“I have the same worm in my house as this woman does in this article”, writes this reader in her submission. We do not know which article she is referring to, but we will nonetheless relay the rest of her story: “It can eat through walls, porcelain, wood, linoleum, tile, glass, and humans. My house is infested. My family and pets are all sick. And my research says that, based on our symptoms, it is some sort of fluke worm. But I can’t get any tests to come back positive for any type of worm, which I guess is normal for this type. They basically have to be tested while they’re still alive, which is absolutely impossible. I was wondering what type of specialist you were referring to in the article to get them out of the house. Because I can’t find anyone that deals with parasites. Not to mention the fact that you only get treated like you’re crazy.”
The portion of this submission that we want to address is the one where she refers to worms that can “eat through walls, porcelain, wood,” and more. Now, as far as we know, there are no worm-like species that can eat through all of these things. There are certainly no worms that eat porcelain, linoleum, tiles and glass, though there are indeed worms that chew through wood and walls (provided the walls are wooden). But, there are no worms that eat walls and are also parasitic to humans. That said, woodworms (a type of wood-eating beetle larva) have been known to contract parasites that are harmful to humans. However, since woodworms do not bite or sting humans, the only way for them to pass on this parasite to humans, would be via ingesting the woodworm and/or its faeces.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
Now, our reader has written more, which we will include below, but we want to preface this section by stressing that nothing that she writes should be construed as medical advice. She is not a medical professional, so her descriptions of the organism, and specifically her descriptions of what constitutes a fluke, are merely descriptions of her own subjective experience. Likewise, we are not medical professionals, and so we are not qualified or legally able to identify the “parasites” or “fluke” she refers to. Instead, we can only recommend that she consult a medical parasitologist. To find a medical parasitologist, our reader can do one or more of the following:
– Visit our parasite care resources page here: https://www.allaboutworms.com/get-medical-attention-and-tests-for-parasites
– Search for a medical parasitologist in her area using this directory of medical parasitology consultants: https://www.astmh.org/for-astmh-members/clinical-consultants-directory.
– Search for a local parasitologist by doing a Google search for “medical parasitologist (name of the closest big city)” or “tropical medicine specialist (name of the closest big city)”.
The rest of her story is as follows: “Any help and information would be great. Even though the CDC does recognize fluke worms, these do not fit all of the criteria. They seem to be a sort of hybrid or mutation, or a new subspecies of the fluke. These are somehow produced through insect larvae. But the insect itself is microscopic. They also can live inside and outside the body, obviously. They start out as eggs, then become larvae, and then become small, hairlike worms called filaria. Then they go back into the body and become a big worm. Then the male and female worm get together and become a fluke inside your body. I need help please, any help at all. I have quarantined myself and I am not able to see my kids, because I know the house is infested and I am infected. I don’t want anyone else to get sick. If you take the time to sit and watch them, they will start moving, and eventually when they get bigger, they can jump so far that it appears they are flying. And that is when they will enter the human or the animal through the skin to start growing into a fluke. I will do anything to get some help.”
In conclusion, we are not qualified or legally able to identify the worms that have been negatively affecting our reader’s health, since we are not medical professionals. However, when it comes to the worms that have been eating through the wood in her home, it is possible that she is dealing with woodworms, or some other type of wood-eating pest; without pictures, it is impossible to say which kind for sure, as there are a lot of different species of wood-eating pests. We hope this helps, and we wish our reader the very best.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
I am dealing with the exact same thing and now disabled, on disability, Medicare, Medicaid and every Dr simply refers crazy or seeing things psychosis, Morgellons, etc. I cannot even find a primary to treat me anymore and I have hundreds or thousands of samples found throughout the day and I clean all the time!!! I recently got but on knee and ankle, got x-rays and see something floating so assuming I may have another. I cannot even walk and I am only 49, used to 10 years younger than my age but lost all my hair and everywhere that will not heal. I lost my house and almost everyone I had a six figure income with long straight light hairbptior, now, my head is covered with black spikes, the pain is relentless.
Would love to connect with someone that understands.
