If you want to learn all about Worms Armageddon cheats, you came to the right place! Before we discuss Worms Armageddon cheats, please continue reading to learn more about the game.
Worms Armageddon is a video game for all ages. It’s a battle game that allows the player to command “worm armies” to do battle against unsuspecting worm enemies. The game is also comical in a sense, because the worms smile quite a bit and they use silly antics to get the job done.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to annoying video or ad pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.
The worm armies in Worm Armageddon use standard weapons and secret weapons to stun and defeat the enemy. Worms Armageddon standard killer weapons include: Bazooka, mortar, homing missile, air strike, napalm strike, baseball bat, battle axe, blowtorch, cluster bomb, dragonball, dynamite, fire punch, flamethrower, grenade, handgun, shotgun, minigun, kamikaze, landmine, longbow, mortar, petrol bomb, prod, sheep, suicide bomber, uzi’s, and more. Secret weapons are usually dropped in crates during gameplay so you never know what you’re going to get!
You can play Worms Armageddon online by downloading a free trial or you can order the full version. Of course, the trial does not include all features. Full version features include:
·Unlimited play on up to 5 computers – you own the game.
·Instant activation so you can play right away with no additional downloads required if you have the trial installed.
·No shipping, waiting or CD-ROM necessary.
·48-hour money back guarantee.
·Get qualified in the training course and unlock 43 single player missions! (Each single player mission completed will unlock that landscape for use in normal game play.)
·Play the computer in Deathmatch Challenge where you will be given a rank based on the number of games won over time.
·Play against other people on your computer, over a network, or on Wormnet Internet Play. Set alliances with other teams, tweak landscapes, weapons, worm numbers and a ton of other options for the best gameplay.
·Create your own maps with the powerful and flexible game editor.
If you would like to download a trial version of Worms Armageddon click here. To download the full version, click here. If you would like to learn more about Worms Armageddon, visit the official Worms Armageddon website at http://wormsarmageddon.team17.com/.
About Worms Armageddon (from the official Worms Armageddon website)
ARMAGEDDON: The last battle between GOOD and EVIL on the day of judgment. WORMS: Sneaky little blighters with a bad attitude who couldn’t care less about any day, let alone the last one!
Now, open a new can of Worms! It’s the biggest, it’s the best. And it’s packed full of goodies (and baddies!) Whether it’s Single Player, Multi-player or slithering across the Internet, Worms Armageddon includes a multitude of features and play modes. This is the peak of perfection in ultra-fun. THE BEST WORMS GAME EVER.
Worms Armageddon enhances the original award-winning gameplay with barmy new weapons, game-enhancing new features and much improved single and multi-player gaming modes. Experience the worldwide IRC-style network WormNET, which makes playing online easier and more accessible.
Martyn Brown, development director at Team17 informs, “Worms has such a cult following that even after Worms 2, more ideas and requests for a sequel just kept flooding in. We decided on an all guns blazing, totally over-the-top game incorporating everything that’s ever been asked for and more.”
Worms Armageddon Cheat Codes: Training Cheats, from The Gamespot, www.gamespot.com
Basic——————————–Blood Mode
Sheep——————————-Aqua Sheep
Crazy——————————–Crates Sheep Heaven
Rifle Range—————————Super Shotgun
Artillery Range————————Super Grenade
Euthanasia—————————-Super Longbow
Mission Cheats
Unlockable—————-How to Unlock
Laser Sight—————–Get Silver or Gold on mission 4
Jet Pack——————–Get Silver or Gold on mission 8
Fast Walk——————-Get Silver or Gold on mission 13
Invisibility——————-Get Silver or Gold on mission 16
Low————————Gravity Get Silver or Gold on mission 20
Indestructable Landscape—Get Silver or Gold on mission 25
Banana Bomb—————Get Silver or Gold on mission 33
Weapons in cheat menu from The Gamespot, www.gamespot.com
To earn the weapons in the cheat menu you can edit the amount of time you have in a training mission, allowing you to earn a gold medal in that mission and unlocking a new weapon. Open your worms directory and enter the Mission directory located in the Data directory. Open the Training##.wam files using a text editor and under [options] locate the TurnTime=## field. Instead of the number specified there enter a larger number for example:120 and when you play the right training mission your timer will be increased.
Worms Armageddon Secrets – The Gamespot, www.gamespot.com
Any Weapon In Training or Mission
Open your Worms folder, then go into the Mission folder. Right click on any one of the missions and open with notepad. Press ctrl + f to find “human team”. Near there you will see the weapons setup, it will appear like this: “Weapon=Quantity”. Enter a weapon and a quantity (-1 is infinite), and when you go to that mission you will have the specified quantity of the weapon you chose.
All About Worms is always free, always reader-supported, we don't subject you to ads or annoying video pop-ups. But it does cost us money out of our pocket to keep the site going (nearly 20 years so far!) So your tips via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal are appreciated! Receipts will come from ISIPP Publishing.