A reader recently reached out to us because she thought she might have accidentally eaten a worm. She explained that she ate a chocolate candy that had been sitting on her counter for a long time. When she opened the second chocolate candy to eat she saw a worm coming out of it. She didn’t notice a worm in the first, but thinks she might have eaten one inadvertently. She has two questions for us. Is there any chance that the worm will grow in her intestines? Would she have any symptoms if that were the case?
She didn’t describe the worm, so we don’t know for sure what we are dealing with. We assume we are dealing with some sort of moth or fly larvae, most likely pantry moth larvae! Pantry moth larvae (also known as Indian Meal Moth larvae) are common household pests that feed on a wide range of dried food items found in a kitchen or pantry (including chocolate!)
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So, if our reader accidentally ate a pantry moth larva, what would happen? In all likelihood, absolutely nothing. A pantry moth larva would be killed by her stomach acid and should pass through her without causing any harm or symptoms. Pantry moth larvae also don’t carry any known parasites or harmful pathogens. Other than being grossed out, our reader should be totally fine! However, if she is experiencing symptoms or is truly worried about her health we encourage her to seek out medical attention immediately since we are not licensed to give medical advice!
To conclude, one of our readers thinks she may have accidentally eaten a worm-infested chocolate candy. She was worried about the worm growing inside her or causing symptoms, and we informed her that it will likely pass through her system without a hitch!
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.