Tiny White Worms in Kitchen Sink Probably Drain Fly Larvae

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We recently heard from one of our readers in the Philippines. She explained that there are some mysterious worm-like organisms living in/on her kitchen sink. She wrote, “sometimes they tend to look like they are almost transparent and they are so small you might barely notice them.” Worms are her biggest phobia and the presence of these creatures is causing our reader a lot of stress. She is unable to do her chores normally or brush her teeth without anxiety, and is generally very paranoid about the situation. She would like to know what these creatures are and how she can get rid of them and return to her normal life.

Since the creatures are so small, we can barely see them in this photograph. However, based on the description our reader provided and the other information we have, we are confident that we know what she is dealing with. We believe these minuscule, almost translucent creatures are drain fly larvae!

Drain fly larvae are extremley common household pests and are luckily pretty easy to get rid of. Our reader should be able to return to her normal life in no time! Drain fly larvae live and breed in the organic matter that builds up in drains, so they are usually discovered in sinks, bathtubs, or showers. Eliminating this grime is the key to getting rid of drain flies and their larvae. To do so, our reader should start by pouring hot water down the drain of her sink and rubbing a metal brush along the sides of the pipe. This will loosen up the grime that serves as a habitat for the drain flies. Next, she should use a cleaning agent designed to kill organic material and a pipe cleaning brush to scrub out the drain. Finally, she should pour plenty of hot water down the drain to wash everything away. If she wants to be extra cautious, she can also use a plunger or a plumbing snake to ensure the drain has no other build up blocking it! Once the drain is clean, the drain fly larvae should disappear since they will have nowhere to live and nothing to eat.

To wrap up, a reader reached out to us about some drain fly larvae that have taken over her kitchen sink. To get rid of these larvae she will need to thoroughly clean out the sink and its drain. In the meantime, our reader should know that drain fly larvae are generally considered to be harmless since they aren’t known to transmit or carry any human diseases.


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Tiny White Worms in Kitchen Sink Probably Drain Fly Larvae
Article Name
Tiny White Worms in Kitchen Sink Probably Drain Fly Larvae
A reader reached out to us about some drain fly larvae that have taken over her kitchen sink. To get rid of these larvae she will need to thoroughly clean out the sink and its drain. In the meantime, our reader should know that drain fly larvae are generally considered to be harmless since they aren't known to transmit or carry any human diseases.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

1 thought on “Tiny White Worms in Kitchen Sink Probably Drain Fly Larvae

  1. Hi. Would you know if which cleaning agent she used to kill organic material? thanks and would appreciate response.

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