Worm Near Toilet is Probably Earthworm

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We recently heard from a reader in India! This reader recently moved into a new house where he discovered some worms in and around the toilet. He is very worried for the safety of his kids and wonders if these worms are harmful to humans. He said the worms are thin, reddish, and are more present during the rainy season. He sent us a video and we took a screen shot and made the image the featured image, so you can see what the worm looks like. The picture is quite dark, so we will have to assume that the worm is reddish, as it is too dark to see any color.

We believe that this is likely an earthworm! Several factors went into our decision, including appearance, discovery location, and environment. Earthworms are segmented, and they are often reddish-brown colored. In the photo, we think you can see the lines that indicate segmentation on this worm. Earthworms usually live underground in moist soil, but they must evade the soil during heavy rains because it is too saturated. This is why people sometimes find worms all over their driveways and sidewalks after it rains. Sometimes these worms find their way into a house through the plumbing system, or by getting dragged in accidentally. If the worm got into the house unintentionally, it likely sought out the bathroom because it needs moisture. This might be why he found some of the worms in the toilet. However, it is also possible that there is a leak in the pipes that the earthworms are entering in through from the soil. Since it sounds like he has found worms like this more than once, this could be the issue. He should contact a professional plumber to look into fixing the problem. Earthworms are not harmful, so our reader doesn’t need to worry about his or his family’s safety.

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To summarize, a reader found some worms around his bathroom, specifically in the toilet. We thought these might be bloodworms since he described them as red colored, but we settled on earthworms after seeing the photo of one of the creatures.

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Worm Near Toilet is Probably Earthworm
Article Name
Worm Near Toilet is Probably Earthworm
A reader found some worms around his bathroom, specifically in the toilet. We thought these might be bloodworms since he described them as red colored, but we settled on earthworms after seeing the photo of one of the creatures.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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