Tag: wood worms
Yellow Worm in Dead Wood is a Wood Boring Beetle Larva
“What is this yellow worm that was found in dead mesquite wood when turning it on a lathe?” asks this reader about the wide-headed, worm-like creature pictured below. “It was about one inch long. There were probably 20 of these in a piece of wood, about one square foot big . The wood came from central Texas.” To start with, we want to thank our reader for the excellent photo she sent in, as well as the context; both of these factors together greatly contribute to making our job easier. With this information in hand, we can more efficiently identify the creatures we are asked about and answer the questions that our readers have!
White Worms with Broad Heads Found in Log are Flatheaded Wood Borer Beetle Larvae
“What is this?” asks this reader about the white worm-like creatures with wide, flat heads pictured below. “I found them in a wood log.”