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Posted in Silk Worms

Silk Worms

Silk worms are really not worms at all! Silk worms are actually the larvae of certain types of moths! The silk worm has been used for centuries in the manufacturing of textiles.

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Posted in Caterpillars Inch Worms Worms Generally

Green Worm Dangling From Cap is an Inchworm

“What is this thin, small, brow/tan, almost greenish inch worm?” writes this reader about the worm-like organism pictured below. “Found it dangling off my cap on a some sort of thread I think, it moves pretty fast. From the US.” Thanks to our reader’s excellent photo and video, but mostly the fact that she names the organism herself, we can confirm that this is indeed an inchworm. Inchworms are any caterpillar of a group of moth species found in North America. They are all characterized by their number and placement of appendages: legs at the front and back, but not in the middle. Due to how the legs are positioned on the body, the inchworm moves as it does in the video: by reaching for something to grab onto with its prolegs, then arching its back while the hind legs catch up.

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Tiny Black Worms Crawling Down Long Web String are Caterpillars

“I have tiny black worms that are crawling down a long web string”, reports this reader in Wollongong, Australia. “The string seems to be getting longer. It starts on my downlight and almost reaches the floor.”

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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

Flat, Black Bugs Hanging from Cottonwoods Could are Likely Inchworms

“No one and I mean no one knows what they are”, states this reader about the ‘little flat thingie[s]’ he discovered hanging from his cottonwood trees. The picture below shows the organism on the flat of our reader’s finger, showing us how minuscule this creature is.

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Posted in Caterpillars Inch Worms Worms Found in the House

Shell-like Critters Hanging From the Ceiling by Threads of Web May be Inchworms or Something Else

After finding several organisms that resemble “white shell[s]” hanging over her bed, this reader contacts us in the hope that we can help with this recurring issue. “Sadly”, our reader did not send any pictures, but she hopes nonetheless that we can identify the creatures and give some advice as to how she can ensure they do not reappear.

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Posted in Caterpillars Interesting Worms Silk Worms

The Magic and Tragedy of Silkworms: Thousands Killed for Each Foot of Silk

Silk is one of finest materials we have; its smooth, lavish fabric and considerable price make it a luxury item. However, the process of actually obtaining this silk comes at the expense of its creator, the silkworm. This article will briefly explore silkworms, what they are and how they work, and their exploitation in the fashion industry.

Small worm by euro
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Posted in Pest Worms

How to Get Rid of Inchworms and Silkworms

The other day we received a message from a reader who wants to know how to get rid of inchworms and silkworms, or how to get rid of “inch worms” and “silk worms,” as she has it. To call what we received a “message” is a bit misleading, however, since all we were sent was a mere sentence fragment composed almost entirely of capital letters. (Inexplicably, one instance of the word “worm” was written normally, but the rest was all caps.) We’ll try our best to answer our reader’s question, such as it is.

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Posted in Silk Worms

Silk Worm Farm

It is estimated that approximately 75 million pounds of raw silk are produced each year on silkworm farms. It takes more than 3,000 cocoons to make one pound of silk and more than 10 billion pounds of mulberry leaves to feed the silkworms that produce the silk.

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Posted in Silk Worms

What is Peace Silk?

The degumming and spinning process used to create peace silk allows the moth to safely emerge from the cocoon and live out the remainder of its life cycle — in peace.

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Posted in Interesting Worms Silk Worms

How Much Silk Do Silkworms Produce?

The silk is produced in the salivary glands of the silkworm and it is used for protection during the silkworm’s pupal stage.