“I keep getting attacked at night by something” states this reader in his lengthy query about the creatures that have been bothering him since “August of 2020”. Our reader is concerned about his health and is currently not getting any medical treatment that is helping his issue.
Firstly, it is vital that we let our reader know that we will not be able to identify his problem, or give him any medical advice. This is because we are not medical professionals, and, as such, we are not qualified to give out advice of that nature. Instead, what we can do is point our reader in the direction of professionals who are qualified to perform this task.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
Secondly, we want to give the rest of our readers a heads up about the content of this article. We will be providing details of the experiences that our reader has gone through as a result of his issue, and although there are no photos or videos included, the descriptions of his symptoms are quite graphic.
Now, our reader, who resides in the Sacramento area in California, begins his query by referring to a past article of ours about a woman suffering from parasites resembling toilet paper, and he states that he has been “dealing with a similar situation.”
As stated previously, the creatures harassing our reader attack him at night, and he “can usually make out an outline of the creatures”. He states that they will “not die”, which tells us that our reader has tried to fend them off.
“I have been wondering if it isn’t some sort of ascaris” (a giant, parasitic roundworm) or a “translucent tapeworm.” In conjunction with these attacks, our reader “already know[s]” that he has “intestinal worms”.
He keeps “finding these remains, some are left from spraying Raid” (a fly and wasp-killing spray), “but there are small round things that look like dried out skin. Other times I find what looks like slothed off skin with a […] mouth of a worm or snake, but there’s nothing inside.”
Furthermore, he keeps finding “black dots” on his wood veneer floor, accompanied by outlines (of creatures, we assume) that are straight with “bulbous circle[s]” at the ends. He has found the same outlines on his clothes.
The only method which can successfully “kill” these creatures is “a vacuum cleaner”, and “preferably” one “you can use […] on yourself.” The creatures have crawled up our reader’s legs, which have “swollen up” from the bites they leave behind, and there is one that “seems to have made a home” in our reader’s back. He describes the bites as looking like a “cross between a tapeworm and fly’s bite”.
He has gone to the ER for medical help, but has been called crazy and turned away, because the doctors “didn’t see anything.” Additionally, he has filmed one of these creatures crawling up his leg, though he has not provided us with the video he mentions. According to him, in the video one can see “blood formulating” at the end of the outline, and “you can see all the hair around the bite […] just disappear within a couple seconds. I cannot do that to myself.”
Our reader is starting to believe that these creatures are “some sort of clear centipede or millipede”, since they will not show up on parasite tests. This tells us that our reader has indeed done parasite testing, though he does not tell us where he took or got the tests from.
One thing we can say is that centipedes and millipedes are not parasitic, and while centipedes can bite, they will not burrow into people’s skin.
Moving on, our reader says that the creatures are also able to enter and exit through the windows and vents. “My vent has a sheet around it, preventing stuff from coming down. And I have found, on several occasions, what appears to be snakes in it.” He states that he found these same snakes “inside a mattress that was wrapped in the bed bug bag.”
“One day, before I found them in my mattress, I was sitting on my bed and something jumped up and bit me on the back [that] was still in the bag”. When he checked the bag, the creatures “did look like snakes.” After that, he would hear slithering “any time [he] would put pressure on [his] bed”, and he would notice that the snakes would move “straight to” the spot he was sitting.
Eventually, he simply threw out the mattress and told his landlord about them, as well as his roommates. However, his roommates “just step over” the “dead worms in the bathroom” and call him “crazy, never wishing to see all the crap” he is “pulling off [himself].”
Moreover, he has had his landlord come over to inspect the creatures and has told him that they are only active during the night. His landlord then told him that “after dealing with this for 6 months”, “he is tired” of being asked “to fumigate” the home and is consequently evicting our reader.
“Several doctors say that they believe me”, continues our reader (which is optimistic), but his “primary” does not believe him. Since his visit to the ER doctor, who told him he was “delusional”, he has spoken to two psychiatrists, both of which have believed our reader’s story after looking over his body and finding the “pincers coming out of [his] skin.”
Unfortunately, his psychiatrists do not have any idea as to what is “trying to come out”, which is understandable considering that the job of a psychiatrist is to treat ailments of the mind, not of the body.
What we recommend is that our reader instead go to an infectious disease physician, as they are trained in the field of parasitology, unlike most ER doctors and GPs (and psychiatrists for that matter). An infectious disease physician is qualified and specifically equipped to deal with parasitic infections, as well as bacterial and fungal infections. What we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in the Sacramento area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Sacramento” or “tropical medicine specialist Sacramento”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.
Any of these resources are valid ways of approaching our reader’s medical issue. It should be noted that both of the physicians specifically mentioned will consult with patients online, regardless of where they are located in the States.
To conclude, we sympathize wholeheartedly with our reader’s truly complicated and terrifying story. No one should have to go through all of that, and we commend him on having the strength to persevere through that.
Ultimately, although it is unfair that he got evicted from his home, it might be for the best considering that snakes were coming through his windows and vents. That was clearly not a safe environment to be in.
When it comes to the creatures that are biting our reader and causing him harm, we urge our reader to utilize one of the resources listed above to consult with an infectious disease physician.
Finally, we want to let our reader know that we welcome any and all updates he can provide us as he seeks, and hopefully receives, treatment for his medical concern. We wish him the best.
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Please contact me. I have the EXACT SAME ISSUE and I’m scared. fa**************@gm***.com please please email me