Black Worm on Ceiling Could be Millipede

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“I found these on the ceiling of my staircase and wanted to know what this is”, is all Niko writes in his submission regarding the black, worm-like creature pictured below. Now, sometimes we do not need a lot of context if the photo provided is good enough. Unfortunately, the photo Niko sent in is quite blurry, and the photo only gets blurrier the more you zoom in. For that reason, we can’t make out any identifying information about the worm other than its color and general shape, and so we will not be able to provide an identification that is certain or accurate. All we can do is provide some educated guesses.

Based on its shape and color, the first thing that came to mind were millipedes. Millipedes are those creatures with dozens of legs on the underside of their body that many people find creepy, if not disgusting. In our opinion, their reputation is unfortunate given how much they contribute to the environment. Like earthworms, millipedes are detritivores, which means that they feed on decomposing organic materials (like rotting leaves, faeces, and dead bugs). And just like earthworms, they not only clean up organic waste, but they return that waste to the earth as nutrient-rich droppings which act as fertilizer.

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Millipedes are able to climb walls and ceilings, and the reason why they typically invade homes is because the climate outside has become too warm and dry, while they prefer a cool and damp environment. For that reason, they usually go into people’s garages and basements. To keep millipedes out of one’s home, one should ensure that one’s home is kept warm and dry, that any sizable cracks in the walls and floors are sealed (using caulk or something other sealing agent), and that any piles of organic debris are moved away from the side of the home, and out of the yard in general (eg: leaves, rocks, twigs, and the like).

In conclusion, we can’t say for certain what it is that Niko found on his ceiling. But, given its coloration, shape, and ability to climb on ceilings, our best guess is that this is a millipede. When threatened, they may secrete a foul-smelling toxin that could irritate the skin, but other than that, they are harmless, and should not be killed. We recommend moving it outside. We hope this helps, and we wish Niko the very best.

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Black Worm on Ceiling Could be Millipede
Article Name
Black Worm on Ceiling Could be Millipede
"I found these on the ceiling of my staircase and wanted to know what this is", is all Niko writes in his submission regarding the black, worm-like creature pictured below. Now, sometimes we do not need a lot of context if the photo provided is good enough. Unfortunately, the photo Niko sent in is quite blurry, and the photo only gets blurrier the more you zoom in. For that reason, we can't make out any identifying information about the worm other than its color and general shape, and so we will not be able to provide an identification that is certain or accurate. All we can do is provide some educated guesses.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

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