“I cannot help but see all these things that I have never seen before in the twenty years we have been here”, states this reader about the plethora of organisms and strange things she has been finding throughout her home. “Please help me to know what we have in our house as well as on my body. We have had inspections for insects and for mold and were told we have neither”, continues our reader in her submission, which is ripe with context (which we always appreciate).
“My husband thinks that, since we have been told we have no insect or mold, I am crazy and need to let it go. As I am the one and only housekeeper, I am the one to see the changes taking place, and I know my house very well. I know I was sane when this started and can only hope I still am, because this has become a life-consumer and I am ready to go berserk if I cannot at least find out what I am battling here.”
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
“The first thing I noticed was a discoloring of the white woodwork and wooden floors. Then, the hardwood floors have a lot of separating and blackening, as well as some white areas. Next was a slime on the shower walls when cleaning, which moved to the other wall. Also the plaster walls started getting holes and cracks and I guess it was about this time that my scalp was itchy and sticky (yup pretty gross). Things progressed from there and now the once beautiful home is starting to look like a war zone.”
“My floors always have things on them, even after vacuuming. The walls look dirty and the woodwork looks like we did a poor job of putting silicone on. I have pictures and pictures of odd things and lots that just look like lint lots and lots of lint balls. The wood floors seem to have things in the separations, and my dresser, that is only a few months old, has many white worm things and round things that I am hoping are not eggs. Please help me this has gone on much too long.”
Now, given that these organisms have affected our reader’s scalp, and she reports that they have been on her body, we will unfortunately not be able to identify these organisms. This is because any situation in which organisms are on or affecting someone’s body is potentially medical in nature. Since we are not medical professionals, we are not qualified, or legally able, to identify such organisms. What we can do is point our reader in the direction of people who are qualified to diagnose and treat such organisms.
We recommend that our reader consult a medical parasitologist, as they specialize in this field. Primary care doctors and ER doctors typically do not receive training in this field, and previous readers have had bad experiences consulting their primary care doctors about parasite concerns. To find a medical parasitologist, our reader can do one or more of the following:
1) Search for a medical parasitologist in their area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
2) Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
3) Get in touch with Dr. Omar Amin at the Parasitology Center at https://www.parasitetesting.com.
Additionally, when it comes to the eggs and worms she has been finding around her dresser, we advise that she keeps that area well-vacuumed and the clothes in that dresser washed at high temperatures, as this might help combat the potential infestation she is dealing with. On top of that, when it comes to the stuff that resembles white mold, it might be worth getting a second opinion from another mold expert if she is still concerned about it, as both white and black mold are dangerous to live with. That said, we commend our reader on already taking the steps she found necessary to try and identify and combat these organisms.
To conclude, we are unfortunately unable to identify these organisms as it may call for a medical professional’s help. Nonetheless, we hope that the resources and the advice proves helpful, and we wish our reader and her family the very best.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
Omg, pretty sure I’m going thru the same. Some are sort of “fish like” shape? If so, I’m plagued with the same, ny body- skin, I’m urinating something, in feces, under and around nails, in my home… maybe it’s the egg all the way through, the entire life cycle. But whatever it is, I’ve been going nuts for years and nobody has ever believed me. I’ve had skin reactions as well. I’ve been called crazy, delusional, etc. I know I’m not hallucinating, nor do I have the creepy crawlers. But I do kmow that one can be a breeding ground for more. So I’ve seen other things too. I’m glad I’m not alone, but wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’ve thought I had morgellons at one point, and maybe thought hyoerfocusing bc I see it everywhere. I’ve done so much research and I can never ever find the right pictures of anything. I’ll check back here to see if anyone ever posts anything. Best of luck!
I have the same . No answers yet the Dermatologist just said I probably had lice and is a leftover from it after treatment. I’m looking to go to a doctor that can see that in a microscope does anyone got an answer? Mine is only in ny head. Not body or house.
