Worms on Kitchen Counter are Carpet Beetle Larvae

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We heard from a reader who recently moved and found some “worms” on her new kitchen counter. She wants to know what these specimens are and how she can get rid of them. Based on the photo she sent us, we know the creatures are small, brown, and have tiny hairs covering their bodies. Here is the photograph so you can see for yourself:

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We instantly recognize this creature as a carpet beetle larva! Carpet beetle larvae are probably the most common specimen that we write about here at All About Worms. The larvae are common household pests that feed on a variety of things around a home. They eat upholstered furniture, carpet, linen, and dust. They also feed on animal products such as wool, feathers, fur, and felt. When none of these items are available, they may resort to eating crumbs and dried food.

Since our reader discovered these larvae in her kitchen, we think they are probably feeding on crumbs, dust, and other small particles that have collected on the counters. She mentioned that she recently moved, so perhaps the carpet beetle larvae were feeding on furniture from the previous occupants. When they left and took everything with them, the carpet beetle larvae might have moved into the kitchen in search of a new food source. We recommend that our reader clean her kitchen thoroughly to get rid of any remaining food source and unhatched carpet beetle eggs. She should vacuum, do laundry, sweep, and dust to ensure all traces of these annoying larvae are gone! If she finds these larvae in other rooms of her house, she will need to clean all of those rooms thoroughly as well and get rid of any items that show signs of damage.

To end, one of our readers discovered small brown worm-like organisms in her kitchen. We believe these creatures are the common household pests carpet beetle larvae.


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Worms on Kitchen Counter are Carpet Beetle Larvae
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Worms on Kitchen Counter are Carpet Beetle Larvae
A reader discovered small brown worm-like organisms in her kitchen. We believe these creatures are the common household pests carpet beetle larvae.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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