Dark Worms on Cat

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One of our readers discovered lots of extremley small dark “worms” on her cat and bed. She wrote that she believed the creatures were dead, but then thought some of them might still be moving, and therefore might be alive. She sent us a photo to analyze. The photo shows a piece of toilet paper (we think) as a background and some tiny black dots on the white surface.  The only things we can confirm from looking at this photo is that the worms are dark (probably black) and very tiny.

Unfortunately, we can’t determine what these worms, or worm-like organisms are. There isn’t enough to go off of from the photo, and the reader didn’t provide any other details. In the past, we have heard from readers who have found carpet beetle larvae near their pets and in their beds. Carpet beetle larvae feed on animal hair, and also eat blankets and bedding, so finding the larvae in this location adds up. However, although we do not know what type of creatures are featured in the photo, we can definitely rule out carpet beetle larva. Carpet beetle larvae are bigger than the tiny specimens in the photo, and they are a rusty-orange color.

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Since our reader found these on her cat, we think they might be fleas. Fleas are common parasitic insects, and their preferred host is a domestic cat. If our reader suspects that her cat has fleas, she should take her cat to the vet to be checked out. The vet can provide answers to any questions she may have, as well as provide treatment options if the cat does have fleas.

To summarize, a reader found some tiny dark specimens on her cat and bed. We weren’t able to figure out what they were from the photo, but we have a hunch they could be fleas. We recommend our reader take her cat to the vet if she is concerned!

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Article Name
Dark Worms on Cat
A reader found some tiny dark specimens on her cat and bed. We weren't able to figure out what they were from the photo, but we have a hunch they could be fleas. We recommend our reader take her cat to the vet if she is concerned!

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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