Mystery Larvae Infest Reader’s Home, Hair and Dog for Two Years

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EXCITING UPDATE! A regular All About Worms reader named Heidi has, after extensive research, discovered both what are these parasites that look like hair that are infecting humans (or at least infecting her), and a cure to eradicate them! Read the write-up of the information that she shared with us here.

An infestation of “worms or larvae” have been troubling this reader for two years, taking over her home and her own body. These larvae have been found everywhere, from the fabrics in her home, to her refrigerator, to her dog’s hair and her own! The pictures provided by our reader are close ups of what we assume to be our reader’s hair. It is hard to make out any worms or larvae, but in some of the photos, one can make out some beige-colored specks, which we assume is the creature in question. Our reader states that she has almost lost all of her hair at this point, and she does not know if the worm is “eating” the hair itself “or sucking nutrients” from it. As previously mentioned, the worms have also been found in her dog’s fur, but she does not specify if the dog has also experienced more hair loss than what is common for a dog.

The dilemma here is that while this worm is infesting our reader’s fabrics, her “leather carpet” and her refrigerator (for all of which we could name a few larvae that would be commonly found in these locations), it is unclear if these are the same larvae which are in our reader’s hair and her dog’s fur. If they are not the same, then we would be able to discuss the worms infesting her home, but it would not be our place to identify the one’s infesting her hair. This is because, as the larvae are giving our reader symptoms, this situation is medical in nature and we can thus not provide an identification of the worms. Doing so would be tantamount to providing a diagnosis, which we are not qualified to do seeing as we are not medical professionals. What we can do is give our reader some advice as to where she can go to get a professional opinion on these larvae.

Firstly, if we are to assume that the larvae infesting our reader’s home are not the ones infesting her hair, we would say that these are clothes moth larvae. We would specifically identify them as webbing clothes moth larvae, seeing as the other common type (the casemaking clothes moth larva) leaves silken, tubular cases behind, which our reader did not mention seeing. Webbing clothes moth larvae can be white, beige or pinkish in color, with slightly transparent skin. They have orange heads and are very small. Despite this, they can wreak significant damage on the animal-based materials in one’s home and should be handled with urgency. Getting rid of them entails a mix of vacuuming up the source of the infestation (the area where the larvae are most concentrated), laundering all animal-based materials, and applying preventative measures to stop more larvae from infesting one’s home (including sealing cracks in the home through which creatures could crawl and inventorying unused garments). More information specifically on the control of webbing clothes moth larvae can be read in our previous articles on the subject.

Secondly, with regard to the worms infesting our reader’s hair, we always recommend seeing a parasite specialist over seeing one’s doctor/GP. This is because the majority of doctor’s do not receive training in the field of parasites and would thus likewise not be qualified to help anyone infested with one. Further to this, going to the ER is likewise not necessarily going to ensure immediate treatment. ER doctors also have a limited and focused scope of knowledge, and are there to treat life-threatening conditions (which they typically do very well), but they are not trained to identify or treat parasitic infections. On the other hand, an infectious disease specialist is trained to identify whether a given medical issue is the result of a parasite, fungus, bacteria or virus. They are going to be an expert in this field and should be able to provide an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. To find one, our reader can simply search for ‘infectious disease physician (name of her closest big city)’ or ‘travel disease doctor (name of her closest big city)’.

Finally, taking samples of the larvae to one’s local county extension office or to the entomology department at a nearby university might also be a good idea so that one can gather as many opinions on the identity of the larvae as possible. Doing this prior to a visit with a specialist might also help the specialist narrow down the suspects and reach a conclusion on the identity of the larva faster. Plus, if our reader brought samples of the worms from her home, as well as the ones from her hair, it may determine if the worms are one and the same, or not.

In conclusion, provided the assumption that the worms infesting her home are not the same worms in her hair, the worms infesting our reader’s home are webbing clothes moth larvae. That said, we are not able to identify the larvae that are infesting this woman’s hair and dog. Given our lack of medical expertise, it would be a disservice to our reader if we even began to try to identify the critter, as any information given without qualification can be dangerous to those who use it. Regardless, we hope that our reader does seek medical help and that this issue is resolved quickly. Best of luck to her!


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Mystery Larvae Infest Reader's Home, Hair and Dog for Two Years
Article Name
Mystery Larvae Infest Reader's Home, Hair and Dog for Two Years
An infestation of "worms or larvae" have been troubling this reader for two years, taking over her home and her own body. These larvae have been found everywhere, from the fabrics in her home, to her refrigerator, to her dog's hair and her own!

