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Posted in Caterpillars Worms Facts Worms Generally

The Difference Between Cabbage Tree Emperor Caterpillars and Mopane Caterpillars

“Is the cabbage tree emperor worm the same as a mopane worm?” is all this reader asks in his submission. He does not attach any pictures, but we will provide ample description to make up for the lack of visual information.

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Posted in Caterpillars Garden Worms Worms Generally

Spiky, Black Worm-like Insect on T-Shirt is an Immature Caterpillar

“I found this worm-like insect on my t-shirt” says this reader about the black, spiky creature in the photo below. Although our reader provides no more context than this, we will do our best to identify the creature, or at the very least provide some helpful tips regarding the discovery of worm-like creatures such as this one.

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Posted in Interesting Worms

A Spiky Caterpillar with an Orange Stripe

A very helpful reader wrote to us in reference to an article we published last year. It was an article about what a curious reader thought was a worm, but was in fact probably a caterpillar based on the physical description we were sent. The caterpillar was long, thick, and spiky. It was also primarily black, although the caterpillar had white dashes on its body and an orange stripe down its back. The reader who more recently wrote to us sent us a picture of what seems like the same caterpillar. We didn’t have a picture of the spiky caterpillar in the old article, so the reader sent us one. Thanks!