Worms in Nose Causing Discomfort

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We just got a pretty graphic and shocking question from one of our readers. We will omit many of the details for the sake of other readers, but we will still address her problem.

Basically, our reader has thin worms that are similar to horsehair worms in her nose. She has tried many medications and herbal remedies over the course of 6 months but cannot seem to get rid of them. She said she has been in contact with dogs, cats, chickens, horses, and mosquitos through her job and lives in North Carolina.

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She sent us a photo of one of the worms she was able to extract. We can’t say much about it other than it is a dark color and has a round head with a longer body.

While we wish we could provide some relief to our reader, we are not medical professionals and cannot offer any advice. We urge her to go to the doctor immediately to seek attention for these worms. We hope she is able to make a full recovery and find some comfort and relief.

In summary, a reader wrote to us about some worms that are using her nose as a host. We are so sorry that our reader is having such a rough time with these worms, but we are unable to help in her situation. We strongly suggest she visit a medical professional as soon as possible.

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Worms in Nose Causing Discomfort
Article Name
Worms in Nose Causing Discomfort
We just got a pretty graphic and shocking question from one of our readers. We will omit many of the details for the sake of other readers, but we will still address her problem.

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Author: Worm Researcher Dori

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