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

28 thoughts on “Mystery Larvae Infest Reader’s Home, Hair and Dog for Two Years

  1. EXCITING UPDATE! A regular All About Worms reader named Heidi has, after extensive research, discovered both what are these parasites that look like hair that are infecting humans (or at least infecting her), and a cure to eradicate them! Read the write-up of the information that she shared with us here.

  2. I have this same infection and have researched it to the extreme.
    I have treated with about every medication and/or home remedy I’ve read about .
    I have not cured this . But have had significant experimental successes with treatment.
    A major issue with curing this is that no one else seems to take this infection with the same sense of serious nor urgency as myself.
    Therefore allowing reintroduction into treated and processed areas.
    I will skip the obvious treatments that you all have probably tried with small , temporary success.
    I recommend a series of praziquantel treatments at high doses . ONLY if you are aware of its side effects and it’s use limitations (for instance having an eye parasite)
    Do not use this if not aware of its dangers.
    Try also a topical solution of coconut oil(raw, organic) mixed with praziquantel into a lotion.
    Ivermectin is not going to help this .
    Use powders containing menthol .
    Keep very clean .
    Do not allow build ups of diatomaceous earth or baking soda on skin .
    Go to your local farmers supply store and buy cleaning agents meant for barn cleaning.
    Use broad spectrum topical sprayes containing all 3 fungicide, germicidal and parasitic treatment.
    Keep your fingertips and feet clean.
    Treat your tubs , showers, sinks after each use .
    Never use towels more than once .
    Keep dirty laundry in plastic bags , away from other clothes .find a way to make these things more visible to yourself and others you are trying to teach.
    Use antiseptic to for washing hands and face .
    The scalp and hair seem to be the main source of reproduction of these monsters. Focus your attention here .
    Try not to accidentally suck these into your throat or lungs by sniffing.
    Always blow out.
    These will infect your lungs and sinuses and make you very sick for verylong

    Also some short lived success achieved with high grade Boric acid , cedarwood oil , Braggs Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice .
    Also using lice combs on hair and on body(skin)
    I also find that having someone else to help treat /search you is much easier and more thorough than trying to do everything yourself.
    I keep 5 or 6 spray bottles full of different concoctions and medications that I am evaluating at all times.
    Another tip : use salts , dry rub and salt water .
    They hate salt . Good luck

  3. I have this same infection and have researched it to the extreme.
    I have treated with about every medication and/or home remedy I’ve read about .
    I have not cured this . But have had significant experimental successes with treatment.
    A major issue with curing this is that no one else seems to take this infection with the same sense of serious nor urgency as myself.
    Therefore allowing reintroduction into treated and processed areas.
    I will skip the obvious treatments that you all have probably tried with small , temporary success.
    I recommend a series of praziquantel treatments at high doses . ONLY if you are aware of its side effects and it’s use limitations (for instance having an eye parasite)
    Do not use this if not aware of its dangers.
    Try also a topical solution of coconut oil(raw, organic) mixed with praziquantel into a lotion.
    Ivermectin is not going to help this .
    Use powders containing menthol .
    Keep very clean .
    Do not allow build ups of diatomaceous earth or baking soda on skin .
    Go to your local farmers supply store and buy cleaning agents meant for barn cleaning.
    Use broad spectrum topical sprayes containing all 3 fungicide, germicidal and parasitic treatment.
    Keep your fingertips and feet clean.
    Treat your tubs , showers, sinks after each use .
    Never use towels more than once .
    Keep dirty laundry in plastic bags , away from other clothes .find a way to make these things more visible to yourself and others you are trying to teach.
    Use antiseptic to for washing hands and face .
    The scalp and hair seem to be the main source of reproduction of these monsters. Focus your attention here .
    Try not to accidentally suck these into your throat or lungs by sniffing.
    Always blow out.
    These will infect your lungs and sinuses and make you very sick for verylong

    1. I have been experiencing the exact thing you a T! I’ve used several upon several oils, lotions, shampoos, and it’s inside my body.. my hair is completely infected. I’ve been to infectious diseases getting no results, they treated me terribly. Doctors also have mistreated me like I’m not a human. We need help to stop this, which I see becoming a pandemic toomey soon. What are these parasites and ate they going to take my life, I’m wondering desperately. Crying out for help.

