Our reader’s description of these worms is pretty spot on, “They are little cream colored worms with brown heads.” He has two questions he would like us to answer. First, what are these creatures? Second, are they safe to eat?
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All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
Hi. .. please forward to. Teri anne scott. You are not crazy. These are a tiny mite that bind/attack together. Unless you are allergic to them they will not hurt you and it is strange and funny to see all these things moving around. What’s freaking me out are BREAD MOTH LARVE. I am finding these now in just about all the bread,pastry , biscuits. Guess they can look like worms and or more like horned flat worm and can pretty be pretty big. People think I am nuts.
I’m not sure how old this post is but I’m having the same problem . Exactly to the T. I have no animals but I’ve thrown out $200 wiorth of food. Had my sprayer twice. Had my carpets professionally cleaned and the company that cleaned saw them but after that when I had my stool sample sent to the lab I plainly saw Worms and these little white larvae . The results from the lab were late and came back negative. I could go on and on.
I understand about cleaning out the pantry to get rid of the moth eggs, but how do I actually kill the larvae? they are not attracted to the traps, but I want to kill them before they become moths. They are crawling all over my pantry ceiling
I think I found worms in my ham and bean soup. The beans I bought that same day at the grocery store
I thought i had moth infest but then all i mean all my cloths have them (almost ) looks a caterpilar moving through the clothes…all the food has something in it. But the couch and hard wood started to move….my dogs hair as it fell ssomething somehow was attaching to it and making a weird insect from it…. No one beleives me…and my hair which i thought had lice but treated 3 times…was still actually moving and making out those shapes and if i let it go long enough it almost looks like a nest…its best i can describe it..NOBODY believes me and it nips at me when im on the couch and stings my feet when i step on the hair . i have video and pics but they always say it must be something else…i want to leave the house and if i do than do i bring them with me? Ive also seen in my stool and a few weeks ago i got tested (resuls shoud have come back 3 days but took 12 days and they said nothing)i dont know where to go and dont know what it is …my husband is in denyial and wont let me get a exterminator. If you can help a bit id fall to my knees to thank you. Thank you
Teri anne scott