Every week we hear from readers who find worms and worm-like organism in their houses. Sometimes we are able to identify these organisms by their appearance alone. However, often times we must rely on clues to figure out what creature a reader is dealing with. A helpful clue is what room in the house the organism is found in. Since different creatures rely on different food sources, we can often figure out what the creature is based on what room it is found in, and what food sources are available in that room. In this article we will discuss some of the common organisms found around a house, where they often reside, and what they eat.
Bedroom or Living Room
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The most common pest we write about is carpet beetle larvae. These rust colored larvae eat animal products (wool, linen, fur, and feathers), pet hair, carpet, upholstered furniture, dust, and other various materials. Since these critters can eat just about anything, readers might find them in any room around the house. However, we mostly hear about readers discovering them in their bedroom and living room. In the bedroom, carpet beetle larvae are often found in the bedding or near the bed. They might eat feather-stuffed pillows, mattresses, or clothing. In the living room there is often upholstered furniture that can serve as a food source. Also, if the bedroom or living room is carpeted, that is another potential food source for the larvae!
Readers might also find carpet beetle larvae in their bathrooms, but more often we learn they have discovered bloodworms and drain fly larvae. Bloodworms (also known as midge fly larvae) and drain fly larvae are often found in the toilet or the sink. Bloodworms and drain fly larvae feed on the organic material that builds up in a shower, sink, or toilet drain. Getting rid of these larvae involves cleaning out the drain and pipe with a cleaning agent specifically designed to kill organic material. While the presence of these larvae is annoying, neither are harmful to humans!
Since there is also a sink in the kitchen, it is possible to find both bloodworms and drain fly larvae feeding on organic matter in the kitchen sink. However, when a reader discovers larvae in their kitchen, the larvae are usually pantry moth larvae (also known as Indian Meal Moth Larvae.) Pantry moth larvae feed on stored grains and other dried foods people keep in their kitchens and pantries. To get rid of these visitors, readers should discard any infested foods. To prevent future infestations, you can buy smaller quantities of food, or store dried foods in the fridge or freezer!
In summary, in this article we have talked about the different worm-like organisms you might find in your living room, bedroom, bathroom or kitchen, as well as what the creatures are feeding on in each of those rooms.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.