I’m going through the same thing for 3 yrs now. You can hardly see them and you have to really focus to see them. I have them in my hair , eyes and on my skin to where I have sores. My left foot is terribly swollen bcuz of infection and when I go to the er they say I have meth mites that I’m hullucinating and that’s bull. They bite and if I use peroxide my body on the inside feels like its on fire. I’ve wasted hundred of dollars and still cannot get rid of them. My family thought I was crazy till my son seen one and he finally looked at me and said Mama you’re not crazy. I almost went to jail at the hospital bcuz they would even look or take a specimen. I’m ready to throw the towel in and on top of that my daughter is pretty sure she has them two. Help in South Carolina.
I’ve, been dealing with either same or something like, I almost went after my Aunts Medical license after she failed to find anything and I’ve continued to get worse, thought it was old Apartment lived in, moved, and now they are all over the new place. I’ve tried the Dr Amin parasite cleanse and almost every other thing, seems like literally nothing kills them. I am completely saturated with them, they ate my septum and caused a hole in my nose. I would produce and blow out just the most disgusting things out of nose. With a tech camera or whatever used to zoom; I have black dots being shot out of my skin constantly. They literally seem to be able to penetrate any type of material.
Have completely changed my skin,has green Hugh, none of the wounds on my skin completely heal, they basically ruined my life over last 4/5 years or so. I only listed all that to try and let you know, your not alone, I tried every home remedy or whatever, I’ve been going to a extremely well known specialist connected to CDC, they use alternative testing based on method think created in Germany where they use their hands and oils to test me. 1st time, Oh yea do this, take this, limit your diet, and so on. Went throw to second time, was instructed to take entire bottle of Prazaquentril or the medicine used to kill the eggs combined with Ive done Albenzol, along with other. Took 24 pills in one day of supposed some at least not normal chemicals and I was expecting to feel sick like they say, gets worse before better and feeling sick is body getting rid of. I felt nothing.
I’ve studied and studied and studied, watch every frame thousands of times of thousands of videos, Please here me
You are NOT CRAZY, your story had details that connected with mine on a # of fronts. I am the person who has a phobia of this stuff as well and I’ll cut or whatever I have to, to get something out if I know and can feel it. Former high level athlete, only mention, as I know my body and know when it’s not right
I remember the day it hit me in stomach; and I just knew something is wrong on a different level.
Do you crave sugar? I know we all do but I mean like can down entire thing of ice cream and it’s like didn’t even happen, boxes of cookies, almost never enough. I stopped drinking water like I used to.
I am sorry if this is coming off the wrong way. I’m just trying to spread INFO and thinking if someone hears what I’ve been through, still battling, maybe it can ease their thoughts of going out of mind, didn’t sleep for almost week, haven’t slept same in years. I was called EVIL by my family cuz I won’t just deal with it.
Promise I have positive news as well!!
It’s called HUMAWORM, I am in No way shape or form connected to this medication. Forget the company that makes it but just google and you can find. They make a variety of different products. After doing multiple doses of traditional meds like Albenzol/Praza,
2+ courses of Dr Amins World known Parasite cleanse and them charging $150 for shipping alone.
Finally, one doc recommended Humaworm
After bt week or so, I kid you not they were just melting off my face and everywhere else, before I was in so much pain/agony, felt like skull was too small for brain, especially If was hot or like in gymnasium, every time I come home feeling sick.
I watched my hair and scalp move around like movie effects or something and watched all these random white hairs not gray white just disappear, swelling in different parts got so much better!!!
I’ve done 2 rounds and it was truly the best I’ve felt and as result looked in long long time, they have topical cream that was like something that used after shower and after it dried, I swear to you it was like I felt my own skin for first time in years! I’ve felt like a slime feeling and I sweat randomly, or used to. Hasn’t happened in while.
I had excess weight of like this mass around my mid section just melt away. So even if we not dealing with exactly the same species or whatever as might know there is more then think they can even count and that gives the very few doctors who even attempt to try and work in this field, it gives them the ultimate out or excuse. If you literally don’t walk in with fresh sample or do what I did. I
Cut something out right in front of them.
