Pink Worm in Nose Needs a Medical Professional’s Opinion

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“This came out of my nose”, writes this reader regarding the pink matter pictured below. “What is it? I am in Whittier, CA.” More context than this is not provided, but in any case, we will not be able to identify this worm, given the nature in which it was found. Since it came from our reader’s body, it is possible that this is a medical situation. Since we are not medical professionals, we are neither qualified nor legally able to identify organisms that potentially could be negatively affecting a human’s health. That said, what we can do is point our reader in the direction of some resources she can use to get a medical professional’s opinion.

On top of that, we wanted to address this case because we wanted to explore the possibility that this is not a medical situation. Naturally, we cannot confirm or deny if this is one, but we can nonetheless speak hypothetically. We still advise that our reader consult a medical professional, as only they will be able to tell our reader if it is something to worry about. We specifically recommend that she consult a medical parasitologist, as they specialize in identifying and treating problems caused by organisms.

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To find a medical parasitologist or other health care provider who can actually help, our reader can do one or more of the following:

– Visit our parasite care resources page here:

– Search for a medical parasitologist in Whittier, CA using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:

– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist Whittier, CA” or “tropical medicine specialist Whittier, CA”.

Now, if her physician concludes that this is not a parasite, or some other worm-like creature that could be negatively affecting her health, then we think it is possible that this is something harmless that crawled up her nose. Although it is not common, it is not unheard of for some creatures to crawl up people’s orifices when they sleep, in search of shelter. It’s not a pretty image, but it is a possibility. For example, the earwig has, in a handful of cases, crawled into people’s ears, even though its reputation for doing so is overblown. Unfortunately, we would not know exactly what kind of creature this would be, as its body-shape is so irregular that it does not look like any worm-like creatures we are aware of. With that said, even if a medical parasitologist says it is not an organism to be worried about, our reader may still wish to consult a medical professional if she is concerned about her health as a result of this.

To conclude, we cannot say what this is that came out of our reader’s nose. Her best bet is to consult a medical professional, if not a couple. We hope this helps, and we wish her the very best!

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Pink Worm in Nose Needs a Medical Professional's Opinion
Article Name
Pink Worm in Nose Needs a Medical Professional's Opinion
"This came out of my nose", writes this reader regarding the pink matter pictured below. "What is it? I am in Whittier, CA." More context than this is not provided, but in any case, we will not be able to identify this worm, given the nature in which it was found. Since it came from our reader's body, it is possible that this is a medical situation. Since we are not medical professionals, we are neither qualified nor legally able to identify organisms that potentially could be negatively affecting a human's health. That said, what we can do is point our reader in the direction of some resources she can use to get a medical professional's opinion.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

3 thoughts on “Pink Worm in Nose Needs a Medical Professional’s Opinion

  1. I myself have been tormented for years , to the point where I got rid of all my furniture accept a leather recliner that I would sleep in for I I wash my blankets everyday and wife off the chair, I turned up the hot water tank a million degrees, for hot water kills stuff,right? In 2018 I fit bit while asleep on my couch it swelled and got a red line up the arm , we dr gave antibiotics… ok bug bite . Then everyone broke came down with head lice , me being the Hairsresser” in the family got to treat everyone’s hair, well my head was another story I’d treat it , comb it and save samples , one night I used Nair to rid the fuzzy hair from my neck and cheeks and well I ended up with 33degree burns then to the dr in the am with My hair saturated with stinky Weed” (marijuana) oil that was wrapped in a turbin for I was protecting it from whatever this is that ensues me , well the dr gave me cream for the burns and when I showed her my samples from my head she said they were bed bugs … I had all stages of shit in my head , so I’m like treating the house again and never do I see a bed bug , only waxy crusty things that don’t move , or white splashes like paint black ones as well , and under microscope they always had a tip for a tail and was attached to thin hair or silky web , . I’m still fucked up over this, excuse my French but damn , I’m also very curious and need to no more , I have a ton of pictures that I can share , I would love to speak with someone . Please help me understand

  2. It’s a parasite called the walking dandruff. It’s a rabit mite that dogs and cats can get and transfer them to humans. They are highly contagious and nerve wreaking. They have 5 stages of life and that one is in the 3rd. They live for up to 35 days. Get as many samples as you can and take it to your doctor and tell them to look for rabbit mite matter.

  3. I too have been experiencing what I believe to be a colony of parasites . Such a, skin, blood and the free_living parasites which bite. I’m discovering more
    and more damage inside and outside of my body. I’ve been to doctors who actually had no idea what to do for me. Also Doctors that told me No way can I help you just from the first word I said. Last attempt for me was an E.R. that actually had me escorted out and off the property by our local police. I’ve never been worse. My condition is disabling me and destroying my family. Someone please help me.

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