Pictorial Worm and Larvae Identification Guide

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Below are pictures of worms and larvae that have been submitted by our readers. These pictures are of the most common worms and larvae we are asked about, so if you are trying to identify a worm or larva, you may well find an identical creature in the images below. If you still are unable to identify your worm or lava, please send us a picture and we’ll do our best to help you.

Beneath each photo is the name of the creature in the picture. If you click on this caption, it will take you to an article that contains more information about the pictured worm or larvae.

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BSFL by battery
Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Horsehair worm in pool
Horsehair Worm

worm in toilet
Moth Fly Larvae


Of course, we have received many more pictures from readers than those shown above, but we sometimes have difficulty identifying creatures in images with a high degree of confidence. So, in this guide we only provide pictures of creatures that, one, we can positively identify and, two, are common enough that multiple readers have asked about them. This is obviously not a comprehensive guide to worms and larvae, but it should help people identify some of the most common worms and larvae.

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1 thought on “Pictorial Worm and Larvae Identification Guide

  1. Thank you so much for the free information about the Black Soldier Fly larvae. I was quickly able to identify the critter that I have been finding in my home. It is huge in size, and alarming to see. Turns out it’s harmless and very beneficial. Great site. Thanks again

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