Tag: pink caterpillar
Pink Worm in Washer is a Palm Flower Caterpillar or a White-blotched Heterocampa Caterpillar
“I was washing towels and removing them from the washer and found this worm in the bottom”, writes this reader about the pink, worm-like organism pictured below. “I am a new renter in this home. Please help. What is it ? How can I prevent this from happening again? Thanks for your help!” Based on the photo alone, though it is quite blurry, we would say this looks like a palm flower caterpillar or a white-blotched Heterocampa caterpillar. Neither species of caterpillar is harmful to humans, though we do suggest avoiding physical contact, as allergic reactions can still occur.
Pink Caterpillar in Missouri Woodlands is a White-blotched Heterocampa Caterpillar
“What kind of caterpillar is this?” asks Heather about the pink caterpillar-like creature pictured below. “When I saw it I Googled ‘Is there such a thing as a pink caterpillar?’ and your website came up with the article about the lady in Arizona. After reading that article I don’t think my pink caterpillar is the same kind as hers, as I live in Missouri and this one was found in a wooded area. So, can you tell me what kind it is? I thought my son was kidding when he told me to come look at a pink caterpillar. Please identify it for me? Thank you!” To begin with, we want to commend Heather’s son for his discovery and his curiosity – you don’t see a pink caterpillar every day. We also want to thank Heather for the fantastic photos and videos she sent in, two of which we included here.
Polka-dotted Pink Worm with Large Eye Spot is a Pandora Sphinx Moth Caterpillar
“I have never seen anything like it before,” says this reader of the worm-like creature she found in her kitchen one morning. The creature appears to have a segmented body, pink in color with small black dots, and has what appears to be a large, black and yellow eye spot at one end of its body.
‘Do Palm Flower Caterpillars Eat Clothes?’ Asks Reader from Arizona
Three palm flower caterpillars were recently found in a bedroom in this reader’s house in Scottsdale, Arizona. Before that, our reader’s son spotted a “‘very large’ moth,” and our reader asks if these caterpillars will get into her clothes.
Palm Flower Caterpillars Found in this Woman’s Las Vegas Apartment
A reader who recently moved to Las Vegas, Nevada has been finding worms in her apartment and wishes that we help identify them. The worms appear pink in color, with a white underside, an orange head, and small legs sprouting from its underside.
Pink Worm Found on Shirt is a Moth Larva
A man recently wrote to us after his wife found a pink worm on her polyester shirt. His guess is that the creature is a rice worm and wonders if it is harmful to his clothes or food.