been bringing them inside and now I have a new infestation to deal with. And I also think this triggered a clothes moth infestation, and those little squirmies are that or carpet beetle larvae. I washed some dog beds and didn’t immediately take them out of washer. So I think my washer even got infested! I now run a quick wash with bleach in between each laundry load. And I sprinkle a little diameticous earth (food grade) in my dryer with two big laundry sheets. The mites are so small, and they are in my sinuses. When I blow my nose and throw the tissue out, sometimes the tissue ends up outside of the trash can! It’s creepy and my whole house is infested, with me being the main host and only my older son really feeling symptoms. The others experience mild, but don’t want to admit it. Mold mites are also a possibility and don’t take much mold or mildew to thrive. Booklice are another high probability. The horsehair worms I am dealing with, I truly believe are attracted to all of the creepy crawlies in and around my house. I just really think that one thing triggered a string of infestations in and around me. Just consider reading up and try your best to self treat. I haven’t slept well in almost 3 months. Started to see a holistic doctor who prescribed me with meds that treat neuro and skin parasites (2 different kinds) and it seems to keep things at bay. I’m only on my 1st round of this. First day I started this treatment, my whole body tingled a bit and I got a little better sleep that night. Stay healthy, avoid sugar, keep your house free of clutter, keep dirty laundry from piling up, vacuum and dust EVERY DAY, use essential oils on you and around your house, and just keep fighting. We are not crazy. Hang in there, just as I am trying to do.

  5. I have the same symptoms as everyone describes. I am having to take ovalpazine (anxiety meds) bc NO ONE BELIEVES ME: MY SISTERS, MY MAN, HOSPITAL DOCTORS AND NURSES. I AM LIKE TWO CALLS FROM LANDING MYSELF IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION BC OF YHIS. Idk what they are or why now but I do have a useful hint that will help get rid some of them. Lysol distinfecent purpose cleaner. The way that they have the cleaner fixed up. So if a baby or animal drinks it. It will not harm it. Spray directly on the critter or wound and watch them come out of it. Also I just recently last night if you take the shittiest weed just any kind really put the bud on top or next to wound or critter and it will draw them out and they will exit your body into the bud easily. It’s a slow process to get them to come out bc they are so slow. But it the safest. Antibiotics wont cure it. Been in hospital for four days tried over 100 different antibiotics and nothing work. Permethrin cream doesn’t work bc they ARE NOT SCABIES. WHICH ARE MITES THAT LIVE UNDER THE HOST SKIN. This parasite is NOT A MITE. Morcipin ointment does draw they out but still doesn’t kill them and it will heal your wound real fast with Led light infamous red lights will heal inside out quicker also. I have lost so much weight in a hurry and Everyone just treats me as a MENTAL patient or meth addict. Antibiotics should taken AFTER THE INFESTATION IS DESTROYED AND NO MORE OUTBREAK. THEY ALSO do not like heat but IT HAS TO BE WAY HOTTER THAN YOUR BODY TEMP. LIKE A VERY STEAMY HOT SAUNA OR SPRING.

  6. I too suffer from many similarities mentioned in the comments above. The crawling of the skin, eruptions of sores on my arms, legs, feet and vision loss. I cry in agony in need of someone, anyone to help me. My own family members don’t even believe in what I’m saying and even showing them. Their advice is to stop talking nonsense before I end up committed. Finally saw an urgent care physician seeking treatment. I was diagnosed with scabies. In the past 10 weeks I’ve been treated twice. Three different physicians. Two diagnosed scabies and the other..diagnosed fatigue. Eleven weeks now and it has consumed my life just to maintain. Prior to any symptoms I was bitter by mosquitoes in the spring leaving large egg like knots on my neck. I also had been in contact with organic chicken manure while gardening.

    55 puonds lost within 3 and a half months. Still no cure in sight.. Desperately seeking treatment.

  7. I am 100% going thru the same things as all who posted above. I see so many comments beyond here even describing the exact same symptoms, no way they are all imagined or crazy. I have found some solutions if you are interested just respond to the comment,

    1. You still there ! I would like a solution. 2 years now with this… I already lost 20 pounds and counting

  8. I suffered from what looks similar in nature. I went to the doc & they treated me for scabies. I was furious. So with that, I went into Urgent care because I just could not handle the crawling of my skin. Some sores I would just dig & dig in to expel whatever was inside & they hurt. They really hurt & they didn’t heal. Well I asked for the scabies pill. I again would see a dermatologist 2 weeks after treatment. He assured me nothing can live in our skin with that pill being taken. I didn’t believe him. Week 5 now, I’m finally starting to heal. Last week or week before right before bed my skin started erupting from the sores. They were all moving out. I was 1/2 psychotic. If not 3/4. I do not wish this on my worst enemy.