    2. I have been experiencing the exact thing you a T! I’ve used several upon several oils, lotions, shampoos, and it’s inside my body.. my hair is completely infected. I’ve been to infectious diseases getting no results, they treated me terribly. Doctors also have mistreated me like I’m not a human. We need help to stop this, which I see becoming a pandemic tocome soon. What are these parasites and are they going to take my life, I’m wondering desperately. Crying out for help.

  4. I’ve been suffering for 2+ years. No one is ever going to believe or help any of us. I don’t know if I can take this anymore.

    1. I know how you feel. Don’t give up! You are worth it! Immediately get to the farm store if you cannot get a doctor to prescribe you anything and get ivermectin down you. Dosage same as the weight of horses on the bottle depending on how bad you have it. I do it twice a day. It doesn’t cure it, it it staves off the insanity and wanting to end it. I know how you feel, I truly do it is hell and misery that few know anything about. Get down there and get yourself some relief now while you figure things out. Don’t over do it. Then you call a “mart in India” that you can lookup on google, and you are a bunch of 600mg tab prazquintel. One treatment is approximately four of those in one day, not to be taken multiple days in a row, one treatment is one day long. This may go by weight so check it out online. Take every six hours . My body felt better than it had in 8 years. I just now have to figure out the cycle of these things and get it all out. Washing hair and body and lice comb is essentially. Their embroys are light grey and stick to your skin.

      1. Please tell me where to get the ptazawuintel why are you so vague about it? people need help.

        “call a “mart in India” that you can lookup on google”
        Tells me nothing.

  5. I don’t know where it came from, nor what it is, but my dog and I both have it and it is everywhere I’m eating canned food and sharing it with my dog and they’re even in my freezer. I’ve had to throw away all of my food twice and so I won’t buy anything except for canned goods unless I get something I can eat right then and there with no leftovers. I just noticed yesterday that it was in my hair, which really blew my mind as I’ve never heard of such a thing and giving my dog a bath just grossed me out so bad, I have diatomaceous earth around my house everywhere on the floors behind all the appliances on the rugs, and, of course, my vacuum crapped out on me! I washed my hair which did not help and then I sprayed Raid directly on my hair! They popped out a little bit to see what was going on but they are still there! I’m just sick about it. I’ve only had it for about a week and now my grandkids won’t be able to come and visit me and that just breaks my heart. I’ve been washing clothes every single day several loads, but I can’t seem to get rid of them. There’s got to be a remedy out there somewhere.

    1. I have this same thing in my hair and my children. It spirals my hair. I have noticed black spots and found they are the eyes of what ever this clear like thing is. I’ve also thrown away a all my fridge and freezer food. My food was infested. My head itches. I use lice shame which helps slightly. I flat iron my hair. I have pics that also looks like there are long worms w a face that has eyes and nose and head shaped like a sperm. I’ve also found some crazy things that I’ve saw on this site as well. It’s so many diff things happening. At one point i had what i believe was pin worms. I used otc meds. I also found lil white eggs infesting my floor that were sticky. I’ve since cleaned like crazy and haven’t seen those again. I wash blankets daily. I have pics – so many pics. I even have a pic of what looks like a damn lizard hatching out of some invading. I’ve Found a weird bug in my hair, a black looking bug that looks like a microscopic mouse invaded in some white cocoon. I know. Sounds like I’m freaking crazy.
      My name is Lisa cudnik. Find me on fb. Anyone that reads this and is going through similar please message me on fb and let’s figure this out. I’ll show the pics.

    2. I have this same thing in my hair and my children. It spirals my hair. I have noticed black spots and found they are the eyes of what ever this clear like thing is. I’ve also thrown away a all my fridge and freezer food. My food was infested. My head itches. I use lice shame which helps slightly. I flat iron my hair. I have pics that also looks like there are long worms w a face that has eyes and nose and head shaped like a sperm. I’ve also found some crazy things that I’ve saw on this site as well. It’s so many diff things happening. At one point i had what i believe was pin worms. I used otc meds. I also found lil white eggs infesting my floor that were sticky. I’ve since cleaned like crazy and haven’t seen those again. I wash blankets daily. I have pics – so many pics. I even have a pic of what looks like a damn lizard hatching out of some invading. I’ve Found a weird bug in my hair, a black looking bug that looks like a microscopic mouse invaded in some white cocoon. I know. Sounds like I’m freaking crazy.
      My name is Lisa cudnik. Find me on fb. Anyone that reads this and is going through similar please message me on fb and let’s figure this out. I’ll show the pics. Dying to get this taken care of. Been to 4 docs and one thought i was crazy n pulled my kids to the side and questioned them and asked if i feed them and if they are safe.

