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Posted in Earthworms

Clear Worm in Toilet is an Aquatic Earthworm

“I found this worm in my shower”, writes Diana about the thin, translucent worm in a toilet pictured below. “What is it? I have attached a photo and a short video. Thank you.” Upon zooming in on the photo, we can see that the worm is indeed a clear white color, with dark patches along its body, which we assume to be its entrails that are visible through its skin. There are many species of worms that resemble this one, and without much context, it is hard to pinpoint just one species. That said, the video Diana sent in is excellent, and very helpful – it shows us that the worm has to wriggle about to move, meaning it does not have legs.

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Posted in Earthworms Segmented Worms Annelida Worms Facts

Long, Red Worm Found in Bathroom After Leak is Either an Earthworm or Bloodworm

“I found this in my bathroom where the water is leaking from the water sprayer”, states this reader in her submission regarding the long, red worm-like organism pictured below. “When I was cleaning the bathroom I found the first one. I asked my family to get rid of it because, frankly, I can’t stand worms or insects anyways. They did get rid of it and I thought that this was over with, but apparently not because today I found another one in the exact same place. I am so very concerned as to where it came from. Any help you could provide would be very much appreciated. I’m from Iraq. I don’t know if my country has any factors that could lead up to this, but just in case you needed that info. Thank you in advance.

spotted snake millipede
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Posted in Interesting Worms

Semi-Transparent Worm with Spots is a Millipede

The images of a nearly transparent worm with spots one of our readers sent presented an interesting challenge. Two of…

earthworm in shower
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Posted in Earthworms

Earthworms in the Shower?

A reader wrote to us recently about some worms that she found in her shower. As she notes, they look like earthworms, but they are “smaller and thinner.” The reader is uncertain how they ended up in her shower, but she offers some speculation: they might have come from the drain, or she might have brought them in herself, maybe in her hair, as she took a shower after taking a hike. Our reader is wondering what she found, and she is also wondering if she should be worried about the worms that turned up in her shower.