Black, Thin Worms Found In and On Body: Medical Consultation Advised

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“I have black, thin worms and clear ones all over and in my body”, writes this reader in their submission regarding the white organism pictured below. “Can you help me identify these? The doctors say they are not there. There are also long thin clear white ones. Thank you so much.” Right off the bat, we will need to inform our reader that we will unfortunately not be able to identify these worms. The reason for this is because they have explicitly stated that they have been found inside her body and that they have consulted a doctor about them. As such, we have to assume that this situation is potentially medical in nature, and because we are not medical professionals, we are thus neither qualified nor legally able to identify such worms.

With that said, we will still help our reader in the way that we can, which is to point them in the direction of some medical professionals who will be able to identify these worms and provide the help they may need. Whenever any of our readers come to us about worms they find inside their bodies, we always recommend that they speak with a medical parasitologist. It is not uncommon for people’s primary care doctors to not be able to identify such creatures, as they typically do not receive training in that area: that is likely why our reader’s doctor said they were not there. It is unfortunate that this is the case, and past readers have even been ridiculed by their doctors, solely because they are not able to identify their issue.

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So, the reason we recommend medical parasitologists is because they specialize in identifying and treating health issues caused by organisms. They will take our reader seriously and provide the aid they need and want. What we can recommend is that our reader do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in their area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants:
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at

To conclude, we are unfortunately not able to identify the worms our reader is asking about, because of the fact that we are not medical professionals. We wish we could help more, but we hope that the resources provided will come to use, and that our reader is able to get the help they may need as soon as possible. We wish them the very best!

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Black, Thin Worms Found In and On Body: Medical Consultation Advised
Article Name
Black, Thin Worms Found In and On Body: Medical Consultation Advised
"I have black, thin worms and clear ones all over and in my body", writes this reader in their submission regarding the white organism pictured below. "Can you help me identify these? The doctors say they are not there. There are also long thin clear white ones. Thank you so much." Right off the bat, we will need to inform our reader that we will unfortunately not be able to identify these worms. The reason for this is because they have explicitly stated that they have been found inside her body and that they have consulted a doctor about them. As such, we have to assume that this situation is potentially medical in nature, and because we are not medical professionals, we are thus neither qualified nor legally able to identify such worms.

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Author: Worm Researcher Anton

13 thoughts on “Black, Thin Worms Found In and On Body: Medical Consultation Advised

  1. So I have all of those issues that everybody speaking of and I live in Canada so Canadian doctors think that we don’t get parasites does anybody know in Canada what I can possibly do to get these tests done and retested and retested as it takes a great deal of time to identify and most of the time they don’t see anything I had one sample stool sample done and of course that came back negative

  2. Has anyone been able to get any answer, or a definite possibility. I’m dealing with this too have been for a over a year. Does anyone else occasionally get a stinging sensation from your hair while taking a shower.

  3. Me and my husband have been dealing with these since 2018. We were diagnosed with a microfilarea infestestation by a family doctor but he didn’t treat us. He referred us to several infectious disease doctors that refused to take our case. After that he referred us to the Mayo Clinic that declined to take us because they told us that they were only accepting patients with gastrointestinal parasites. We are in the Fort Worth, Texas area.

    1. My husband and I have them too. It outrageous how many are in a drop of my blood. I have diabetes also so I believe that’s why my infection is so much worse than my husband’s. On top of that, I’ve started to find very flat, unsegmented worms that look to be ribbon worms. I’ve reached out to a girl who studies these at the University in Tokyo.

  4. Hey, I also have these nematodes , I just now pulled one from the corner of my eye . I have thousands of images and video, since I have had this for 17 plus years. What MMS Did or do you use, and what settings on zapper, please . ,Please let me know, I’ve given enough, hair, teeth, mind, please..and thanks

  5. Amazing!.. I responded to the 2015 article first then found this….

    Finally! Recently within our social group there has been a discussion and a diagnosis of worms, albeit our diagnosis only confirms that indeed we do have something that resembles a parasitic nematode but have been unable to find any photo that matches exactly to what we are finding UNTIL NOW.

    Is there any possible way I could to speak to the person who submitted the photos and or the author of this post? Our pictures are identical

    1. I am dealing with this same thing for over a year now. Sores everywhere, affecting my cognitive function, edema in leg, and seeing them more and more around the house as I “shed” please email me to discuss further. Much appreciated! *In California

    2. Me and my husband have been dealing with these since 2018. We were diagnosed with a microfilarea infestestation by a family doctor but he didn’t treat us. He referred us to several infectious disease doctors that refused to take our case. After that he referred us to the Mayo Clinic that declined to take us because they told us that they were only accepting patients with gastrointestinal parasites. We are in the Fort Worth, Texas area.

    3. @william, I also have detailed pictures of this EXACT “worm”. If you would like to see the pictures, please email me.
      In ontario

  6. To me it looks like Morgellons. I had it myself, and was the start of a nightmare. It is basically nano technology and should be destroyed with MMS and zapping. You may believe me or not. It is a well meant advice. It took me long time to figure out, it is a stigmatized and hidden disease.

  7. That looks like what I get in my hair and smaller thread under my nail. Possible horse hair worm. I cut my hair all off and will be going to a dermatologist in a few weeks.

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