Also shaved my beard and dropped hair in water right in front on them
Doctors always will think they smartest in room; and NO NO NO, I mean I have the # is depressing as I wish was doing or recording something else.
And it could be clear as Day, where Stevie Wonder himself would say, WTF is that, we need to fix that, the Doc s will say some BS, have several in my family. Don’t care, most are like that. We are in the worst medical system I’m not gonna be completely ignorant and say in the world, so many have it worse. But in this area. You are the only one who will fight, advocate, really any positive word can think of,
At this place and I just told them, I’m not leaving until I’m better.
I will keep coming back, they at least are open to working through things, I’ve had teeth pulled cuz they said a toxic tooth could cause it, I’ve been put on anti psychotics. Well he attempted; said to help you sleep. Yea that not going down.
I’ve had the oh well you smoked this or that back when and that can cause hallucinations,
It’s all just Bs, you might have to work through a list of there recommendations but say it in the beginning.
If I’m not better we can do this or that
ALSO FIND OUT DETAILS ABOUT EVERY SINGLE TEST, scan or whatever that they do, verify exactly what they are testing and why. As might know cuz if you don’t test for specific antibodies given off by whatever your looking for
Then the damn tests are useless
I known for years, eating habits changed as said, but my waste was just wrong well got tested said, you’re all clear.
I swear to you it’s taken to get to worse point, where I’ve literally recorded, white, black and bloody things either flailing their way out of or just around so clear as day that Mr Wonder could verify that as well, my waste and urine eventually got to point where they were shooting these black specs on side of toilet that are larvae I mean seriously what the hell else are they. But had one doc 1 week, go oh yea, said that’s NOT RIGHT, 2 weeks later armed with even worse examples where the damn things are clear growing from waste flailing around, with the black specs and he mumbles some things and says oh yea that could be toxins your body is getting rid of, I was so taken back and while deciding either to ? Him, walk out or hurt him. I just realized, they human especially these days, nobody really wants to work even the slightest bit over the required and in this field especially cuz you have to do some real testing to nail it or confirm your right. If it’s not a clear as day case. I will let you know I have those clumps of or flakes of skin that looks like goo or dried glue with either red green brown orange tint and black hair like worms for lack of exact term. I’ve had them and found them literally everywhere cd think if. The horrible thing is often, it takes someone to get so bad then they react to some symptom or whatever and then they realize, how much they could have saved if just truly listened, No matter how crazy the symptoms, at that point both Doc and patient usually wd give anything to get back and they can’t fully.
Don’t give up
Your Not Crazy
Try Humaworm
And I’m going to try and one of their meds they have it all I promise, I would be happy to take pic and send it to you of my 2 bottles and a pic of that cream I mentioned it’s all in my fridge. Please reach out any time if any of this was useful
Oh and my new apartment had new flooring but not permanently set. They build up pushed the floor boards apart. Can share pic anytime. Just to confirm
I at least can understand, doesn’t have to be exactly the same. Oh so I’ve documented the ones I’m dealing with. Literally cover floor to ceiling, can zoom in and looks like clear things moving through solid objects. But they gather in the corners of floor and ceiling first. But are hidden by this clear/white film. My there are black mostly looks like solid black line in middle of clear body or Green masses as well. But then mine have spread, they have completely covered all molding entire place then they eat through bottom parts of door molding, use phone camera or a zoom camera app and I have ones that have burrowed into walls. And they also will have cacoons that look like hole in paint but it’s not. And this white film or white dots are over entire floor entire walls and entire ceiling might see like a green radiant if color keep zooming and at the right distance or angle, you will see the black hairs all over walls, specs of white that shine sometimes, or the cacoons and in corners especially.
So I am actually going to doctors over the next 2 days because now the things that have been under my skin that look green or reddish. That always have these white things with black dot as marks and then black line as arm or flagella or whatever I’m trying to say.
All of what you’re going through is real.
It’s of course not your fault.
Don’t let any MFer who isn’t empathetic or going through it also tell you anything different.
