Larvae Squirm Around Toilet Bowl Brush Holder

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A reader recently sent us a photograph that shows dozens of tiny worm-like organisms wiggling around in her toilet bowl brush holder. The holder is completely filthy, but she explained that the brush and holder were clean two weeks ago. She keeps them right next to the toilet. She wants to know what these creatures are:

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Although we don’t have a great view of these creatures, we can tell that they are some type of larvae. We believe they are probably drain fly larvae, but we can’t confirm this with 100% confidence. Drain fly larvae feed on organic waste and are often found in toilets. They are also small and white like the creatures in the photo. Even if these aren’t drain fly larvae, getting rid of them will require following the same steps.

To say goodbye to these larvae our reader can either throw out the toilet brush and holder, or she can properly clean them. To clean them she should fill a bucket with hot water and add 2-3 capfuls of bleach. She should let both the brush and holder sit in the bucket for at least an hour, and then rinse them with hot water. After using the brush in the future, she should always spray it with disinfectant and rinse it with hot water before placing it back in the toilet brush holder. This will prevent future larvae infestations! Our reader might also want to clean out her toilet to prevent other drain fly larvae from making a home in her bathroom. She should use a pipe cleaning brush and a cleaning agent gel designed to kill organic material. The grime that builds up in a toilet is what drain fly larvae breed in and feed on, so getting rid of it will solve lots of larvae-related problems.

In summary, one of our readers sent us a photo of her larvae-infested toilet brush holder. We believe these larvae are drain fly larvae. She should clean the brush and the brush holder in order to get rid of these specimens!

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Larvae Squirm Around Toilet Bowl Brush Holder
Article Name
Larvae Squirm Around Toilet Bowl Brush Holder
One of our readers sent us a photo of her larvae-infested toilet brush holder. We believe these larvae are drain fly larvae. She should clean the brush and the brush holder in order to get rid of these specimens!

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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