  6. Has anyone noticed it’s ability obscure itself in different types of surfaces such as skillets, counter tops, sinks and or hardwood flooring? I swear when I trim my shrubs/ornamental trees there are tiny hairs entwined within the bark. My soil looks like it consists of little tiny eggs. I pulled up some of my hosta this year and it looks exactly like the photos I see of “root knot”
    I’ve also noticed that after it rains the only worms I ever see in and around my driveway are the black Gordian worms. Usually two of them intertwined together. In February I started noticing what I now know was larvae in my kitchen sink. I feel like it’s everywhere in this house and outside around my home. However, I have also seen the larvae in the bathroom of the largest grocery/dept store in the US. I’ve also seen the works of it at one of the largest chain home building stores. They had extension corner dusters (the one that Is shaped like a blue ball on the end) on display at the entrance, and the fibers on every one of those dusters were literally in knots.
    I have 2 videos were I was able to zoom in close enough to capture this dang thing in action. It most definitely explains how someone’s hair ends up knotted to the extreme. It has made a horrible mess of the carpet in my vehicle. It’s such a shame that we are all on standby until it affects someone that the medical society deems “of importance” before we will ever be taken seriously. If anyone would like to see any of the photos or videos I have of this nightmare you can email me at dj********@gm***.com.
    Best of luck to all of us!

  7. I too have this ‘crawling’ or should I say, sliding around on my scalp. They seem to be everywhere. My cats suffer from the same. I ve been to the Dr and he treated me for acne. Ugh …ive searched and searched for others like me. This is the first time I’ve found the exact same concern. My pics are identical to the one attached to this post. Tea tree oil, deluttuted hydrogen peroxide solution, apple cider vinegar, and fungal shampoos…ive tried them all. While they all seem to help, nothing gets rid of them.. Need oil has held them at bay by far the longest. But I can’t use that on cats. We got rid of our carpeting, I do laundry for everything , all the time. I use a steamer,bleach, tea tree oil, and vinegar to clean my house. ( Never mix any household cleaner with another, it may produce toxic fumes).I’m on my 4th year of silently suffering because previously when i brought this up…i was considered mentally unstable. Such b.s.! Currently I’m taking supplements that help to rid parasites. . It’s not working either.
    If any of you have found out anything new, please let us know. I will do the same.

  8. OK back in the day the doctor would place the patient in a milk bath as it draws the worms out. If these doctors aren’t willing to observe this nor read up on what parasites look like then I think it’s time they retire. This works. Also Ivermectin is not effective on all parasites. The fda just approved q new antiparqsetic for humans in 2021
    I personally want to take bravecto but I don’t know how safe it is. Or I would take it. I read not even a mosquito will bite you. I am very unhappy with the medical workers. We need doctors that have the agenda to protect us put family or coworkers and other members of the community from infectious disease. Instead they love to believe we are stupid. Guess they need to feel better about themselves. You would think they would want to gain our trust during a pandemic. Let’s face it. They are stupid.

  9. Some people call this worms Morgellons. Unfortunately, doctors don’t want to listen patients.
    I also have this problem and I really don’t know how to handle it.

    I am getting alopecia.

  10. So how do you get rid of the mystery larvae from hair like worm mask in human hair and dog.coats also in your household

  11. Hi, iv had this for two & half years, I dread night time, my dog has them also & like everyone else I’m seen as mad, sooo frustrating.
    I’m in the UK England London
    Can you please please still help me ?

