Gray Worm-like Critter Found in Shower is a Drain Fly Larva

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“What type of worm or larva is this?” asks this reader about the dark gray worm-like creature pictured below. “Found in the shower. Location in northern Alabama. Thanks!” To start with, we want to thank our reader for taking such a clear picture: it really helps us get a quick grasp on what the organism might be. In this case, we think this is probably a drain fly larva. Not only does its physical characteristics match that of a drain fly larva, but the location in which it was found also makes sense. As their name suggests, drain fly larvae are usually found in drains. This is because the mother fly will lay her eggs there, specifically on the thin film that forms in drains that are not regularly cleaned.

Drain flies and their larvae are not harmful to humans. Even though they writhe around in filth, they do not carry diseases or pathogens. Likewise, they do not sting, bite, or secrete toxic fluids, and they are not parasitic. That said, infestations of them can still prove to be a nuisance. Mostly because it is unpleasant having dozens of worms roaming about one’s bathroom, but also because, as their numbers grow, they can clog up a drain pretty well. The reason they would clog up a drain is because it is the decomposing organic matter in the drain that they feed on.

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None of this is to say that our reader is definitely experiencing an infestation, but it is likely, considering that lone larvae do not usually spring up from a drain. As we said, the eggs are usually laid there. So, assuming that our reader is experiencing an infestation, what we recommend doing is moving any roaming larvae outside, preferably to a place that is damp, and cleaning her drain properly and scraping away the organic film. Likewise, cleaning one’s drain regularly and continuously scraping away that film is key to preventing infestations, so our reader will want to make sure she keeps up with that; this will also help eliminate and control the current infestation.

In conclusion, we think that the dark gray worm-like critter our reader found in her shower is a drain fly larva. These creatures are not dangerous, so our reader does not need to be concerned for her health, though they can infest one’s bathroom and prove to be a nuisance. We hope this article proves helpful, and we wish our reader the very best!

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Gray Worm-like Critter Found in Shower is a Drain Fly Larva
Article Name
Gray Worm-like Critter Found in Shower is a Drain Fly Larva
"What type of worm or larva is this?" asks this reader about the dark gray worm-like creature pictured below. "Found in the shower. Location in northern Alabama. Thanks!" To start with, we want to thank our reader for taking such a clear picture: it really helps us get a quick grasp on what the organism might be. In this case, we think this is probably a drain fly larva. Not only does its physical characteristics match that of a drain fly larva, but the location in which it was found also makes sense. As their name suggests, drain fly larvae are usually found in drains. This is because the mother fly will lay her eggs there, specifically on the thin film that forms in drains that are not regularly cleaned.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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