I was thank god starting therapy for something completely different but if I hadn’t
I can’t put into words when you try and explain to someone or you think you have clear evidence or sample or something
And they make the simplest dismissive comment. Oh yea or it’s just dirt or it’s just mold or your fighting something that’s going around
Or you enjoy video taping your waste and countless horrific globs of stuff that come out of your nose. YES I LOVE DOING THAT.
IM at point where it’s undeniable something else is wrong then what they thought OR tried to think up.
Mine will grab fabric that brushes up against my skin
It’s so horrible and over last day or so. Seems like all have just decided they coming out of my skin. And when I used Humaworm
Doc said great so all is being treated bud said
No it’s great because All it did was show how idiotic most of the actions have been by this place that takes my $ instantly and it proved ALL I was trying to tell you the entire time. Oh my last point was trying to explain was Now my big ? Is. Ok Humaworm helped to an extent. But it’s not curing me???
How do we find and go after the cause or main body, But on top of that. How do I clean my entire living space, every piece of clothing, they ruined all the inventory I have for my business, the are in almost every hair follicle of mine and just spread or reproduce AND I want complete disinfection!!!!!
Oh and clean or replace furniture.
So sorry if none of this helped or it didn’t make sense I just wanted to try and convey how not alone you are and I know I’ve found many of the things in one of your pics. If ever want to run anything by me or ask ? Or see pic or verify my use of Humaworm or cream.
Please just shoot me an email at
Name is Luke id be happy to do anything I can to make even 1 day or night better.
The CDC/Alternative medicine Doc/Institute I’m going to is called the Chung Institute of Medicine
Very sorry if this wasn’t helpful and I wish you a full recovery and full health soon.
Touch base anytime
(Whenever I have them on/in/coming out of skin or scalp, it itches like nothing ever felt before.
Oh my goodness, I have this same thing happening to me for 2 yrs now
Thousands spent with no relief,lost my job, my brand new truck that’s 3 yrs old now has been overtaken and I don’t even like to drive anymore. My house smells like a chemical plant from all the disinfectant and cleaning products I use constantly just to feel like I can sit or sleep in my own space without having tons of these things all over me. I’ve lost my friends because they said I was crazy, I don’t smoke,drink,or do any type of drug, I don’t even drink soda. I do crave sweets like crazy especially ice cream which I never used too prior to this happening to me. I just wish I knew what ot was and the professionals knew so I could get treated and have my life back.
if anyone has answers please help
I have parasites in my hair and they crawl all over my body I have scabies going in and out of my elbow I have parasites in my rectum and in my vagina They are constantly breeding Something has taken over my garage I am scared to go in there again because what ever it is it goes straight up in my vagina Something is running out of my rectum constantly I have to mop everyday because if I don’t I feel something off the floor crawling back up on me I can’t see them I only feel them My family thinks I am crazy I am going to a doctor but nothing he gives me can kill the parasites in my rectum The permethrin cream don’t work either
I have to say I cried reading this because I have been going through this since march 2022. My family has almost turned against me they think I am crazy. My 6 year old has seen everything an they think I have made her believe it is true. I have lotst so much weight an nobody to help me find out what it is . my home is a war zone also I have kept everything I have found. I can not eat at home because my food is contaminated an also I do believe I have parasites. Please help…. I am about to go off the deep end over this. I have had to get rid of slot of stuff due to they are getting everything nasty with like a brown dusty powder an also going through an eating it away… I was told by ut I am maybe dealing with marine type species… I can relate to this woman very well.
I’ve been going thru the same thing ..lots of lesions on scalp and back, but people think I’m just paranoid. Even sprayed my scalp with bug spray on a bad bite day..and still they dont stop. I’ve been told they could be no-see-ums.
Gnats or fungus flies and fleas have larvae that cocoon in lint and debris. They can lay eggs on your skin. Spray your home with Permethrin, you can buy it online and put it in a garden sprayer be sure to spray under all furniture and take the cushions off your soft furniture and spray the whole furniture.