Recently, a woman in crisis reached out to us with her story, saying she had been seeing transparent worms crawling under her skin and around her eyelids. In addition to this, she said she had also found dark, threadlike/fiberlike worms under her skin that she could pinch to see move, and that she could even pull out.
Before we get into the body of this article, it is vital that we address the fact that we are not medical professionals. For this reason, we will not be able to provide any medical advice, nor will we be able to identify the worms with any certainty, as these worms could be a number of things. Not to mention that our reader seems to have two separate problems going on simultaneously. Our reader has stated that she will be scheduling a doctor’s appointment, and we encourage that she do do this immediately. She fears that the doctors will think her crazy, but we wish to assure her that no medical professional should judge their patients for any issue, so this should not be a concern.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
However, if she does find that she is not satisfied with her doctor’s appointment, for example, if she feels she did not receive an accurate diagnosis or proper treatment, we can recommend researching and consulting a parasite specialist in her area that could more accurately identify her issue; she can do this by searching for either “infectious disease physician (name of her city)” or “travel disease physician (name of her city)”. Additionally, she may want to contact the Morgellon’s Disease Foundation, as they may provide alternate explanations for her issue.
Furthermore, our reader continued to explain that she experienced symptoms of itching around her scalp. At first she thought these were lice, but none of her family saw anything when checking her head. In this area alone can we assure our reader of something; these are not lice. Lice solely reside on the head, are not transparent, and do not bury under one’s skin. She adds that she has been using tea tree oil and that it has helped, but that her symptoms get worse at night. Again, as this question is one of a medical nature, we cannot provide any certain identification.
The dark, threadlike worms remind us of horsehair worms, a topic we have covered before, but we cannot not be sure that these are what our reader has found, especially given the fact that these were discovered in conjunction with another species of worm that seems to be completely different to these ones.
We apologize to our reader for not being able to provide much aid in terms of identifying her issue. We hope that since she first contacted us, she has been in contact with her doctor, and that this has been, or will be resolved efficiently and smoothly.
In conclusion, as we are not equipped to diagnose our reader’s problem, given that we are not medical professionals, we are not sure about the identify of these —what seems to be— two species of worms. As previously stated, we encourage our reader to book her aforementioned doctor’s appointment, and perhaps consult a parasite specialist, as well as the Morgellon’s Disease Foundation.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
The internet appears to run wild with this particular set of symptoms. It may be advantageous for the medical community to begin identifying the root cause as morgellons is akin to a ideas box.
I have a well documented chronology of something similar that involved one death, one stroke, person undergoing rapid transition to schizophrenia, two animal death, and more with the span of 2 years.