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Posted in Interesting Worms

Small Gold Worms in Florida

A reader wrote to us about some small gold worms in Florida that reportedly bite. (More precisely, they are “a hard gold color,” although we’re not sure what the adjective “hard” adds to the color description.) The reader didn’t indicate she had found any of the worms (perhaps explaining why no picture of the worms was submitted), nor did she mention anything about the worms causing her distress or irritation. Indeed, her question was a mere sentence long, consisting only of a straightforward plea for information stripped of any other context. So, what are the small gold worms in Florida that bite?

Posted in Interesting Worms

Worms That Look Like Fish

We have received a lot of interesting questions about worms – that’s just what happens when you manage a website that invites reader questions about worms – but the query we were emailed recently has to be one of the stranger ones to ever arrive in our inbox. Here is the question: “I have a worm that looks like a goldfish. Very unusual looking. Can you tell me what this is?” A simply worded question, to be sure, but its simplicity belies the difficulty of answering it. A worm that looks like a goldfish? Huh? We have never heard of such a thing. In fact, we have never heard of any sort of worm that looks like a fish at all.

Posted in Interesting Worms

Furry Worms that are Black, Gold, and White

We recently received a very straightforward question from a reader: “I found a worm, it is furry, black, gold and white. What is it?” While direct and simple language has its virtues (think of Hemingway), it can make worm identification difficult. Regardless, we’re always interested in investigating a worm-related question, so we’ll try our best to identify this multicolored furry creature.