You could be writing my story…8 years, diagnosed with Lyme by a caring PA just so I can get meds.. Your not crazy, none of us are, we’re victims of some nastyness that for some reason the CDC won’t help with . It took them until 2012 to acknowledge morgelleons as not delusional… Hair that bites and stings, fibers of all colors that aren’t fibers at all but worms, tuffs of what look like lint that turn out to be worms/parasites…. Impossible for an average mum who is very very clean and follows excellent hygiene practices to have this ridiculous cocktail of bugs, worms, parasites so coming out of my body with no explanation other than”crazy” …I had a week known dermatologist”lose” my samples and then RUN DOWN THE HALLWAY AWAY FROM ME SCREAMING IN MAKING HER WORSE OH GOD, I’M MAKING HER WORSE… SERIOUSLY!! I in my possession what “jabbed” me when all this started so many years ago and thru much research have come to a theory that I’m being experimented and reported on to no less than 2 research centers and these ever growing, self replicating, rna,/DNA specific entities are the first samples injected and tracked, researched and reported on… The findings I’ve experienced are very similar in some and EXACT in others to that of the nano particles(parasites that aren’t parasites) now being discovered in COVID-19 vaccines.. Also found in the blood samples and clots of deceased covid patients and also of those who received the vaccine… Just very very recently also found in the blood of UN vaccinated humans… Bio weapons.. And we are the lab rats .. Want proof…I have it… Look up Karen Kinson and follow the researchers, physicians, scientists and now attorneys who are disclosing and fighting back.. This is only one of many who have dug deep Regardless of what they are called and/or threatened with for disclosing their findings… Truly this is one of the worst attacks on human kind to date… Sorry if I sound dramatic or drama filled but… The answers to what we need are available now, many of us don’t have time to wait on law suits so please.. Let’s deal with what’s really happening…. We’re being smothered with parasitic bio weapons and all that’s being accomplished is helping the perpetrators gather research…. Check Brighteon. . Quite a few reliable, non conspiracy theorist, intelligent, legit researchers with evidence backing this up… Good luck to you.. I’ve been fighting for 8 years with everything I can get at the farm store, doctors office, cleaning supply, law& garden section and frequency generators to boot… I’m still here… Terrified of what appears to be happening to my body… For me I feel I’m being cocooned and/or rotting from the inside out… I’ve never ever imagine the amount and variety of disgusting CRAP coming from my body. And no, I’m not nuts… But I’m very imformed and fighting back… Literally for my life.
OMG, Mary, I seriously was thinking about the same what you just wrote down. I can see these things on hospital floors too all around. I even mentioned to my friend that its the same thing i saw in the mask. So what can we do???
Omg this sounds so much like what me and my 6 yr old grandaughter have been going through and of course are told I’m crazy or on drugs from my kids. We stay sick and I’m 57 and just had open heart surgery and think because my body Is actually invaded that it could be the cause or at least contributed to my mind cro valve needing replaced when it vw never had any heart problems. I have videos of them leaving a shirt I was soaking in the bathroom sink to going to through it. Pics galour. And they are of different sizes and colors. After the 5th trip to the hospt emergency room about my feet a Dr drained a big green thing that covered my heel to send off to test about a year ago. Strange thing is, those results were lost. It is so frustrating and you start believing that maybe you are crazy but No I’m not. I’ve literally been looking day after day for answers to all these creatures worms or parasites or flukes now for 2 years. It consumes so much and d my life. Seeing I need answers to know what to do.
I feel you , just know you’re not alone!!! You’re not crazy nor delusional. There are thousands of us that are infected!! They can’t keep it hidden forever! I woke up this morning at 4 am consoling my 3 year old baby girl while she was crying in pain from her stomach. She has schistosoma mansoni from all 4 years of doing research scientific article after scientific article. I cry a lot as I see my beautiful family decline day after day. My 3 year old has barely eaten a bite in about 3 days now. No other symptoms. I know shes packed full of the MF. My 4 year old yesterday pooped out dome yellow things with black string looking things that were literally crawling along the edge of the water in the bowl. Keep your Faith in the Lord for theres not much else at this point
Hello, I haven’t been on this site in a while for multiple reasons regarding how life has been going for me and my family especially lately….I just so happened to think about checking it out today just in hopes that someone out there knows something…anything at all. I read your post, and God works in mysterious ways. I’ve been very broken over all this for quite a while, but please if you have time and would like to message I’d like to exchange some info with you about all this. Thank you for your time, and all we can do is just continue praying about whatever this awful thing is that has tried to consume our lives. God bless ?
This sounds exactly like what we’ve been dealing with in the last 2 homes I’ve lived in. Had mold inspection in last house, positive for two types of toxic molds, but there’s more to it than that. I’ve literally seen worm like things in a SNOW GLOBE after moving into the first place (nothing was in the glove before.) how is this possible!? Mold or worm?