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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Black Bugs the Size of “Poppy Seeds” Could be Carpet Beetle Larvae

“My daughter and I both have had a bunch of itchy bumps on our legs and I’ve had a couple on my arms that made me afraid they were bed bugs”, writes this reader in her submission regarding the black bug with a long tail pictured below. “I’ve been digging around nightly but haven’t found any signs of them. Then tonight I saw this tiny thing – maybe the size of two poppy seeds. I have a video too if it’s helpful. We are in New York City. Thanks so much!” To begin with, we want to thank our reader for the photo, which shows us a lot of identifying information about the creature, particularly this tail-like appendage on its rear. The coloration, shape, and this tail tells us that this is likely a carpet beetle larva.

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Stout Bugs with Bristles Appearing Out of Nowhere are Carpet Beetle Larvae

“I have these crawling types of worms/maggots appearing from nowhere on my ceiling/walls in my living room”, writes Billy about the bristly, striped creature pictured below. “They only appear at height and cannot see them emanating from anywhere. They just appear! They seem to be drawn to the brightest points in the room (directly above lamps etc). I’m attaching a few pics (one including my finger for size reference) and the others are zoomed in pics so quality isn’t great. It would be great if you could identify them so I can finally deal with them.” Billy is absolutely right in saying the quality of these photos is not great, and unfortunately that makes it much harder for us to identify the organisms. Given what we can see from the photo, we would like to conclude that this is a carpet beetle larva.

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Worms Facts Worms Found in the House

Striped Worms Found in Air Vent are Wireworms and One Lonesome Carpet Beetle Larva

“What are these?” asks this reader of the creatures he found in an air vent where an old chimney used to be. From the pictures our reader sent us, there seem to be different creatures, one of which is a yellow, segmented, worm-like creature, while the other is a brown-striped, bristly bug of sorts.

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Posted in Carpet Beetle Larvae Pest Worms Worms Found in the House

Striped, Bristly Creatures in Bag of Dehydrated Chicken are Carpet Beetle Larvae

“I found these in a bag of dehydrated chicken” states this reader, kicking off his query with a rather odd, but intriguing scenario. By “these”, our reader is referring to brown and black-striped worm-like creatures with long bristles extending out from their bodies, all of which vary in size.