  12. Yes they are Horse hair worms larvae and eggs That is exactly what my hair looks like before all My hair fell out. I have been bald for a year They look like your hair but it’s not and they lay eggs and egg strings that’s why all the hair is stuck together. It’s every hair on your body your eyebrows your arm hairs the peach fuzz around the side of your face it is all the worms. If anyone is interested in pictures you can email me at CMT060976 at gmaildotcom still trying to get into see an infectious disease or parasite specialist but it is really hard as all the people that do crystal meth swear they have things coming out of them and now none of the doctors want to listen to us because they lump us in with the people that use drugs. Same with the Sudafed you have to sign it out of the pharmacy with an ID and they look at you like you’re a druggie. Really sad we all have to suffer because of that. I have them so bad I even have a hole in my tongue and I no one comes out of there it’s pretty much a living hell. The other bad spot or my feet all the way across right under my toes I can literally pull out egg strings and larvae out of my feet The other bad spot or my feet all the way across right under my toes I can literally pull out egg strings and larvae out of my feet. There were so many larvae in my bronchial tubes that I had to go to the ER and get breathing tube and I was in the hospital for three days. Yes they affect all pets it’s in all furniture and clothes and if you sit and look outside you’ll see a piece of foliage blow back-and-forth but the only one so if it was really wind it would all be blowing they are hanging of the end of the bushes and grass trying to get to a host. Normally they are in crickets grasshoppers praying mantises and then go to the water when they’re in adult I was trying to figure out how many that we see everywhere but yet they have to be in a host and water did some research found out a professor from New Mexico University discovered a new species of guardian worms or horse hair worm and it is terrestrial which means it never goes to the water. Look up gordius terrestris yes I believe that’s what these are they can be white cream colored brown black normally they all have a white calotte on the tip followed by a dark black or brown band and then the rest of the worm continues in the other color. What freaks me out they look at you they Nictate which is weaving itself around kind of like trying to flag down a taxi they also jump And glide through the air it’s almost too crazy to grasp. If anyone else gets a diagnosis please let us know and I will do the same

  13. Same for me ! It’s been three years. What started with what I thought to be an ear infection has left me deaf in that ear . I suffer with chronic deformity of the same ear . I’m losing everyone I love I feel they along with our family pets are at risk . I m lost. I’ve visited the doctors nearly 30 times a couple specialist several e.r and walk in clinics. I’m thinking it’s possible that this could be an endoparasite type thing. I can say for myself at least that chamomile aloe and tea tree help (not cure) my ailments . I believe this is a nocturnal parasite mainly however in the day or night time it is very difficult to actually depict the whatever from lint or debris fibers or hair everyone feels we are nuts because like me I had nothing to draw from imagine anyone telling you the same things but I pray we all get help . I’ve checked out bird mites as well everything from black ticks to my new thing is this ecto or endo parasites study. Gods best to us all . I wish everyone experiencing this nightmare resolution proper care and insights healing…… I think also apple cider vinegar the kind with mother helps also but anyhow best of luck to us all . At least I know others are experiencing this not that I wish this on anyone but we aren’t alone in it at least there is someone somewhere that understand s

  14. Hey, guys, I at this very moment am going through the same thing!! Everyone thinks im nuts, but they aren’t with me at 2am. Apparently these things are night owls. I’ve tried everything, even ivermectin (docs orders), and nothing has brought me any relief. My dog too also suffers. Any info or advice would me greatly, no imfaticly, appreciated!

  15. I have this Now!!! For Months I’ve been saying something is crawling in My Skin!! No One I mean No One believed Me!! Well tonight I sat down with a mirror, rubbing alcohol magnifying glass, tweasers and a needle. So I put alcohol on a paper towel and wiped it on My face instantly it started burning. Sitting watching and after the alcohol evaporatd still watching I see a little Black dot appear and itching started and this dark hair started coming out further!!! I about Shit Myself thiswoletime I was thinking I was going Mad!!! Dr. First thing in the morning!!! So Grossed out right now! I’ve pulled All of One Eyebrows hair completely out! But Damn It I told Everyone I had Bug crawling under Y skin!!

  16. I have this!!! ITS IS SO F#$%&#@ ANNOYING OMG ! No one believes me, I can feel it coming out of my skin and it drops tiny specks of like a tan sand, I can’t keep it off my face! I’m gonna shave my head i sware to god!!!!

    1. We recommend contacting the Parasitology Center (PSI) at, 480-767-2522, which is run by Dr. Omar Amin. Another resource is Dr. Vipul Savaliya, founder of Infectious Disease Care (IDCare) at, 910-729-6552, who also has a great deal of experience with parasites that affect humans. Each of these doctors will work with people remotely, and neither of them will consider you crazy – they understand that people actually get infected with these things.

      If you want to try to find a local doctor who will understand what you are going through, you can try consulting the directory of the American Society for Tropical Medicine here:

      Good luck!

      1. Thank you for all the information, I really need to contact them I have been dealing with what I thought were mite’s for almost a year, seen doctor s that want me to see psychiatrist just give me meds for anxiety but not any help, I will be in touch with theses guys Monday morning, Thanks again

  17. I have been suffering this EXACT larvae/worm/parasite infestation for 3 months. My dog too! He is currently at an old country vet as the city vets treated his “skin irritations” the same way the ER docs treated me for acne! Really, medical people? Really?
    All you have to do was actually look instead of simply dismissing an uncommon condition.

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