Tag: black worms in shower
Clear Worm with Black Markings in Sink is a Drain Fly Larva
“What is this?” asks Jennifer in her submission regarding the semi-translucent worm with black markings pictured below. “I found this in my bathroom sink while brushing my teeth. It was wriggling near the sink drain. The picture is magnified several times.” We think Jennifer has found herself a drain fly larva, and it is quite incredible that she captured it in such detail, especially considering the photo is magnified. These guys are really tiny, and to the naked eye they just look like little black worms, so we commend Jennifer on the excellent photo! Neither drain fly larvae or the mature flies are harmful to humans, though they can prove to be quite the nuisance.
Gray Worm-like Critter Found in Shower is a Drain Fly Larva
“What type of worm or larva is this?” asks this reader about the dark gray worm-like creature pictured below. “Found in the shower. Location in northern Alabama. Thanks!” To start with, we want to thank our reader for taking such a clear picture: it really helps us get a quick grasp on what the organism might be. In this case, we think this is probably a drain fly larva. Not only does its physical characteristics match that of a drain fly larva, but the location in which it was found also makes sense. As their name suggests, drain fly larvae are usually found in drains. This is because the mother fly will lay her eggs there, specifically on the thin film that forms in drains that are not regularly cleaned.
Little Tiny Black Worms in Bathtub are Drain Fly Larvae
“We found these little tiny black worms in our bathtub and was wondering what they are,” states this reader in his submission. From the pictures he sent us, we can see that the worms look more brown than they do black, with horizontal stripes running along their bodies and dark tips at either end.
Little Black Live Worms in Shower are Drain Fly Larvae
Little live black worms have been appearing in this reader’s shower, who has “cleaned & cleaned & cleaned” in an attempt to get rid of them, to no avail. She wonders if we can tell her what the worms are and how to get rid of them.