  9. Omg I also have been suffering for 2 yrs now from this multiple health problems and hospitalizations just to be told I’m delusional anyone find any answers I spend all my time researching what they could be

    1. Hi they won’t let me post the same word 2x email me I’ll tell you what it probably is. You are not crazy none of us!
      Like I can’t believe I can’t answer replies with the same word it says duplicate

  10. I feel all your pain and know the exact way you feel! Good luck finding hope because there simply isn’t any!
    We are all categorized as crazy,delusional, an illicit drug users, etc just to name a few!
    We need to be featured on Dr Oz or some news channel somewhere. I feel the threadworm and pinworm have made a strong come back in the United States and doctors simply do not want to deal with the whole gross, nastiness of it all.
    Several of my family members are very unwell- experiencing extreme tiredness, no appetite, seizures, sudden deaths after minor surgeries, strokes and skin issues.
    My home is filled with these- they literally are everywhere. I don’t know if our gov’t released one nematode to eat other bugs that destroy crops or what- is it coming from the packing in furniture like the fluffy stuff, IDK, clothes from third world countries?
    I would love to do missionary work and travel to help others in need but I not only look so unsightly but fear spreading this nastiness to others.
    I am in the Chicago area and will love to get a group together to talk about what the common link is- I even believe our hospitals in the States are filled with them and are trying to keep that as quiet as possible.
    I am about at the end of my ropes as well- I am tired of explaining my scenario over and over to get snickered at! It disgusts me as my schooling was in the medical field- rendered absolutely useless now!
    You can send samples to a University in Michigan for 10$ – the sample must be in alcohol in a sealed container and IDK if they allow actual samples from your body.
    Look up a book about germs by a Canadian Author- he is smart with useful info.
    Please email or send me a text with name and & “same situation” if interested in working together somewhere.
    Jackie at 7082545152
    Thank you kindly
    FB Jackie bounds labedz

  11. I TOO AM SUFFERING exactly everything you girls describe!!! It’s a bad day, 25 minutes prior to finding this sight, I fought the tears, asked God for insight, & swore I was done obsessing for answers & direction. I’ve literally been a Google freak today,
    putting in over 18 hours searching. I’m moving 80% of my things out of storage into my apartment. It’s been there in attempts to not infest it& tried desperately to pinpoint it to treat cats, myself, & eradicate anything infectious in this apartment!! But NO LUCK, Don’t know how to kill what I don’t know what I’m up against. Ok in tears again, think I’m tired need to rest my brain. Just want the cats & I to have a fresh start. It’s been a year & a half I’ve been suffering, patronized twice in ER, consoled for my *unnecessary * anxiety, asked if there was history of mental illness & abuse in the home… its absolutely ludacris how uneducated our medical field is & should be ashamed to not listen & classify us as Delusional or Drug abusers. They are so arrogant & pompous thinking they have learned everything in med school, that there’s nothing new they may encounter. Covid should’ve been an eye opener.
    Shame on those who have committed their lives to helping people, just to turn their backs on us. I mean our pets are too be treated yearly for protection of parasites & how many of those are zoonotic…we didn’t have to travel to Tasmania… I’m praying for you ALL! Please let me know if you’ve found a diagnosis, I’m desperate, I just want my life back as we all do?? I’m sorry for the tangent, I don’t talk to anyone about this…& my head has been up in it deep for hours… Frustrated, exhausted, sad, scared, health deteriorating, but gotta keep going…. sending it up for now, please Heavenly Father lead those suffering like myself to the answers of healing & let OUR TEMPLES shine again???????????

  12. Omg I have this as well and the ER and doctors all think im crazy. I dont know what to do either but I cry everyday. Have you guys found anything out that can help me?

    1. strongyloidiasis Get tested for this blood test best thing that ever happened I wouldn’t be surprised if you have this parasite dr are stupid and ignorant don’t take steroids it makes them multiply by suppressing read up on it

  13. This is me I’ve tried to get help and have had everything but. I think I’m dying and no one will help me

    I’m so tired parts of my body are falling apart

    1. Ask the dr to blood test for strongyloidiasis it’s a parasite ignored it’s here they try to say it’s 3rd world ask dr to test your blood

  14. I’ve had exact thing for 3 months. Down to resembling toilet paper and coming out feet. Today I cant walk flat footed because I feel them squishing under socks. I went to ER, 2 primary’s, eye dr, obgtn, infection control. They all said if I havent traveled in last year parasites impossible. Primary put delusional in chart so now I wont get any help. Feel I wont be alive much longer. Mayby you can do a seperate story on the parasite that would include its name and characteristics. Impossible to find dr. Praziquentel nor albendazole hasnt worked. Ivermectin caused a great die off, did it twice but helped a little.

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