Tiny Black Worm Discovered in Candy

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We recently heard from a concerned mom about a worm she found in her kids’ candy. She said they accidentally ate the lollipops before they noticed the worm, and now she is worried it might be a parasite. She didn’t include the brandname of the aforementioned candy.

She sent a photo of the worm on her finger, which emphasizes how truly tiny it is. It is about the size of a pencil eraser, thin, and black.

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When people find worms in their food, they are often small white maggots, which don’t at all resemble the organism in the photo. We unfortunately cannot determine what this little worm-like organism is. It doesn’t resemble any parasite we are familiar with, and is likely some type of larvae. However, we aren’t parasite experts and if our reader is worried about the health of her children we urge her to bring them to a medical professional to be examined and treated if necessary.

To conclude, a reader asked us to identify a minuscule black worm that was unveiled in her children’s’ candy. Although we don’t believe this is a parasite, we are unable to identify it.

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Tiny Black Worm Discovered in Candy
Article Name
Tiny Black Worm Discovered in Candy
We recently heard from a concerned mom about a worm she found in her kids’ candy. She said they accidentally ate the lollipops before they noticed the worm, and now she is worried it might be a parasite. She didn’t include the brandname of the aforementioned candy.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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